26.  However, even with such patently hedonistic limitations and constraints, I will not say they are dirt, or that their sexuality is pure dirt, analogous to a hard-line mode of 'shit'; for that is something one has to reserve for 'sodd*** pricks' and, most especially, for a more stupid species of 'sodd*** prick' who is not prepared to compromise with 'fuck*** pricks', as from a liberal democratic standpoint, but strives for and actually relates, in outright homosexual vein, to what could, in political terms, be described as a Social Democratic absolutism, with the implication of an atheistic rejection of any form of religious affiliation in the interests of a sort of Marxist dead-end of proletarian humanism.


27.  Thus the more absolute 'sodd*** prick', a Social Democrat, is not even prepared to compromise his political humanism with religious humanism, in a sort of parliamentary/puritan relativity, but sees freedom in terms of an end to such a relativity and an outright state totalitarianism, the sexual corollary of which would be less bisexual than overly homosexual and thus completely earthy, totally 'shitty' in its refusal to tolerate even a 'fucking' approach to being a 'prick' which at least endows pleasure - for that is, after all, the principal concern of 'pricks' - with a liberal dimension equivalent to heterosexual intercourse.


28.  It was in the penultimate decade of the last century, I believe, that an attempt was made in Britain to establish a Social Democratic alternative to the existing parliamentary/puritan liberal mean.  But such an attempt, initiated by the so-called 'gang of four' (Owen, Williams, Rogers, and Jenkins), came to naught and was eventually abandoned, though not before the Movement for Social Democracy split itself in two and some of the followers of the above-named 'gang' joined with the Liberal Party to form a Liberal Democratic Party, and thus become part of something which has continued to function within the liberal parliamentary framework as an alternative to the two other main parties.


29.  Whether or not the movement for Social Democracy would have taken Britain towards a totalitarian state, which on the evidence of their limited following and popularity must seem exceedingly unlikely even if other, more traditional factors, including the entrenched power of autocracy, are not taken into account, the implications of a Social Democracy are such as to leave no room for doubt that any compromise with 'fuck*** pricks' would be considered undesirable and that a more totalitarian approach to humanism, as to sexuality, must alone rank as properly Social Democratic.


30.  But this is the nadir of both the State and sex along the autocratic-democratic axis, a nadir that, taken to its logical conclusion, desires the eradication of constitutional autocracy and its correlative religious 'bovarization' of established-church fundamentalism, and an end to the parliamentary pluralism of liberal democracy and its correlative religious 'bovaryization' of so-called 'free church' humanism, so that there are neither soft-line 'frigg*** jerks' and 'snogg*** jerks' on the one hand, nor soft-line 'sodd*** pricks' and 'fuck*** pricks' on the other hand, but only hard-line 'sodd*** pricks' whose politics are as 'shitty' as their sexuality, and no-less unproductive!


31.  Fortunately for Britain, Social Democracy did not come to pass, and it is hard to see how it could, short of the break-up of the United Kingdom and an end to the Monarchy, as to the Celtic/Anglo-Saxon relativity which plays no small part, I believe, in keeping Britain pluralist and open to compromise.


32.  But even in the 'good sense' of its liberal pluralism, Britain - the land of sexual perversion par excellence according to a well-known if not always respected literary authority - is still a place where sexual perverts are free to pursue their respective 'frigging' or 'sodding' bents under the protective mandate of an autocratic-democratic axis, and where any form of positive or natural sex gets a comparatively raw deal, bearing in mind the extent to which such wholesome sex requires a bureaucratic-theocratic precondition if 'fucking' and 'snogging' criteria are to more openly and even conservatively prevail.


33.  Even the 'sodd*** pricks' of the parliamentary relativity are less, in logical terms, than au fait with sexual conservatism if we accept a 'fuck*** prick' paradox as being more germane to the religious corollary of parliamentary democracy in which an almost puritanical horror of conception, of fertility and fecundity, leads to a paradoxical emphasis on pleasure, for better or worse, with the use of contraception in heterosexual intercourse virtually de rigueur if the worst is not to come to the worst and earthy humanism be conceptually subverted in nonconformist, or Marian, watery vein.


34.  But if that is the more likely attitude of religious humanists, then their political counterparts can only, in the dubious privileges of a state hegemony, be of an ilk that logically fights shy even of heterosexual pleasure in one of two - or even a number of - ways, according as to whether their 'sodding' predilection takes an oscillatory Celtic or a middle-ground Anglo-Saxon form, the former arguably involving bisexuality, the latter the anal violation of women and sometimes - on the so-called far left - even outright homosexuality, in effectively Social Democratic mode.


35.  Certainly there is nothing about recourse to a rubber sheath that necessitates that one sticks to heterosexual intercourse, and it has not escaped my attention that perhaps the anti-conceptual confidence that comes from wearing such a sheath facilitates a move towards homosexuality, whether directly, in outright male terms, or indirectly, via the anal violation of women or some paradoxical bisexual oscillation more likely to suit liberals than either radicals or, in the case of heterosexual sodomy, conservatives.


36.  However that may be, anal violation, whether of women in respect of heterosexual conservatism or of men in respect of homosexual radicalism, is what accords, in parallel terms, with a democratic proclivity; for democracy, like its religious handmaiden, puritanism, which democratically subverts theocracy, is a corrupt form of politics, as is any form of politics, including autocracy, that parts company from a Church hegemony and proceeds to rule and/or govern on its own behalf, with 'frigging' or 'sodding' consequences, consequences which corrupt sexuality and thus a person's whole attitude to life and the bedrock of life in conception.


37.  Therefore it is not with irony or flippancy that I equate democracy with 'sodd*** pricks' whether of the left or the right or even something in between which strives to reconcile the conflicting bents, in paradoxically liberal vein, of conservatives and radicals - the latter always seemingly stretching things, or wanting to be seen as stretching things, towards an outright homosexual dead-end in Social Democracy. 


38.  For whatever the form of parliamentary democracy, the 'sodding' bent is still what most characterizes it, and it is a bent which has always to do with the sexual violation of a non-reproductive organ which, as the anus/rectum, has only one function, and that is to excrete faeces or, in common parlance, 'shit'.


39.  But when your ideal of freedom is earthy, or democratic, then a 'shitty' sexuality is its logical concomitant, whether or not you are aware of the fact or would consciously endorse anally-oriented behaviour.  It is 'shitty' on the conservative right, which remains paradoxically faithful to heterosexuality, 'shitty' on the radical left, which equates with a rather more homosexual approach to sodomy, and at least part 'shitty' in the liberal centre where, paradoxically, some kind of bisexuality suggests the likelihood if not of an oscillation between heterosexual and homosexual forms of anal violation, then an oscillation between pleasure-centred heterosexual coitus and anally-oriented homosexuality, so that a puritan-like dimension cannot be entirely ruled out of our logical equations.


40.  So much for parliamentary democracy and its sexual or, rather, anti-sexual parallels!  If the well-known notion of the British not being in favour of sex - the 'no sex, please, we're British' - is to be properly understood, it is not because the British are against the corrupter forms of sex, but precisely because of their 'frigging' and/or 'sodding' commitments along an autocratic-democratic axis to anti-sex, to negative sexual attitudes and behaviour, that they have such little respect, compared with most other nations, for positive and wholesome sexual behaviour in the manner of a 'fucking' and/or 'snogging' disposition, a disposition which, it if is to flourish unimpeded by political or other constraints, requires a bureaucratic-theocratic axis as its ideological precondition, one characterized not by the hegemony of one form or other of the State but, on the contrary, by the hegemony of one form or other of the Church.


41.  Thus the British uneasiness with sex, their reluctance to be open, in Continental fashion (including Ireland), about the more positive forms of sexuality, stems in large part from their ideological structure, their political system, and is therefore the systemic product not of moral superiority, as many of them would have us believe, but of a gross failure in morality stretching all the way back to the excommunication of Henry VIII and the subsequent corruptions of politics and religion which inexorably led to the State hegemonies of both autocratic and, subsequently, democratic freedoms and, as a corollary of that, to the autocratic and democratic subversions of the Church which led both to Anglican fundamentalism and to Puritan humanism, to the monarchic subversion of transcendentalism - for after all religion, when properly theocratic, is all about transcendentalism - in the one case and to the parliamentary subversion of it in the other case, neither of which forms of the Church can be anything but subordinate to the State in consequence.


42.  But in Ireland, by contrast, it is the State which, at least since independence, is by and large subordinate to the Church, principally in terms of Liberal Republicanism of a non-executive presidential order vis-à-vis Roman Catholicism, the bureaucratic form of the Church par excellence which has been correctly identified with 'Mother Church' by dint of its basis in Marian nonconformism (nonconformism vis-à-vis fundamentalist precedent tending to be the classical Western form of religion and basis of Christian independence from and rejection of Judaism) and tendency to subvert transcendentalism, and thus theocracy, accordingly.


43.  Therefore one would have to say that, in sexual parallel to the above, the 'sodd*** cunts' of a secondary State were subordinate to the 'fuck*** cunts' of the hegemonic Church, and in sexual terms this would imply a distinction between heterosexual coitus with a female contraceptive bias on the one hand, that of the State, and conceptually-oriented heterosexual coitus on the other hand, that of the Church.


44.  Whether the 'sodding' form of heterosexual coitus implies humiliating recourse to intrauterine devices (IUDs) or to the Pill, it would be the republican mode of coitus par excellence and thus the secondary form of heterosexuality as relative to the State.  It would exist in the shadow of unprotected heterosexual coitus, as in the shadow of the Roman Catholic Church, as something 'soddingly' life-denying or life-thwarting from a female point of view, and therefore inferior to the conceptually-oriented form of heterosexual coitus one would have to identify with 'fuck*** cunts'.


45.  Thus the bureaucratic subversion of theocracy germane to the Christian 'worldliness' of the Roman Catholic Church ensures that conception remains the bedrock of sex and justification for intercourse.  It is the Marian 'ideal' of the Madonna and Child which persists at the expense of theocratic otherworldliness in some freer transcendentalism and truer idealism, but it also persists to protect the world, at least of the Faithful, from democratic corruption and pleasure-centred sex, whether heterosexual or homosexual, and if the price of that has to be tolerance of female-oriented heterosexual contraceptive sex in respect of republicanism of a secondary state order, then that price is surely worth paying in view of the more freely anti-sexual nature of the democratic alternatives!


46.  But theocracy still exists within the relative framework of the Roman Catholic Church, and one may speculate that it does so 'snoggingly' in respect of the church order of 'bum' who would be a like-cut above any secondary state parallel of a 'frigging' order which one may surmise to have intimate associations if not with plastic inflatables, or so-called 'sex dolls', then arguably with anal masturbation.


47.  Laying a kiss upon someone non-lasciviously is certainly within the bounds of theocratic probity, and for a sexual parallel to theocracy one need look no further than kissing, whether on a heterosexual or, indeed, a homosexual basis, this latter likely to appeal to the more radically theocratic as a metaphysical expression of Social Theocracy and thus properly otherworldly kind of kissing which has long been practised in the Orient with the utmost discretion and noble intent.


48.  Doubtless expressions of brotherly affection between theocratic males would continue within the more radically theocratic framework of 'Kingdom Come', as habitually identified by me with Social Theocracy, though always on a discreet and honourable basis.  For there is a distinction, after all, between religious praxis in transcendentalism and any possible sexual parallel which would tend to prevail independently of one's religious devotions. 


49.  Transcendentalism is not about kissing, or 'snogging', even if that happens to be the sexual parallel to it, and the same would apply to its political or state corollary of what, in previous texts, has been termed the administrative aside to the triadic Beyond, where recourse to anal masturbation and the like would be a quite separate matter from the actual Social Theocratic administering of political, economic, or scientific expertise in the interests of enhanced religious fulfilment and the overall development of transcendentalism, not to mention, in the lower tiers of our projected triadic Beyond and their respective subsections (as already described in previous works) the overall development, within Social Transcendentalism, of modified fundamentalist, humanist, and nonconformist devotions.


50.  Actually, if one allows that fundamentalism is usually more alpha than omega, and therefore more sensual than sensible, more negative than positive, and nonconformism likewise, then any such modifications of fundamentalism and nonconformism would, in view of their female natures, be contrary to their free manifestations in sensuality and accordingly pertain not to doing but to antidoing in the one case and not to giving but to antigiving in the other case, so that one could logically speak of antifundamentalism and antinonconformism, the former as subordinate complement to transcendentalism, the latter as subordinate complement to humanism, albeit that, too, would be modified transcendentally in relation to Social Transcendentalism and therefore be less than germane to itself and correspondingly more deferential to the religious ideal of godliness per se.