Better than sexual fantasies are sexual videos, for they correspond to the supernatural, whereas the daydreams of fantasy life are subnatural, and thus morally inferior.  It is better that we watch other people dreaming for us than to dream ourselves.  And it is better that we watch other people having sex on video than to watch ourselves, since the supernatural is ever preferable to the natural, no matter how pleasurable we may find the latter to be.  Morally preferable, I mean.  For anyone who dismisses moral considerations is either a scoundrel or an idiot, and quite possibly degenerate to boot!

     Supernatural voyeurism conforms to a theocratic status, whereas natural voyeurism clings to a democratic status and subnatural voyeurism to one that is autocratic.  Whereas supernatural voyeurism has to do with the superconscious, no matter how indirectly, subnatural voyeurism is a thing of the subconscious, of the subconscious conjuring up and regulating and/or manipulating images from the old brain.  Natural voyeurism, coming in-between, is of course an egocentric indulgence, as consciousness contemplates the sexual parts and/or activities of another, who is both free and externally manipulated.  Voyeurism, of whatever kind, is the wavicle side of a sexual atomicity, whether one is dealing with autocratic instinctuality or theocratic spirituality or, indeed, with a democratic compromise, in intellectuality, coming in-between the two, as when the natural voyeur alternates between contemplation and manipulation during the indulgence of oral sex, that quintessentially relative form of voyeurism, bespeaking a particle/wavicle compromise.

     Of course, naturalistic voyeurism can also be of a supernatural persuasion, as in straight contemplation, whether involving two or more persons, and this is the lesser supernaturalism, one might say, of a modified naturalism (not to be confounded with video or magazine sex, which transcends the natural through the artificial medium of film and/or photography).  Ideally, supernatural voyeurism should be as divorced from physical participation, on the voyeur's part, as subnatural voyeurism, whereas natural voyeurism will generally entail some physical commitment, though no more than oral, whether with a bias for cunnilingus or fellatio or, indeed, a balance between the two, depending, in some degree, on the class and/or moral integrity of the participants.

     Whatever the individual case, such wavicle sex is morally preferable to its particle, coital complement, and no-one can consider himself sexually civilized who does not have a voyeuristic tendency, even if this inclination is diluted, as it were, by physical commitments of one kind or another.  Eventually, physical sex will die-out altogether, leaving a more civilized, supernatural humanity with the wavicle absolutism of a free-electron sexuality, to be indulged in private and alone.  Supernatural voyeurism will become the rule, not remain the exception.  Everyone will possess a video and/or alternative pornographic outlet, and few people will desire to fantasize.