I used to think the State worse than the Church, democracy worse than Catholicism, but these days I'm not so sure.  Or, rather, I perceive in the State a 'fall' (forwards) from the wavicle side of the proton to the particle side of the neutron, a progression, as it were, from proton wavicles to neutron and/or electron particles.  I don't confound the State with the Kingdom, that proton-particle predecessor of the Church which, having died-out in most countries, still exists in Britain, where it seemingly co-exists with democracy.  To me, the State is essentially a republican phenomenon, a relatively recent development, stemming from the eighteenth century.  Then it was that neutrons first began, in America and France, to get the upper-hand over protons, even if only from a particle and materialistic point-of-view.  The insurgent State, fired by the philosophers of the Enlightenment, attacked both the Church and the Kingdom, and if it didn't entirely vanquish the former, it at least supplanted the latter, ushering in the age of republicanism - an age which, to all appearances, is still with us....

     Thus began the ascendancy of man over woman.  The State may, on account of its particle constitution, be feminine, but it is the feminine side of a male integrity, founded on reason and not, like the Catholic Church, on intuition, that masculine attribute of a female integrity, which embraces the visionary.  Reason, on the other hand, embraces rights, and the rights, not least of all, of the greater number to live in freedom, and hence happiness.  Freedom, above all, from persecution, whether this stems from the Kingdom or the Church.  Freedom if not to be spiritual ... then at least to be rational.  A new-brain freedom as opposed to an old-brain and/or subconscious enslavement.  Better the free than the bound, but better again than the freedom from the Kingdom/Church is the freedom for the Centre, the freedom of the superconscious.

     Yes, for the superconscious pertains to the wavicle side of the electron, its truly liberated side, and just as the Church stemmed, in its wavicle bias, from the particle Kingdom, so the Centre must stem from the particle State, bringing electron evolution to a positive climax of wavicle awareness, ushering in an age of super-enlightenment, when nothing of the proton, whether in Kingdom or Church, will remain, an electron absolutism having superseded all atomic relativity, the Virgin Mary dethroned from her statuesque pedestal, woman no longer enslaved to man but ... effectively free to be Superman, to cultivate spirit.

     Then the superconscious will reign supreme, first indirectly ... through contemplation of the artificially-induced visionary contents of the new brain, then directly ... through the spiritual self-realization of hypermeditation.  A relativistic absolutism of State-Centre particle/wavicle electrons will precede the Centrist absolutism of electron wavicles.  Social Transcendentalism will lead to Super-transcendentalism, the new-brain superconscious to the transcendent superconscious, superhuman man to superbeingful man, visionary truth to pure truth.