1.   To contrast the rise of males, in salvation, from psychic determinism in sensuality to psychic freedom in sensibility with the fall of females, in damnation, from free nature in sensuality to natural determinism in sensibility, since the distinction between males and females ever hinges upon Psyche-over-Nature in the one case and Nature-over-Psyche in the other, and when males opt for salvation from sensuality to sensibility they progress from a context in which psychic freedom is undermined by the psychic determinism of females acting on behalf of a free nature from hegemonic positions in either sensual metachemistry or sensual chemistry, spatial space or volumetric volume, to one in which psychic freedom is enhanced in proportion to the extent to which they are hegemonic in sensible physics or sensible metaphysics, voluminous volume or spaced space, over the free nature, now constrained towards determinism by an enforced psychic freedom, of females.


2.   Therefore one can contrast the rise of males in Psyche, whether consciously or subconsciously, with the fall of females in Nature, whether unnaturally or supernaturally, and equate the one with salvation from generative knowledge and/or racial truth to civilized knowledge and/or cultural truth, depending on the elemental context, and the other with damnation from cultural beauty and/or civilized strength to racial beauty and/or generative strength, again depending on the context.


3.   Therefore the equation of both knowledge and truth with Psyche is no less demonstrably valid than the equation, on the female side of the gender divide, of both beauty and strength with Nature, since where knowledge and truth appertain to the quality and essence of ego and soul, with especial reference to physics and metaphysics, beauty and strength appertain to the appearance and quantity of will and spirit, with especial reference to metachemistry and chemistry.


4.   Thus one can contrast the molecular wavicles and elemental wavicles of physical form and metaphysical content(ment) with the elemental particles and molecular particles of metachemical power and chemical glory, as one would contrast vegetative and airy contexts of subjectivity on the male side of the gender fence with their fiery and watery objective counterparts on its female side, the side having more reference to beauty and strength than to knowledge and truth, and, in all probability, to photons/photinos and electrons/electrinos than to neutrons/neutrinos and protons/protinos, as germane to the subatomic division between elements and elementinos in relation to sensuality and sensibility.


5.   Indeed, one has to distinguish the metachemical brightness of beauty from the chemical darkness of strength, and further distinguish the hotness of love in relation to beauty from the coldness of pride in relation to strength, while likewise distinguishing the physical heaviness of knowledge from the metaphysical lightness of truth, and further distinguish the hardness of pleasure in relation to knowledge from the softness of joy in relation to truth.


6.   And this applies to sensuality no less than to sensibility, except that where, in sensuality, metachemistry and chemistry are evil in their punishing criminality, in sensibility they are good in their criminal punishment; and that where, in sensuality, physics and metaphysics are foolish in their graceful sin, in sensibility they are wise in their sinful grace.


7.   For a context in which crime predominates over punishment differs markedly from one in which punishment preponderates over crime, just as a context in which sin predominates over grace differs markedly from one in which grace preponderates over sin, and all because in the cases of a predominant crime and sin sensuality is the prevalent factor, while in the cases of a preponderant grace and punishment, by contrast, it is sensibility which is prevalent, and always in association with a male hegemony in which the wisdom of salvation has the upper hand over the goodness of damnation.


8.   In associating beauty with love we are distinguishing the Devil from Hell, whether in relation to primary (natural) or secondary (psychic) orders of each, whereas in associating strength with pride we are distinguishing woman from purgatory, again whether in relation to primary (natural) or secondary (psychic) manifestations of each, though always with contexts in which the not-self is primary and the self secondary, in keeping with the vacuously-conditioned objective dispositions of females to diverge (in sensuality) and/or converge (in sensibility) on a straight-line basis.


9.   In associating knowledge with pleasure we are distinguishing man from the earth, whether in relation to primary (psychic) or secondary (natural) manifestations of each, whereas in associating truth with joy we are distinguishing God from Heaven, again whether in relation to primary (psychic) or secondary (natural) orders of each, though always with contexts in which the self is primary and the not-self secondary, in keeping with the plenumously-conditioned subjective dispositions of males to diverge (in sensuality) and/or converge (in sensibility) on a curved-line basis.


10.  For Psyche, remember, takes precedence over Nature with males, whereas Nature takes precedence over Psyche with females.  A male isn't usually drawn to the Psyche of females but, on the contrary, to their Nature, specifically with regard to apparent and quantitative, beautiful and strong factors which have more to do, in their doing and giving, with will and spirit than ever they have to do with ego and soul, taking and being, as affiliated to knowledge and truth.


11.  But in being drawn to the Nature of females the male, whether godly or manly, noumenal or phenomenal, upper class or lower class, sacrifices his Psyche, is accused of 'losing his head ...' and, to be sure, what ensues is indeed a refutation of free psyche and natural determinism in favour of psychic determinism and free nature, as the psychic determinism of the female outflanks his soul and ego in respect of id and superego and subverts his subjective disposition for grace and sin towards the objectivity of crime and punishment, and to an extent whereby it might logically be deduced that his Psyche, duly undermined by determinism, often functions on a quasi-punishing basis and his Nature, duly subverted, according to quasi-criminal predilections owing more to free nature than to natural determinism.


12.  Be that as it may, what happens to the male in sensuality when he falls under the hegemonic influence of females happens on a reverse basis to the female in sensibility, though only when she falls under the hegemonic influence of males and undergoes a paradoxical inversion and transmutation of gender whereby quasi-sinful and quasi-graceful tendencies eclipse the more elementally rigorous realities of crime and punishment, albeit on a no-less tangential basis to what is properly female than in the case of males subjected to undue female pressures in sensuality.


13.  Rather than 'losing his head' to a female it could be said of females in the converse position to their sensual counterparts that they lose their body and effectively gain a head, but the assumption of a preponderant Psyche is, frankly, no less delusory with them than the assumption of a predominant Nature with sensually-disposed males, since the reality of Psyche-over-Nature for males and, conversely, of Nature-over-Psyche for females remains the case whether one has paradoxically sold-out to the opposite sex or not, whether in a falling (male) or a rising (female) fashion, and this contrary to the gender-specific alternatives of rising diagonally from sensuality to sensibility in the case of males or falling diagonally from sensuality to sensibility in the case of females - the former saved, as from foolish Psyche to wise Psyche, generative knowledge to civilized knowledge in the qualitativeness of physics and/or racial truth to cultural truth in the essence of metaphysics, and the latter damned, as from evil Nature to good Nature, cultural beauty to racial beauty in the appearance of metachemistry and/or civilized strength to generative strength in the quantitativeness of chemistry.