151.   But that does not mean to say it will leave bureaucratic-theocratic peoples alone.  For even if it keeps to its own tracks, which in the circumstances of its ideological limitations it is more likely to do, this arrogant monster of sexual and other perversities will be loathe to acknowledge the existence of alternative tracks, of tracks which run playfully contrary to it and would challenge its claim to universal supremacy and 'show it up' for its own monstrous limitations, including the 'sodding' if not, when push comes to shove, 'frigging' worship of death and, as a social corollary to that, work, whether in primary ethereal plutocratic terms or primary neo-corporeal neo-autocratic terms such that equate with, among other things, Social Democracy's neo-centralizing state totalitarianism. 


152.   It is determined to persist in its own democratization of the entire globe in the interests, by and large, of the plutocratic exploitation of the resources of all peoples; for it is a fundamentally corrupt ideology which, much as it may take itself for granted, is always suspicious of everyone and everything else, even when they are manifestly not autocratic and patently criminal, but either sinfully bureaucratic or gracefully theocratic.


153.   Therefore it cannot be presumed that this perverse ideology of democratic profanity, which liberally revels in plutocracy-inspired ethereal work, will leave the godly or god-aspiring or even woman-idolizing alone if only they sit still and shut their eyes and pretend that nothing is happening.  To sit still, in such an age, is to court certain disaster! 


154.   For this low and godless ideology of a profane people will only be defeated when those who are in favour of theocracy and the free development of theocracy stand-up for themselves and refuse to sit on the fence of a bureaucratic-theocratic compromise, but show both themselves and the world in general that they, too, have an ideological goal and a radically progressive capacity to realize and further it in the interests of global peace and harmony achieved through play of the highest order, of a true universality in which the brotherhood of man - always a democratically and therefore sexually dubious proposition - will be rivalled and transcended by the brotherhood of all those who, ever godly, would take theocracy to its logical conclusion in the most evolved and therefore per se manifestations of God and Heaven, in which truth and the vindication of truth in joy will reign forever supreme.


155.   Therefore it cannot be the 'sodd*** pricks' who have the final say as to the destiny of this planet; for such a say would reduce everything in life to the physical 'shit' of a work-oriented death from which it would never recover, as all that made life precious was reviled and demeaned from a standpoint rooted in the molecular-wavicle punishment of ethereal work if not, in certain more radical instances, the elemental-particle neo-criminality of neo-corporeal work, and the virtual neo-slavery of workaholics. 


156.   Only the elemental-wavicle 'snogg*** bums', by radically turning against the molecular-particle 'fucking' limitations of their religious traditions, can bring metaphysical 'gas' to the gates of paradise and open the way towards a better future in which not woman-based death-in-life, still less man-centred life-in-death, but God-centred Eternal Life is sovereign, and the world is led by God into Heaven as into life's true destiny in the universal play of a theocracy supreme, the Social Theocracy of 'Kingdom Come'.



LONDON 2003 (Revised 2012)