Is there besides the relative good and evil with which we are all familiar, whether through nature, animals, or men, an absolute good and evil, a good and evil outside the phenomenal world, whether beneath or beyond it, anterior or posterior to it?  Yes, most assuredly there is!  And we may classify these absolutes as alpha and omega, or the beginning and culmination of the Universe.  Absolute evil would correspond to its beginnings and absolute good to its culmination, though not necessarily only to the ultimate culmination, which we may suppose has still to come about.

     We may distinguish, then, between the subatomic proton-proton reactions of pure instinctuality, which signify absolute evil, and the supra-atomic electron-electron attractions of pure spirituality, which signify absolute good; the one corresponding to the Diabolic Alpha, the other to the Divine Omega, a kind of in-between compromise coming in the person of Christ - and equivalent Man-God avatars - who signifies an abraxas-like relativity biased, however, towards the Divine Omega, a 'Three in One', as theological teachings have long maintained.  Although we shouldn't overlook the fact that theology has also sought to absolutely elevate Christ to Le Bon Dieu, which follows from the Resurrection and can only be applied to a Christ conceived in purely transcendent terms.  We should not forget, either, that while theology has upheld an absolute antithesis between the good Christ and the evil Satan, it has also upheld a relative antithesis between the (less evil) Creator and (the more evil) Satan, regarding the former as God and the latter as the Devil, who corresponds to a 'Fallen Angel' from the 'heavenly' unity.

     This is of course fiction, theology having to do, on this primitive level, with the abstraction of mythical fictions from cosmic facts, namely the existence of stars, both large and small, and the probability that, way back in the infancy of the Universe or of this particular galaxy, our sun did indeed emerge from a larger star which subsequently became the central, ruling star of the Galaxy, around which the sun - one of thousands of other smaller stars that exploded out of a larger whole - was obliged to revolve, less because of an attraction towards the ruling star than because of a mutual interest in the domination of planets, or cooling/cooled stars.  Now if, as I believe, Satan corresponds, in theological terms, to the sun, while the Creator corresponds, in a like-manner, to the central star of the Galaxy, then the distinction between them is, subjectively considered, of a power that directly impinges, through its light and heat, upon the world, and of a power that only indirectly impinges upon it, ruling the Galaxy from a position which is necessarily at a much greater distance from the earth.  The sun, then, is responsible, in its subatomic instinctuality, for a more evil influence upon the world than ever the central star could be, and consequently theology posits a dialectical distinction between the Devil and the Creator, as between Satan and Jehovah - the one diabolic, the other divine.

     In its lowest or earliest manifestation, divinity has to do with the concept of a 'Creator of the Universe', including the planets, nature, etc.  Considered objectively, however, we need not doubt that the Galaxy's central star - as indeed the central star of any galaxy - is a larger, and hence more powerful, star than a peripheral one like the sun and, consequently, that the Creator corresponds to a more evil force than Satan, is, in effect, the archdiabolic inception of the Universe or, more accurately, of that part of it which corresponds to the Galaxy, each galaxy possessing but one central star (or star cluster), there being millions of galaxies in the Universe, therefore millions of first causes, evil being inherently manifold and diverse, the concept of a Big Bang origin to the Universe owing not a little, it seems to me, to monotheistic tradition, though essentially somewhat limited, particularly in view of the vast number of galaxies currently in existence, not all of which could surely have issued from a single source!

     However that may be, if evolution or the Universe begins in the archdiabolism of a Creator-equivalent, then it must culminate in the archdivinity, so to speak, of the Holy Ghost, must pass from a diversified inception to a unified climax, a final unity of pure spirit in the electron-electron attractions of the Omega Point - the ultimate good.  Yet this entails a terribly long process, even, I imagine, on the supra-atomic plane of the heavenly Beyond itself, where one may suppose only a gradual convergence of spiritual globes towards an omega goal can be anticipated.  But just as there was a relative antithesis between Satan (the sun) and the Creator (the central star of the Galaxy) on the alpha level of religious absolutism, so there must be a like-antithetical relativity between a Spiritual Globe (angel) and what, in relation to the Holy Ghost, could be called the Ultimate Creation (definitive God) on the omega level of religious absolutism, the Spiritual Globe - one of many such transcendences - a greater good, subjectively considered, than the non-existent Ultimate Creation, because closer to the world and tending towards the goal of evolutionary striving in ultimate divinity, but less good, objectively considered, than the eventual culmination of evolution in that spiritual oneness - the absolute good in every sense!