Oh, but a civilization that tolerates dogs isn't a particularly advanced one!  It is tied to the pagan roots of life in an atomic integrity, and consequently takes dogs for granted.

     I, however, abhor dogs and would approve of their eventual removal.  Some day a post-atomic civilization will arise, and when it does there should be no more shit on pavements, no more piss on walls, no more coarse, loud, and regular barking, no more dozing advertisements for subconscious stupor, no more scratching of fleas on smelly bodies, no more public exhibitions of primeval sexuality, nor any more examples of a number of similarly disagreeable phenomena!

     Ah, I long passionately for the higher civilization, I who sometimes wonder whether the existing levels of civilization, with their semi-barbarous attachments, won't drag on and on for ever!  Some day, however, beasts will be removed, not just dogs, but cats, horses, hamsters, ponies, and other unnecessary animals, and man will be freed from association with them.  He cannot love beasts and turn towards the future millennial Beyond at the same time.  A transcendental civilization would know what needed to be done to minimize the influence of the beastly and set men directly on course for the post-human millennium - that earthly paradise preceding the heavenly one.  Its chief upholders would teach the People the necessary lessons, making it perfectly clear to them just why such animals as dogs and cats had to be left behind, banished, in a judgemental spirit, from the higher society, in response to evolutionary logic.

     Of course, some people would object and be recalcitrant.  But the great majority would approve of measures designed to further evolutionary progress.  Even now, the great majority of people aren't pet owners, certainly not dog owners, and many of them could only approve of measures designed to free them from the various inconveniences to which dogs give rise in everyday life, including the noise of barking and the smell and sight of excrement.  Too bad if they live in the dualistic or transitional civilizations and not in the future post-dualistic one!  Even post-dualistic barbarians have to put-up with dogs - assuming they aren't dog owners but dogless humans.

     Well, as a writer, I cannot change anything at present.  But if I were given the power I would certainly change things in the future, taking measures to bring society into line with post-dualistic requirement on the level of an ultimate civilization.  Naturally, some people would now think me mad, but I know that what inferior minds often take for madness in others can be a superior form of sanity, pertaining to a mind capable of envisaging future developments through utilization of a higher logic.  Well, a transcendental civilization may be some way off at present, but, believe me, a time will come when to own a dog would be a crime against the Holy Spirit!