Copyright © 1984-2012 John O'Loughlin
1. Salvation From
2. Theocratic Convoy
3. Nuclear Fission
4. The Modern Death
5. Higher Voice
6. Literary and Pure
7. Ideological Distinctions
8. Godless State
9. Class Evolution
10. Post-Atomic and Free-Electron
12. Leader's Theocracy
13. Free Thought
14. Emotion and Will
15. Brain and Mind
16. Racial Dichotomy
17. Ideologues
18. Millennial Evolution
19. A Prototype
20. Work and Play
21. From Balloons to 'Choppers'
22. Shirts
23. Sham or Genuine
24. Spiritual Wealth
25. Transcendentally Classless
26. Class Art
27. Art Evolution
28. Paradoxical 'Fall'
29. Hybrid Arts
31. True and False
32. Wavicle Progress
33. Coital Dichotomy
34. Moral Paradox
35. Trinitarian Periods
36. Civilization
37. Passing Phase
38. Sidecar
39. Lesser and Greater
40. Radical Antithesis
41. Beyond Man
42. Theory and Practice
43. From Evil to Good
44. (Phallic) Father and (Vaginal) Mother
Man needs saving from so many things,
But here are some of the things
That theocratic Centrism
Will endeavour to save him from:
Democracy, Christianity, the State,
Nationalism, internationalism, tribalism,
Socialism, capitalism, materialism,
Nature, marriage, sex, disease,
Destitution, unemployment, poverty, despair,
Dogs, cats, horses, ponies,
Warships, bombs, guns, tanks,
Clocks, watches, hammers, mallets,
Skirts, dresses, high-heels, make-up,
Overcoats, macks, ties, collars, lapels,
Rhythms, harmonies, orchestras,
Conductors, classical, romantic,
Rock, punk, soul, funk,
Academies, theatres, concert halls,
Galleries, paintings, sculptures,
Prisons, houses, churches, pubs,
Graveyards, tombs, death,
Cars, trucks, bicycles, mopeds,
Coal, smoke, oil, tar,
Alcohol, tobacco, pipes, cigars, cigarettes,
Racing, gambling, speculating,
Stock markets, stockbrokers, banks,
Money, deposits, shares, and millionaires.
Not a complete list by any stretch of
The poetic imagination,
But a slight indication
Of what is probably still to come!
Myself, if I were the leader of
A Social Transcendental Centre,
That radically-theocratic
And free-electron ideological entity,
I would prefer to travel about by 'chopper'
Or motorbike than by car.
Imagine a convoy of black limousines
Heading from the leader's headquarters
To wherever he wants/has to go.
Isn't there something bourgeois
And starkly middle-of-the-road about
Such a mode of transportation, better suited
To democratic prime ministers and presidents
Than to theocratic leaders?
Why should he be driven about like a bourgeois,
As though partial to expensive cars,
When he would be more in his ideological element
With a motorbike, even if in a sidecar?
Wouldn't he be partial to zipper jackets,
Since beyond the use of button-up coats,
And wouldn't they prove more relevant
To motorbikes than to cars?
Yes, I dare say they would, since connoting,
Like bikes, with a transcendental bias,
Symptomatic of a theocratic extremism.
So for short trips from, say,
One part of town to another,
A convoy of motorbikes,
Their riders clad in black,
A kind of elite bodyguard - booted, helmeted, armed,
The leader somewhere in the middle of the convoy,
Well-protected at all times.
And for long trips, a 'chopper',
Well-protected in the air and monitored
From the ground - fast and transcendental.
You don't get to a free-electron society
Without splitting the atom,
And if the world is to be
Closer to a post-atomic status,
Then the atom will have to be split,
Since nuclear fission
Is conducive to such a status
And can only be appropriate to an age
In which the societal atom has to be split,
An age transitional between atomic relativity
And electron absolutism.
A world in which the societal atom
Had been split would be very different
From the one currently in existence.
It would be a much more interiorized world,
In which artificial criteria
Considerably preponderated over natural criteria.
For you don't get to the Supernatural
By being dependent on nature!
Willy-nilly, life will have to go forwards,
Irrespective of whatever
Reactionary naturalists and atomists now think.
Man will increasingly live off his own oxygen,
Food, drink, synthetic resources,
And thus become Superman,
Independent of nature - Supernatural!
Literature is deep and anguished,
But pseudo-literature is shallow and smug.
Literature allows one to peer
Into the anguished heart
Of its principal character,
Pseudo-literature hinges upon the smug sociability
Of its superficial characters.
There is criticism in literature,
A deep, penetrating criticism of man and society,
A 'Steppenwolfian' revolt of
The higher spirit against the world.
Pseudo-literature may, if Marxist,
Criticize the bourgeoisie,
But it will glorify the proletariat
And their social/industrial achievements.
Literature reveals what lies hidden beneath
The veil of expedient custom and politeness.
Pseudo-literature's only concern is with the veil,
The performance of everyday society.
If literature is akin to
The soulful kernel of creative writing,
Then pseudo-literature is the materialist husk.
If literature is essence,
Then pseudo-literature is appearance, reflecting
The degeneration of the novel
From profundity to superficiality, commensurate with
A progressively more commercial tendency.
Literature is dead or dying,
But pseudo-literature proclaims
Its base, automaton-like existence
From the rooftops of contemporary publishers,
Like a vulture gloating over a carcass.
Pseudo-literature is the death-in-life,
The zombie-like complacency of commercial man.
It is no use pretending
That literature can fight back
And re-establish creative life
At the expense of uncreative death.
It can't! It is vastly
outgunned and, besides,
A democratic genre like the novel
Has no right to Eternal Life!
Those who still write literature
Are but the tail-end of
An old, predominantly worldly tradition,
And even their star shines less brightly
Than did that of their predecessors,
Since exposed to the fogs of pseudo-literature,
Which inevitably invade their works from within
As well as from without, smothering them
Beneath a welter of complacent claptrap!
No, literature cannot live for ever,
And although in my less-enlightened youth
I once wrote something akin to it,
I would not now attempt to write a novel, finding
Even the reading of one
An increasingly unattractive proposition!
Nor would I bring myself to
The abyss of an antinovel,
With its superficial encomiums
And satisfaction in ongoing materialism,
Its utter indifference to the inner light,
Its horror of genius
And praise for the common herd!
Leaving the antidemocratic to the left-wing automata
Who purvey and peruse it, I proceed
From literature to poetry,
Where the inner voice can once again be heard,
Only this time much clearer
And more intensely than before,
The sole witness to inner truth.
Not, then, the inner voice
Of philosophical literature,
Still less of philosophy,
But the inner voice of poetry,
A spiritual rather than an intellectual voice.
This higher voice of literary poetry
Speaks from the psyche, not the brain,
And what it says will always ring true!
The genuinely transcendental society of
A radical theocracy will be partial
Neither to novels nor to antinovels
And/or philosophical novels, but only to poems.
Since I equate this radically theocratic society
With Social Transcendentalism, it is logical
For me to equate such literary poems
As I now write with the 'social' aspect
Of this relativistic absolutism,
While reserving purely abstract poems
For equation with its 'transcendental' aspect,
Which would be meritocratic
Rather than bureaucratic, and which
Would eventually become the sole aspect of
A super-transcendental absolutism.
Yet, in the short term, literary poems
Will still be justified, since serving
To mould and clarify ideological allegiance
Along the most appropriate theocratic lines.
And I call 'literary' whatever is written in
A meaningful, non-abstract,
And expressive kind of way, thereby maintaining
A sort of bureaucratic, and hence 'social', atomicity
Between grammar and words
For the sake of metaphysical intelligibility.
By contrast, pure poetry will be
Above the intellect, a kind of theocratic
And hence 'transcendental' equivalent ...
Of non-expressive word groupings.
I would be less than
A true Social Transcendentalist
If, at other times, I didn't also write like that!
One shouldn't imagine that religious politics
And political religion are identical!
They appertain to different
Spectra of ideological evolution,
The one ... tail-ending a democratic spectrum,
The other ... at the inception
Of a truly theocratic one.
Religious politics is still political,
Whereas the essence of political religion
Is of course religious.
We are dealing, then, with a distinction between
Fundamentalist socialism, or Soviet Communism,
And Social Transcendentalism, or theocratic Centrism,
And while fundamentalist socialism
Is fundamentally autocratic (if somewhat theocratically
to the extent that it derives from Marx), it is
Pseudo-democratic in that it champions
A People's Democracy from a totalitarian base
In which, as in liberal republicanism, both
Prime ministers and presidents fulfil
Their 'democratic' offices of state.
By contrast, Social Transcendentalism
Would be 'democratic' to the extent
That it upheld a bureaucracy,
But theocratic in everything else,
Not least of all in its adherence to
The Leader-principle and consequent avoidance of
Prime ministerial and/or presidential associations.
The President of a People's Republic signifies the Antichrist,
The Leader of a Social Transcendental Centre
Will signify the Second Coming.
There lies the principal distinction between
Religious politics and political religion!
Whereas Christianity signifies
A compromise between the proton Father
And the electron Holy Ghost ...
In the atomic 'person' of Christ,
Antichristianity, or Communism, upholds
No such compromise, since
Partial to electrons alone,
Albeit on the materialist level of
The particle proletariat rather than - as with Centrism -
On the idealistic level of the wavicle superfolk.
Hence a communist democracy can have
No truck with the bourgeoisie, who signify
A neutron connotation, as though
Appertaining, along with aristocracy, to the Father.
In actual fact, the bourgeoisie
Appertain to what might be called
The fundamentalist aspect of Christ,
Whereas the proletariat appertain, by contrast,
To His transcendentalist aspect ...
Without, however, being of the Holy
That can only apply to the superfolk,
Who, in a Centrist society, will stand in
An antithetical context to the feudal aristocracy,
That class approximating to the Father.
(I say nothing of relative antitheses,
as between superfolk and peasantry
or, alternatively, meritocracy and aristocracy.)
So a bourgeois/proletarian compromise
Inheres to both democracy and
Its religious concomitance ... in Protestantism,
Christ signifying a compromise
Between church and state.... Unlike Marx
Who, as the Antichrist, upholds
A proletarian exclusivity in accordance with
The anti-democratic essence of Communism,
An essence which nevertheless still makes for
A so-called 'People's Democracy' in
The godless state of the proletariat!
Just as atomic evolution proceeds, through man, from
A proton- and/or atomic-particle Kingdom to
An atomic-wavicle Church, and then
the rise of a neutron-wavicle Church)
A neutron- and/or electron-particle State to
An electron-wavicle Centre,
So class evolution mirrors a similar progression,
Beginning with the proton- and/or atomic-particle
Aristocracy/peasantry, continuing with
The atomic-wavicle plutocracy/workers,
beginning afresh
With the neutron- and/or electron-particle
Bureaucracy/proletariat, and culminating with
The electron-wavicle meritocracy/superfolk.
During the proton and atomic stages of evolution,
The minority classes - namely aristocracy
And plutocracy - exploit the majority classes
Of the peasantry and workers.
During the neutron and/or electron
Stages of evolution, however, the majority classes -
Namely proletariat and superfolk - are
By the minority classes
Of the bureaucracy and meritocracy.
An overlap from one class-stage to another
Does of course obtain, though
The emergence of a third class-stage
Renders the first untenable.
The distinction, furthermore,
Between particle and wavicle stages
Is in regard to manual and intellectual work,
As befitting their respective natures.
Thus whereas the peasantry and proletariat
Are both engaged, according to
Their particle biases, in manual work
(the first naturally, through toil in fields,
the second artificially, through toil in factories),
The workers and superfolk, by contrast,
Are engaged, according to their wavicle
biases, in
Brain work (the former naturally,
through clerical work, the latter supernaturally,
through the use, in research, of computers,
calculators, cassette recorders, and so on).
From field to factory, and from office to laboratory.
Republics are synonymous
With neutron and electron particles,
Whether the liberal republic
That shares power between
The wavicle-biased bourgeoisie
And the particle-biased proletariat,
Or the so-called People's Republic
Which transfers power to
The particle-biased proletariat
And does away with the bourgeoisie.
In the first case, an atomic compromise
Between church and state.
In the second case, a post-atomic state exclusivity.
In other words, a progression
From relativity to absolutism.
But also, in some sense, a regression
From wavicle relativity to particle
Certainly one should carefully distinguish
Between this post-atomic democratic materialism
And a free-electron theocratic spirituality,
As appertaining to the Centre which,
In contrast to the republican state,
Will reflect a wavicle bias in
With an aspiration towards pure spirit.
The post-atomic status is
An extension of the democratic spectrum,
The free-electron status ... the inception of
A truly theocratic spectrum,
In which sovereignty is vested in the Leader ...
As embodied Holy Ghost. The
Centre, then,
Is above all democratic sovereignty, whether
Of the liberal or socialist republican kinds, and is
Thus beyond both Christianity and Antichristianity
In what is potentially if not, at this point in time,
Actually the true world religion
Of theocratic Centrism,
As conceived of and introduced by
He who, in his own logically grounded estimation,
Regards himself as loosely corresponding
To a Second Coming.
The Irish Republic, being liberal, is
A compromise between the Catholic Church
And the Republican State, as between
The wavicle aspect of the atom
And the particle aspect of
The neutron and/or electron.
There are those, I know, who would
Like to do away with this compromise
And bring about a state absolutism,
In what would be a hard-line People's Republic.
But they misunderstand Ireland if they think
That an electron-particle materialism
Would be acceptable to it!
For, in complete contrast to Britain,
Ireland is ever the land where, at least as far as
The majority population is concerned, a
Wavicle bias prevails, and such
Will doubtless continue to be the case in future,
Even if, in deference to historical evolution, that
Bias is transferred from the atomic Church
To the electron Centre, and thus established
On the highest possible terms,
Terms which less signify a stemming from the Father
Than an aspiration towards the Holy Spirit,
Irrespective, initially, of whether such
An aspiration is indirect rather than direct,
And thus involving recourse,
Through Social Transcendentalism,
To hallucinogenic stimulants like LSD
As the necessary prelude to the hypermeditation
Of a super-transcendental age.
But theocratic Centrism,
Whether in its first or second stages,
Cannot exist within a republic,
Like Christianity within a kingdom.
You cannot speak of a Centrist state,
Still less of a republican state with
A Centrist culture and 'church'.
The Centre, no less than
The Kingdom of pre-Christian times,
Would be absolutist, and while the
Kingdom incorporated its own pagan religion
And later went on to accommodate Christianity,
So the Centre would incorporate
Its own transcendental politics,
With particular reference to the bureaucracy.
One could therefore speak of
A state-based Centre, but Centre it would be,
If political sovereignty resided in the Leader,
And not, as with republican states, in the masses,
Whether bourgeois and proletarian, or only proletarian,
Neutron and electron, or only electron.
The State independent of the Church is
A communist ideal,
But the Centre independent of the State is
A Centrist one, and differs from the former
To the extent that leader's sovereignty
Differs from proletarian sovereignty.
A People's Republic, no matter
How dictatorial it may appear to the cynical eye,
Is still a democratic phenomenon
In which the proletariat,
In whom sovereignty resides,
Are represented by People's Representatives,
Including prime minister, president, and so on,
Who are accountable to the electorate.
A Social Transcendental Centre, by contrast,
Would be a theocratic entity,
Since totalitarian on account of
Political sovereignty residing in the Leader,
Who would be no-less independent of the State
Than People's Representatives in
A Communist Democracy are independent of the Church.
Whereas in a People's Republic the proletariat
Are an end in themselves,
In a Social Transcendental Centre, by contrast,
The Leader would be the means to a higher end -
Namely the introduction and development
Of Social Transcendentalism
In the People's moral interests,
Who will of course be its chief beneficiaries,
Since they are the ones who, if they so choose,
Will be religiously sovereign
And thus entitled to develop
Their spiritual potential
To the greater glory of their saved selves.
Communal prayer is endemic to Christianity,
Because thought appertains to
The wavicle aspect of the neutron,
With particular reference to the midbrain.
If Christianity has hitherto stressed prayer
Instead of meditation, it is because -
Particularly in its Protestant manifestation -
Christianity has to do with
The wavicle aspect of the neutron, being
A religion of the intellect, or Word made Flesh,
Than of the spirit.
Meditation, by contrast, appertains to
The wavicle aspect of the electron,
And is accordingly a spiritual indulgence,
Awareness being cultivated for its own sake
Rather than used, as will,
To condition and order thoughts.
In recited prayer, there is very little
Use of the will, since what has been learnt,
And consigned to memory, attests
To a neutron-wavicle approach stemming
From the Son and reflecting the enslavement of
The supplicant/worshipper to natural determinism.
Free thought, on the other hand,
Is thought regulated by the will,
Or particle aspect of the electron,
And it is indicative of
A state freedom from natural determinism,
So dear to republican democratic sentiment.
Free thought is fundamentally anti-Church,
But it can also become pro-Centre,
As when used to advocate
The electron-wavicle freedom of pure
If free thought is antinatural,
Then freedom from thought is Supernatural,
The antithesis to bound thought,
And thus to wavicle-biased neutrons.
Emotion appertains to the particle aspect
Of the proton, the stuff of which passions,
Both transient and lasting, are made.
Emotion is thus a thing of the old brain,
Antithetical, in character, to will,
Which stems from the particle electrons
Of the new brain.
In between one finds thought,
That neutron-wavicle noumenon
Of the conscious mind, and thought can be
Either bound to emotion in superstition,
Or free from emotion in reason, depending
On the person or context/epoch in question.
Whereas emotions are perceptual, thoughts are
Conceptual, not felt but nevertheless known
By the apparent essence of the will,
Which both evokes and regulates thought according
To its electron-particle integrity.
Beyond thought, however, is the pure awareness
Of an electron-wavicle essence,
Antithetical in every respect to emotion.
One could speak of emotion
As fundamental to the Pagan Kingdom,
Thought as inhering to the Christian Church,
Will as fundamental to the Republican State,
And awareness as inhering to
The Social Transcendental Centre.
Emotion is soulful, but awareness spiritual.
Will is superior to emotion,
As reason to superstition,
But inferior to awareness.
The penetration of thought by will makes for memory,
Which is an atomic phenomenon reflecting
A compromise between brain and mind,
The electron particles of the new brain
And the neutron wavicles of the
conscious mind.
Thoughts reside in the latter,
But their realization or recollection
Depends upon the degree to which
The former is exercised.
A strong will should induce a strong memory,
A weak will ... a weak memory.
In distinguishing between brain and mind,
One has a particle/wavicle dichotomy,
The neutron particles of the midbrain
Contrasting, through read literature, with
The neutron wavicles, or thoughts, of
The conscious mind; the electron particles
Of the new brain contrasting, as will, with
The electron wavicles, or awareness, of
The superconscious; not to mention
The proton particles of the old brain
Contrasting, as emotion, with
The proton wavicles, or dreams, of
The subconscious mind.
Just as the Church stems from the Kingdom,
So, in a manner of speaking, does the conscious mind
Stem from the old brain.
By contrast with the conscious mind,
The new brain signifies a 'fall' (forwards)
From church to state or, at any rate, from
The Protestant Church to the Republican State,
Neutron wavicles to neutron and/or
electron particles.
But out of the particle Republic
Should arise the wavicle Centre,
As the new brain leads to the superconscious,
And thus a return to mind - only this time
To mind of the spirit rather than
To mind of either the soul or the intellect.
Whether the materialism be of old brain or new brain,
Imagination or will, subnatural or antinatural, it must
Ever contrast with the naturalism and supernaturalism,
Thought and awareness, of the intellectual conscious
And the spiritual superconscious, which
Appertain to the wavicle aspects of the
Whether one has a bias for the particle
Or the wavicle aspect of a particular
element ...
Will, to a large extent, depend upon one's race,
And we need not doubt that whilst
Anglo-Saxons generally favour the particle aspect
Of each element, Celts, particularly when Irish,
Generally favour its wavicle aspect.
Thus whereas the English progressed
From imagination to will,
As from Shakespeare to Empire,
The Irish are in the process
Of progressing from thought to awareness,
As from prayer to contemplation.
In the case of the English a materialist progression
From the Kingdom to the State;
In the case of the Irish a spiritual progression
From the Church to the Centre.
Of course, neither people are absolute,
An atomic compromise being endemic
To humanity over a given period of time.
But few would deny that a bias
One way or the other has long existed,
And certainly, as far as the Irish are concerned,
Such a bias will continue to exist into the future,
Irish people becoming more spiritual,
English people, with external encouragement,
Less materialist, until eventually,
Following decades of interbreeding
Between blacks and whites,
The Anglo-Saxon race effectively ceases to exist,
And the majority of the inhabitants
Of what is now mainland Britain
Become no less spiritual than
Their Celtic neighbours across the Irish Sea.
While thinking in terms of racial roots
Is permissible within an open society
Of democratic provenance,
It would be taboo within a closed society
Of theocratic persuasion, such as
A Social Transcendental Centre, where neither Celts
Nor Anglo-Saxons and Jews would exist,
But only free-electron ideologues
Partial to a supra-national designation.
If nationals can also be tribalists -
Englishmen Anglo-Saxons or Irishmen Celts -
Then supra-nationals will only be transcendentalists,
Even if Irish and Israeli or Iranian ones,
Depending on their national background.
Thus an Irish Social Transcendentalist
Would be first and foremost an ideologue,
Albeit one of Irish descent.
He won't be an Irishman, still less a Celt,
Since both national and subnational
Will cease to be relevant
In a Social Transcendental Centre.
If Eire is destined to become
The first ideological component in
A sort of federation
Of Social Transcendental Centres,
Then it will have to cease being Eire
And instead become
An Irish Social Transcendental Centre,
Elevated to the supra-national status
Of a full-blown theocracy under
The Messianic guidance of he who, for a
Variety of reasons, most corresponds to
A Second Coming and intends to establish
His heavenly 'kingdom', the Centre, on earth ...
In order that all worldly kingdoms
May be overcome and the world brought to
A theocratic unity in transcendental Centrism,
As the necessary precondition
Of subsequent, or millennial, evolution.
Millennial evolution does of course imply
The creation, by qualified technicians, of
The life forms destined to supersede
The superhuman/superbeingful 'men'
Of the Centrist civilization - namely
The artificially-supported and sustained
Brain collectivizations of the Supermen,
Followed, some time later, by
The new-brain collectivizations
Of the Superbeings; the first post-human
life form
Antithetical to apes,
The second one antithetical to trees;
The former engaged in hypertripping,
Or undergoing hallucinogenic enlightenment
More extensively and intensively
Than would be possible on the human plane;
The latter engaged in hypermeditating,
Or meditating more extensively and intensively
Than would be possible on the human plane;
The distinction between them amounting
To a more radical duplication of
The preceding superhuman/superbeingful
Of Centrist civilization, leading
(via the Superbeings) to transcendence,
And thus to the attainment of pure spirit
To the spatial Beyond where, in conjunction
With numerous other spiritual transcendences, it will
Proceed on its heavenly journey towards
The culmination of all evolution in
The definitive spiritual unity of the Omega Absolute -
The ultimate, or universal, globe ... of pure spirit,
The blessed being of
The Holy Spirit in the bliss of Eternity.
Yet before the spatial Beyond of ... Heaven,
The heavenly millennium of ...
The post-human life forms,
The first stage set on earth,
The second ... in space,
Each stage a full-blown version
Of the coming civilization, which will be
A millennium of post-humanist endeavour,
As championed and led by Social Transcendentalism.
To pretend that the Greater German Reich
Was Germany is at best self-deception,
At worst political naiveté.
Hitler created, at first Austria's
And then Czechoslovakia's expense,
A supra-national entity distinct from Germany,
And owing nothing to republican precedent.
In the Greater German Reich we perceive
The rudiments of a theocratic union,
Which was subsequently extended at Poland's expense
And was originally designed to embrace
The racial folk community of the Teutonic peoples,
Who, in Hitler's estimation, were alone qualified
To receive the (false) theocracy of National Socialism,
And thus, in comparison with surrounding
Democratic peoples (both liberal and communist), become
A 'master race', living in a superior, or theocratic, system
In which sovereignty was vested in Hitler
Who, as Führer, approximated,
No matter how crudely, to a Second Coming,
The saviour of his people, meaning
Those capable of being thus theocratized,
Who acknowledged the Leader
And were obligated to obey him.
Being a false theocracy, National Socialism
Assuredly deserved to fail, but I would be a hypocrite
Not to perceive in it the crude prototype
Of a higher order, an intimation of things to come ...
With the rebirth of theocracy in Centrism,
And consequent emergence of Social Transcendentalism
As the ideology destined to complete what Nazism,
In its socialistic imperfection,
Ultimately failed to achieve - namely
The overcoming of all democracy and
Advancement, throughout the world,
Of genuine theocracy, albeit by degrees
And according to ethnic suitability.
What National Socialism inevitably failed to do,
Social Transcendentalism must succeed in doing,
To the greater glory of world-historical progress!
The atomic dichotomy between work and play
Is gradually being superseded
By a bias for play ... that may yet turn into
An exclusive concern with play, or recreation,
At the expense of work.
If the pagan age was partial to work,
And the Christian age to a compromise
Between work and play, then we needn't doubt
That the coming transcendental age
Will be partial to play, as was already the case
In the late-twentieth century where
Large numbers of people were concerned,
Not least among those who had no work
Because they were unemployed, and consequently
Read books and/or magazines,
Listened to music and/or voice recordings,
Watched television and/or video,
Played slot machines and/or computer games.
Play is no bad thing if it brings one closer to being,
Takes one further away from
The historical curse of work.
The work/play dichotomy is, after all, equivalent
To an atomic/neutron distinction,
And whilst a compromise between the two
Will be relevant to an atomic age,
It can only become increasingly irrelevant
As time advances towards a free-electron age
In which not worldly compromise
But heavenly absolutism is the social norm,
In deference to theocratic criteria.
Beingful play, then, will be the future
norm -
At least as far as the masses are concerned.
For not all men are the same,
And while the majority may prefer to play,
A minority will favour work, if of a beingful
These are, of course, the leaders,
The shepherds to the flock,
And while they are largely responsible
For the creation of new 'promised lands'
Of the spirit, they don't care or dare
To enter them personally, leaving
Their enjoyment to the people.
If air balloons are natural,
Then the earliest planes, open to the air,
Were moderately antinatural,
With double wings on either side.
Then came the single-wing closed cockpit planes,
Suggestive of a radical antinaturalism,
Which were followed, in due course, by
The more radically anti-natural jet planes,
With shorter wings set aslant the body,
As if drawn back in horror of relativity.
But even they seem moderate
Compared with the extreme antinaturalism
Of those jets, often smaller, whose wings
Are so close to the body as to appear a part of it,
An extension of the body rather than an independent wing,
Near absolute in expansive tail, more fish than bird.
Similar to them but capable of vertical take-off
Are the anti-supernatural jets, with fold-up wings,
And reminiscent of balloons but powered by engine ...
Are the supernatural 'choppers',
Their blades revolving atop the body
Or, rather, head - a vertical take-off
Confirming a transcendental essence.
Button-up shirts with collars and cuffs
Aren't for Social Transcendentalists,
Since they pertain to a bourgeois tradition,
A kind of atomic compromise
Between (neutron) buttons and (atomic) holes,
Not to mention between shirt and tie.
Only T-shirts and vests should be worn by them,
Since all-of-a-piece in a button-free absolutism
Of electron transcendentalism.
As a writer, are you a subnaturalist,
A naturalist, an antinaturalist,
Or a supernaturalist, viz. dramatist,
Novelist, philosopher, or poet?
Are you of the Father or the Mother,
Of Christ or the Holy Ghost?
Is your work aristocratic or plutocratic,
Technocratic or meritocratic?
Do you write it on its own true level -
Philosophy in aphorisms, poetry in free verse -
Or on some higher or lower level,
Depending on the genre?
And is what you write applicable to
The genre in question,
Like worldly appearances to literature
And heavenly essences to poetry?
Are you a muddlehead or a genius,
Sham or genuine?
You may become rich by writing novels,
That naturalistic genre,
But few poets become wealthy,
And those who do are often false -
Bureaucrats or democrats in disguise,
Not genuinely theocratic.
Commercializers and vulgarizers
of poetry,
Bastardizing the genre through their worldly sentiments.
But a genuine theocrat, serving the cause
Of the Holy Spirit, writes genuine poetry,
Whether literary or pure, expressive or impressive,
And he has no desire to become rich,
Preferring his own spiritual wealth
To the material poverty of money.
A genuine poet isn't bourgeois,
Still less proletarian,
But transcendentally classless,
Identifying with the supernatural,
Not the natural or the antinatural.
Proletarian intellectuals are usually novelists,
Bourgeois intellectuals ... philosophers.
Neither of which can write genuine poetry,
Though they may attempt something above themselves.
The genuine poet, however, won't
Attempt anything beneath himself.
It would be less than genuine - a supernatural
Novel or philosophy the paradoxical outcome!
To extend bourgeois art into a proletarian age,
One has only to paint in an abstract manner.
To create a genuinely proletarian art,
Commensurate with the age of the State,
One must be a light artist.
To go beyond this into holography
Is to become a transcendentalist,
And the age of the Centre is just around the corner.
If kingdom leads to church, and state to centre,
Then so must sculpture lead to painting,
And light art to holography, as from
Atomic particles to wavicles (with a
'fall' from
the church/painting to the state/light art), and
From electron particles to wavicles.
Thus whereas painting signifies
A Christian 'rise' from pagan sculpture,
So should holography signify
A transcendental 'rise' from secular light art.
The degeneration of church art
From the heights of Catholic religiosity
To the depths of Protestant secularity
Was paralleled by the elevation of state art
From the depths of Romantic secularity
To the heights of Classical light artistry.
By contrast to painting, light art most definitely
Signifies a 'fall', as from wavicle
To particle materialism, but one significant of
A progression from atoms to electrons,
And thus commensurate with the proletariat
Rather than the bourgeoisie.
Parallel to a progression in church art
From Catholic representation
To theosophical abstraction,
We find a degeneration of state art
From Romantic representation
To Expressionist abstraction,
Preparatory to the more extreme
Marxist purism of materialist light art.
And yet, just as the State began by using
Church means, viz. painting, in a secular context,
So one can perceive the beginnings
Of Centrist art via the use of state means, viz. light art,
In a religious context of non-material pure abstraction -
A distinction between Expressionism and Impressionism.
What may appear a contradiction
Is often the extension of a viewpoint
From the main perspective to a subordinate
And tangential one, or vice versa,
So that, whilst a general trend
Is discernible in the historical evolution
Of the subject in question,
Subordinate or peripheral trends
Are also to be discerned, if one has
The desire or ability to change one's viewpoint.
There is a particle aspect to every electron,
A wavicle aspect to every proton,
And although these may be subordinate
To the main aspects, or general perspective,
Nevertheless they exist and should be
Taken into account if a comprehensive picture,
Necessarily paradoxical, is ultimately to emerge.
One cannot presume that all artists follow
A rigorously logical course.
There are always anarchic and arbitrary
Employments of any given medium,
Be it paint, light, stone, or whatever.
But, as a rule, they won't preponderate!
State art employing the medium of paint
Is inherently inferior
Not only to state art employing light,
But to church art employing paint,
Since that more accords
With an atomic-wavicle bias than ...
Either a neutron- or an electron-particle one.
Similarly church art using the medium of stone,
Which accords with an atomic-particle bias,
Is inherently inferior to church art-proper,
And we needn't doubt that Centrist art using
The medium of light is inherently inferior
To what is - or will be - Centrist art-proper,
Which will use holograms as the medium
Most suited to an electron-wavicle bias.
Just as church art-proper began
In a Catholic representational context
And gradually evolved towards pure abstraction,
So Centrist art-proper will begin
In a representational context
And gradually evolve towards pure abstraction,
Commensurate with a super-transcendental age,
The second phase of Centrist civilization.
Heterosexual sex reverses the usual condition
Of male and female sex organs respectively -
The penis becoming hard and the vagina soft.
Ordinarily the vagina is hard and the penis soft,
As though the former reflected a particle bias
And the latter, antithetical to it, a wavicle
However, with sex, the vagina is raised to
An atomic-wavicle equivalent while
The penis is lowered to an atomic-particle equivalent,
Thereby establishing the coital dichotomy
Of a church/kingdom relativity.
It may be said that whereas men are lowered,
Through heterosexual sex,
From the atomic-wavicle level of a soft
To the atomic-particle level of a hard one,
As though from catholic church to bureaucratic kingdom,
Women, by contrast, are raised by it
From the atomic-particle level of a hard vagina
To the atomic-wavicle level of a soft
As though from bureaucratic kingdom to catholic church.
Thus, paradoxically, while men are morally worsened
By sex, it morally elevates women.
One must carefully distinguish between
The autocratic, the bureaucratic/democratic,
And the theocratic, as between three periods
Of evolutionary time, corresponding
To the Father, the Mother/Son, and the Holy Ghost,
While not forgetting the anti-democratic period
Of the Antichrist, whose hard-line republican state
Opposes both the Father and the Mother/Son
Without being in favour of the Holy Ghost.
That devolves upon the Second Coming
And his Social Transcendental Centrism,
And he well knows that
No true aspiration towards the Holy Ghost
Can be made while both state and church,
Not to mention kingdom, are in existence.
As the Second Coming, he signifies
A second and more omega-oriented wavicle
bias -
That of the electron Centre
As opposed to the atomic Church.
Periods of barbarism alternate
With periods of civilization,
And while the former are endemic
To the particle aspect of the atom,
Whether as protons, neutrons, electrons,
Or a bureaucratic combination of all three,
The latter are endemic to its wavicle
Whether with regard to the Church (in each of
its elemental manifestations), or to the Centre.
Thus whereas the barbarous Kingdom preceded
The civilized Church, so the latter
Has been superseded by the barbarous State,
As representative of electron particles.
If civilization is to reappear, then the particle State
Must be superseded by the wavicle
And the age of the Second Coming
Replace that of the Antichrist.
Proletarian materialism should lead
To transcendental spirituality,
And thus to the rebirth of civilization
On the highest electron terms.
Loneliness, apartness, isolation, and alienation
Are endemic to the electron particles
Of the age of the Antichrist.
Particles are not cohesive but separate,
And if, on the electron level of the proletariat, they
Aren't negative, and hence frictional or reactive (like
the life-and-death antagonisms of a proton-particle age),
Still they remain independent,
Doing their own particle thing
In the privacy of their individual homes,
Each man isolated from his neighbour
In artificial self-indulgence,
A kind of media hedonism of electron positivity.
Those who are deeply of the State
Take this situation for granted,
Others, who may be more of the Church,
Complain of loneliness and alienation.
Yet others, who see ahead
To an age of transcendental cohesion, know
That their current isolation is but a passing phase,
Symptomatic of materialist decadence,
A state fragmentariness that will be superseded,
In due Messianic time, by a cohesion
Superior in essence to that of the Church -
Namely, the electron-wavicle cohesion
Of the Centre in the ultimate civilization.
They, at any rate, live in hope!
If to ride pillion on a motorbike would be
Incompatible with the dignity and/or safety
Of a theocratic leader in a Centrist society,
Then let him go sidecar and be driven from place to place
In the comparative comfort and safety
Of a specially-constructed car, an escort
Of independent motorbikes in close attendance.
In such fashion, he would be able to continue,
If desired, with any pressing business
And would be absolutist, isolated from fellow passengers
And the motorbike's actual driver, self-contained
In a small but strong compartment,
Attesting to the contraction of materialism
From democratic to theocratic levels.
Distinguish carefully between
The lesser 'natural' supernaturalism
And the greater 'artificial' supernaturalism,
As between a democratic
And a genuinely theocratic supernaturalism.
But, above all, distinguish between
The supernatural and the supra-natural,
The latter of which is
The more radical successor of the former.
Beware those muddleheads
Who confound omega with alpha,
The Holy Spirit with the Creator,
Truth with strength!
Only an atomic Christian can serve
Two such antithetical masters at once ...
In the person of Christ, Who corresponds,
In His humanity, to the 'Three in One',
And is thus intellectual goodness
As well as instinctual strength and spiritual truth.
Yet Puritan Christianity is a neutron-wavicle
Of the good Christ alone, just as totalitarian socialism
Is an electron-particle phenomenon
Of the illusory Antichrist alone,
The hard-line Republican State
As opposed to the soft-line Protestant Church.
But the proton-particle phenomenon of
The Kingdom, corresponding to the Father, and
The electron-wavicle noumenon
of the Centre,
Corresponding to the Holy Spirit, are radically
Antithetical, as between paganism and transcendentalism,
And no-one who identifies with the latter
Can possibly serve the former.
A break with the Father is also, by implication,
A break with the Son.
For only through theocratic Centrism can man aspire
Towards the goal of evolution in the Holy Spirit -
The pure spirit of the Omega Absolute.
The fact that man cannot attain to pure spirit
In the Beyond ... of transcendence,
Is a cardinal assertion of my truth.
At best he can aspire towards it, but no more!
And this in the second phase of his Centrist evolution,
The superbeingful phase of
Hypermeditating Super-transcendentalists.
As in its first phase, man's immediate successor,
The Superman, will indulge in
Hallucinogenic enlightenment
Through some form of LSD-tripping,
And thus indirectly cultivate awareness
Through the medium of
Artificially-induced visionary experience.
But, as a brain artificially supported
And sustained in collectivized contexts, he
Would trip more extensively and intensively.
Only his successor, the Superbeing of
The second phase of the post-human millennium,
Would attain to transcendence, and this because,
As a new-brain collectivization, it would
Cultivate pure mind to a degree inconceivable
On the human scale, thereby abandoning
The remnants of atomic materialism
For the spiritual freedom of the truly divine!
Truth pertains to man,
Supertruth to the Superman,
And supra-truth to the Superbeing.
Man can know the truth about himself
And the future course of evolution,
But he has only a limited capacity
For supertruth and supra-truth, as
To the most intensive cultivation of spirit,
Whether indirectly through hypercontemplation,
Or directly through hypermeditation,
Such as could only be experienced and endured
By his post-human successors,
The superhuman brain collectivizations
And the superbeingful new-brain collectivizations
Of the post-human millennium
Preceding the Beyond ... of Heaven.
Nevertheless, man will come to experience
Supertruth and supra-truth to some extent
During the course of this ultimate civilization.
Whatever pertains to proton and/or atomic particles
Is absolute evil, such as
The autocratic/bureaucratic Kingdom;
Whatever pertains to electron wavicles
Is absolute good, such as the theocratic Centre.
In between comes the relative good
Of atomic and/or neutron wavicles,
Whether in bureaucratic or democratic Church,
And the relative evil
Of neutron and/or electron particles,
Whether in democratic or pseudo-democratic State.
The Church-oriented faithful correspond to
The relative good,
The State-oriented unfaithful correspond to
The relative evil.
The former are civilized,
The latter uncivilized.
Only the Centre-oriented superfaithful
Will correspond to absolute good
In the electron-wavicle integrity
Of the highest civilization,
As ordained by the Second Coming.
(Phallic) FATHER AND (Vaginal) MOTHER
Strictly speaking, proton wavicles
Aren't of the Father but of Jehovah and/or Allah
In the oriental fundamentalism of a derivation
From the central star of the Galaxy -
The biggest and therefore purest star there.
By contrast, the Father was derived from
Both the sun, corresponding in oriental terms
To the Devil (Satan), and the earth's core -
That is, from a compromise
Between Eastern fundamentalism
And the phallic-based paganism of Western precedent.
Such a Father is less objectively divine, on
The alpha plane of divinity, than
A combination of diabolic and worldly,
But He is crucial to contiguity
With the Mother (nature) and thus
With the possibility of a Son (lunar Christ),
The very things which, from cosmic objectivity
In relation to alpha divinity,
Eastern fundamentalism has ever rejected.
Should sex be motivated by love (identifiable,
through emotional extrapolation, with
the solar component of the Father), it is deemed
Morally acceptable within the Western context.
But should it be divorced from emotional commitment
In a lustful promiscuity (identifiable,
through sensual extrapolation, with
the planetary component, viz. the earth's core, of
the Father alone), it is deemed
Morally unacceptable within that context (since,
by itself, the core is therein equivalent to the Devil - who
has no alternative reference-point - and so lustful sex
is accordingly identifiable with a diabolic bias).
Not so, however, in the Eastern context
Where, by contrast, emotional commitment
Would be morally suspect on account of its derivation
From the emotional plane (of the sun) and, hence,
Identification with what is objectively diabolic.
Harems were a traditional oriental way for the privileged
To escape the curse of emotional entanglement
Or enslavement (to the Devil), since they functioned
On the basis of a worldly promiscuity, and the world
Is less threatening (as sensational instinct) than
The Devil (as emotional instinct), to what
Is God (as spirit), given its greater distance
From the divine - like the planetary from the stellar -
And inability, in consequence, to subvert
Or eclipse, through fiery emotion, the divine light.
Hence the Western Father is really the Eastern Devil,
And because He is partly derived from the sun
He cannot be equated, like Jehovah or Allah,
With proton wavicles but only, like
With proton particles - a solar outer light
Which is less strong than weak in relation
To the (oriental) Almighty ...
of the stellar 'inner light',
Or central star of the Galaxy, and accordingly
A deity which, in complete contrast to
The higher alpha of oriental fundamentalism,
Has been evolved away from, via the successive
'Persons' of the Trinity, in due process of worldly time.
LONDON 1984 (Revised 1985-2012)