126.   But the pleasure-in-anal violation of the heterosexually conservative 'sodd*** pricks' must be distinguished, all the same, from the antipleasure-in-anal violation, the antilife-in-death, of the homosexually radical 'sodd*** pricks', whether of the parliamentary left or, beyond parliament, in the state totalitarianism of a social democratic resolve, the sort of Antichristic resolve which would reduce the world to the purest dirt and ultimately most barren working-class wasteland imaginable, a wasteland that would make even certain forms of 'shit' appear productive and life-affirming!


127.   No, it is abundantly obvious that these more radical idiots are simply a symptom of democratic 'shittyness' in general and not a solution to it; for they would reduce things still further, even below any earthy-dirty relativity that still clings, no matter how paradoxically, to liberal democracy and prevents it from falling into the sodomitic cesspit of political absolutism.


128.   The life-in-antideath affirmers of the earth are still, it must not be forgotten, far from honourable or respectable in their life-subverting pleasure-seeking 'fuck*** prick' recourse to male-oriented contraceptive heterosexuality, but they are less bad, less low, in their liberal/puritan relativity, than the 'sodd*** pricks' of the democratic socialist or social democratic Left who would reduce the world to antilife-in-death homosexuality and make even the life-in-death anally-oriented heterosexuality of the conservative Right, or those who would paradoxically appear to be conserving heterosexuality within a state-hegemonic context, appear a plutocratic crime against the People.  Such abysmally low 'shits' are frankly beneath contempt, and they should be exposed and judged accordingly!


129.   For you can come back from the earth, even from the liberal bisexual 'take' on it which does not invariably entertain the dirt of anal violation.  But from the dirt as such there is no return, no possibility of redemption, and therefore only a more complete death than that typifying the life-in-death of their liberal counterparts.


130.   But for those who are not so 'down to earth' that they cannot return from the 'pit of shit' into which they have so ignominiously dug themselves, there is the prospect, ever open from the sinful 'piss' of bureaucracy, of the redemption not merely of the earth in water but of earthy-water in air, and of theocratic liberation from the world in the heaven-revelling gaseousness of the Beyond, of the triadic Beyond, of 'Kingdom Come', and thus of the social theocratic solution to liberal theocracy which lifts things ever higher, towards ever more godly and heavenly peaks of eternity.


131.   And because 'Mother Church' yearns for such a transcendence of its nonconformist limitations in bureaucracy, it is ever open to the prospect of salvation and an end to the world of death-in-life which keeps the Faithful on their sinful knees and precludes the attainment of that grace which is no mere liberally ecclesiastic antideath-in-life reward for confessional contrition, but the Eternal Life of otherworldly redemption. 


132.   Verily, 'fuck*** cunts' can rise relatively above their 'pissy' limitations and achieve that gaseous redemption which is the reward of 'snogg*** bums'.  But those who transcend the bureaucratic-theocratic axis altogether ... achieve something more, and for them there is no way back to 'Mother Church' but only the infinite progress of 'Father Centre', the purer gas of 'Kingdom Come' which applies to a context in which, in Social Theocratic vein, 'snogg*** bums' are the rule and 'fuck*** cunts' the exception.


133.   For until that becomes the case there can be no Heaven in Space, no definitive heaven, but only a paradoxical heaven in mass, heaven in the watery aspect of the world which must continue to bow before sin as before a 'fuck*** cunt' mean which is to bureaucracy what the punishing mean of 'sodd*** pricks' is to democracy, world without end.


134.   He who corresponds to a Second Coming, to a Messianic destiny, to God in some provisional sense of representing, in his teachings, religious sovereignty to the world, cannot be in favour of the world, whether with a bureaucratic sinful bias or a democratic punishing bias; for he is primarily concerned, in his Messianic resolve, with theocratic grace, and his 'Kingdom' is accordingly not of this world of sin and punishment, still less of the netherworld of autocratic crime, but primarily of the otherworld of 'Kingdom Come' which would take theocratic grace to a new level of timeless bliss such that was independent of worldly criteria, and thus of bureaucratic restrictions.


135.   This otherworld of a more evolved theocratic grace can only come to pass via Social Theocracy, which is to heaven what Social Democracy is to the earth, only a lot higher and finer, in every sense of the word.  For it is not about the reduction of earth to dirt, of pleasure to antipleasure, but about the elevation of air to heaven, of happiness, or antihappiness, to bliss. 


136.   Thus it is as far removed, in People's terms, from the 'shit' of Social Democracy as it is possible for anything nobler to be; for far from closing down in a dead-end of homosexual personality, or antipersonality, it opens up to an endless life of unisexual universality, in which not 'sodding' but 'snogging' is the sexual metaphor for everything that unfolds to the greater contentment of God-in-Heaven.


137.   But for Social Theocracy to stand any chance of coming to pass, in such otherworldly vein, the world will have to allow a paradoxical election, on the part of the People, for religious sovereignty, and the possibility of rights in respect of 'Kingdom Come' which such a sovereignty would confer.  


138.   Now such a paradoxical election would only be more likely to come successfully to pass in a context of democracy which, with 'sodd*** cunt' implications, was more deferential to bureaucracy than to one that wasn't, and which was therefore of a secondary state order of democracy which had been designed with the primary church order of bureaucracy in mind, so that the interests and aspirations of 'fuck*** cunts' took precedence both over itself and anything likely to undermine the status quo from a politically irrelevant or ethnically extraneous point-of-view.


139.   Now since the 'fuck*** cunts' of church bureaucracy are all the time praying for deliverance from their sins in respect of the grace of church theocracy, it stands to reason that the secondary state can become the ideal vehicle whereby such an aspiration may be brought to a more conclusive heavenly realization, and precisely by allowing for the paradoxical election whereby a primary church people opts for religious sovereignty and the prospect of deliverance from their sins by utilizing the secondary state to that end, thereby determining whether or not the world is to be overcome in the interests of otherworldy redemption in 'Kingdom Come'.


140.   For it is only in a context which affirms religious sovereignty that steps can be taken to approach life from an eternal perspective and establish the necessary framework whereby sin can be transcended by grace on a much more permanent and lasting basis, a basis owing little to prayer and a lot to a synthetically artificial mode of transcendental meditation that will tie-in with the overall cyborgization of life for which religious sovereignty would pave the way, ensuring that both man and woman were 'overcome' in and through God, and that Heaven accordingly became the true end of life for all eternity.


141.   Therefore it is primarily in relation to a secondary state order of republicanism affiliated to a primary church order of catholicism, as of secondary corporeal work to primary corporeal play, that such a paradoxical election, which I have long equated with Judgement, can stand any chance of viably coming to pass, and with it the possibility of a new order of life commensurate with Eternity. 


142.   For the thrust of bureaucracy is towards theocracy, the bureaucratic-theocratic axis confirming this on worldly, or religiously liberal, terms, and only within the framework of such an axis, even with peripheral factors to bear in mind, can one reasonably expect a majority mandate for religious sovereignty, for the fulfilment of bureaucratic hope, through 'Mother Church', in the theocratic redemption of 'Father Centre', as pertaining to what has been described as the triadic Beyond within the overall context of 'Kingdom Come', in which an antibureaucratic transmutation of bureaucracy would stand as administrative aside to the Beyond in question, and therefore in a sort of secondary state-like relationship to the primacy of the church-like entity we have identified with 'Father Centre', as with a possible federation of Social Theocratic Centres.


143.   Of course, there will be those who, whether from vested interests or out of laziness and hostility to the new, will argue that such a Social Theocracy is too utopian, too fanciful, too idealistic, and no less radically Left in respect of theocracy than its democratic counterpart in respect of democracy, and that you cannot just turn against the world and uproot theocracy from its bureaucratic moorings as though it were of small account. 


144.   Doubtless, there is some truth to that kind of argument, and no-one need suppose that 'Kingdom Come' can be brought to pass overnight and all in one go, as though a majority mandate for religious sovereignty would guarantee immediate deliverance from sin and eternal salvation in heavenly bliss. 


145.   I have never made that claim, and I would be the first to concede that, even with the green light, the process of setting up and developing such a 'Kingdom', in which a primary ethereal order of play came to supersede its corporeal counterpart, would be slow and arduous, with no drastic steps being taken against the religious status quo before the new religion or civilization was up and running and could prove itself and justify the removal or scaling-down of anything old. 


146.   For if you destroy before you build, you make the building of the new all the harder and put more pressure on yourself to make it work - something it is less likely to do if approached with the revolutionary burden of a barbarous reputation for iconoclastic destruction bearing down on it!


147.   No, and much as the new must first prove itself worthy to supersede the old, it is not envisaged as being utopian or overly partisan, but has been structured, in respect of our projected triadic Beyond, along lines guaranteed to do justice to the totality of factors which have to be embraced if both Catholics and Protestants alike are to be saved, or delivered, to the Beyond in question, so that, quite unlike the pseudo-evolutionary centralizing totalitarianism of Social Democracy vis-à-vis a largely de-centralized pluralistic democratic tradition, Social Theocracy might appear pseudo-devolutionary in respect of its de-centralizing pluralism vis-à-vis both Protestant and, especially, Catholic centralized theocratic traditions, if only until such time as things could be tightened up again and a truly evolutionary drive towards the omega point of ultimate godliness/heavenliness eventually get under way, as and when circumstances permitted.


148.   I have discussed that and similar matters in previous texts, so will not dwell on the point here, except to say that in a time when democrats of one persuasion or another are globally on the march, and doing their level-best to reduce every people on the planet to some kind of work-obsessed 'sodd*** prick' dead-end, whether ethereal or neo-corporeal, it would be a foolish or overly complacent sort of theocrat who was happy to stand still and allow the storms of democratic clamour to outmanoeuvre him and if not blow him away, then bury him beneath their dead-weight of earthy opinion, blotting out the sky in the smoke and dust of their rude advance as they carry away all life before them in an insane quest of global death.


149.   There is no way that one can stand complacently, in the contemporary world, as a theocrat rooted in bureaucracy and pretend that one's own system and values are not under threat from this avalanche of 'shit' and of 'shitty' opinion which bears down on everything before it and would engulf it in a darkness worse than night! 


150.   What started out as a solution to the overbearing might of autocracy and its absolute primary exploitation of corporeal work in certain countries which, due to historical circumstances, were insufficiently deferential to the corporeal play of 'Mother Church' and too internally fractious for their own good, turned into a snowballing monster of its own which has no respect for higher values because little or no understanding of them, not having developed along bureaucratic-theocratic lines, but persisted in its autocratic-democratic tracks in respect of different primary approaches to work.