What evolutionary progress, you may well wonder, has still to be made?  I'll tell you what: lots!  Yes, we are still in the world of men, a humanist stage of evolution, and we shall doubtless remain in it for a while longer.  But not, fortunately, for ever, since a time is fast approaching when man, in Nietzschean parlance, may well be 'overcome', as serious efforts are made, by certain qualified men, to create the first of two truly post-human life forms, the Supermen of the early stage of millennial futurity, a life form created out of man, or rather his cyborg-like successor, as human brains artificially supported and sustained in collectivized contexts, their raison d'être being to indirectly cultivate pure spirit through the contemplation - necessarily passive - of the visionary contents of a new brain opened-up by synthetic hallucinogens like LSD.  In a word, to 'trip'.

     However, these Supermen may well be further transformed at a later time, that's to say, the qualified technicians of the post-human millennium will surgically remove the old brain from each individual Superman and re-collectivize their new brains on a more extensive and intensive basis, thereby creating the second of the millennial life forms, the Superbeings, as I usually call them, whose raison d'être will be the direct cultivation of pure spirit through hypermeditation (a sort of intensified and more rarefied transcendental meditation), until such time as transcendence occurs and pure spirit - detached from new-brain atomicity - soars heavenwards, to converge towards other such transcendences and expand into larger wholes in a process that should continue until such time as all transcendences, from whichever part of the expanding spiritual universe, have converged together and expanded into one definitive whole - the Omega Point ... of Ultimate Divinity.

     Such is the prospect in store for an evolving universe, a universe that will attain to perfection - and remain in it for all eternity - in the indivisible unity of the ultimate Spiritual Globe, a unity that will not share space with anything solar or planetary, all naturalism and materialism having passed away, never to return!

     How did the Universe begin?  With stellar energy, the emergence in the void of gaseous stars.  How did it progress?   With the emergence from these stars, or certain of them, of suns (small stars).  How did it continue?  With the emergence from suns, or certain of them, of planets?  All instinctual globes in one degree or another.

     Then what?  The emergence on certain of the planets of ... nature, both inorganic and organic.  And then?  The emergence from nature of animals - fish, reptiles, mammals, etc.  To be followed by?  The emergence from certain of these animals - apes, we think, though we aren't sure exactly what type - of men, which is to say, cavemen and jungle men and desert nomads and mountain men.

     Who preceded?  More civilized kinds of men, whom we now identify as Christians or Mohammedans or Buddhists or Shintoists, who were no longer pagan, or instinct-orientated, but mainly balanced, in the body, between the id and the spirit - in short, dualists.  Though we should make an exception for the Jews, those ... 'holy pagans', who have good reason, in consequence, to be awaiting an ultimate messiah, no mere dualist, but a radical transcendentalist.

     Who will?  Further the development of a new and higher type of man in a new civilization, the antithesis to id-biased fundamentalism in spirit-biased transcendentalism, which should eventually spread throughout the world, bringing it to spiritual unity as a kind of crude approximation to or intimation of the divine goal of all evolutionary striving in the heavenly Beyond.

     And after this third type of man?  The first of the post-human life forms, the Supermen, who will be created out of transcendental man and constitute an antithesis to the apes.  And then the second of the millennial life forms created out of the first?  Yes, the Superbeings, above and beyond all egocentricity, and hence the antithesis of trees, or that sub-egocentric life-form preceding the animals.

     Which leaves?  The emergence from the Superbeings of Spiritual Globes, which will constitute an antithesis to the planets, those material globes, and gradually converge towards and expand into larger wholes.  Or?  Galactic Globes, as we may well call that which will eventually establish an antithesis with suns, or small stars.

     Becoming thereafter?  The one, definitive, Universal Globe of the Omega Point, the antithesis, in every respect, to the inception of the Universe in the Alpha Points, as it were, of the big stars, which emerged in the void.  But not from it?  No, nothing can emerge from a void, though plenty can return to nothingness in it.  Like stars, for instance?  Yes, though not like pure spirit.  Ah, how truly you speak!