List of literary transcripts






01.  A Happy Death – Albert Camus

02.  After Many a Summer – Aldous Huxley

03.  Against Nature – Joris-Karl Huysmans

04.  Antic Hay – Aldous Huxley

05.  Ape and Essence – Aldous Huxley

06.  Balthazar – Lawrence Durrell

07.  Beyond Good and Evil – Friedrich Nietzsche

08.  Brave New World – Aldous Huxley

09.  Brave New World – Aldous Huxley

10.  Clea – Lawrence Durrell

11.  Crome Yellow – Aldous Huxley

12.  Death in Venice – Thomas Mann

13.  Existentialism & Humanism – Jean-Paul Sartre

14.  Heaven and Hell – Aldous Huxley

15.  Intimate Journals – Charles Baudelaire

16.  Island – Aldous Huxley

17.  Justine – Lawrence Durrell

18.  Mountolive – Lawrence Durrell

19.  Mysticism and Logic – Bertrand Russell

20.  Narziss and Goldmund – Hermann Hesse

21.  Nausea – Jean-Paul Sartre

22.  Nexus – Henry Miller

23.  Nunquam – Lawrence Durrell

24.  Plato Today – R.H.S. Crossman

25.  Point Counter Point – Aldous Huxley

26.  Steppenwolf – Hermann Hesse

27.  Suspended Judgements – John Cowper Powys

28.  The Antichrist – Friedrich Nietzsche

29.  The Aspern Papers – Henry James

30.  The Doors of Perception – Aldous Huxley

31.  The Glass Bead Game – Hermann Hesse

32.  The Irish 100 – Peter Costello

33.  The Last Temptation of Oscar Wilde – Peter Ackroyd

34.  The Rebel – Albert Camus

35.  The Wandering Irish in Europe – Culligan & Cherici

36.  Thus Spoke Zarathustra – Friedrich Nietzsche

37.  Time Must Have A Stop – Aldous Huxley

38.  Tropic of Cancer – Henry Miller

39.  Tropic of Capricorn – Henry Miller

40.  Tunc – Lawrence Durrell

41.  Twilight of the Idols – Friedrich Nietzsche

42.  Ulysses – James Joyce