101. Beyond this upper bodily level, however, we can distinguish between the necessarily more evolved 'head men' on the one hand, and 'hair men' on the other - the former attaching especial importance to a woman's face, and the latter just as much importance to the shape, colour, length, and texture of her hair.  In the one case, a particle-suggesting materialistic bias commensurate with a Communist disposition; in the other case, a wavicle-suggesting idealistic bias commensurate with a Fascist disposition.  Brain and mind distinctions lurking in the background, as it were, of the face/hair dichotomy.  Of course, face and hair can also figure prominently in the more alpha-stemming assessments of female beauty, the face complementing the backside evaluation and the hair complementary to the leg evaluation, though not, however, on the same terms or even to the same degree.  A beautiful face would count for more in the alpha-stemming autocratic evaluation than in the communistic evaluation, which, by contrast, would find beauty unacceptable.  Similarly, a very long ponytail would count for less in a fascistic evaluation than in a Catholic one, where length would be of the essence.  Indeed, such a ponytail would be totally unacceptable to a man of Fascist disposition, who would be keen to distinguish between traditional long or medium-length ponytails and (from his viewpoint) contemporary short ponytails, which, in contrast to the aforementioned, stem from the crown of the head rather than from the back of it - thereby attesting to a transcendent bias.  One might cite as analogous the distinction between (traditional) umbrellas, or brollies, and (revolutionary) collapsibles - the former akin to long/medium-length ponytails, and the latter to contemporary short ones.


102. Whereas a vitamin tablet corresponds to a particle-suggesting Communist equivalent, a vitamin capsule corresponds, by dint of its wavicle-suggesting length, to a Fascist equivalent, bearing in mind the parallel with round rolls and finger rolls respectively - materialistic and idealistic alternatives on the People's theocratic levels.


103. Shoes - boots - sneakers: world - Devil - God distinctions, with democratic, communistic, and fascistic implications.  Sneakers are really a kind of antithetical equivalent to grand-bourgeois/catholic spats, those striped shoes.


104. In Isaiah Berlin's distinction between the hedgehog and the fox - the hedgehog knowing one big thing, i.e. how to curl up when under attack, and the fox lots of little things, i.e. how to stalk prey, avoid detection, wait patiently, etc. - we have a mind/brain dichotomy between the divine and the diabolic life-principles ... as relative to wavicle cohesion and to particle apartness, homogeneity and heterogeneity.  The hedgehog, one imagines, would take a gradualist view of evolution, the fox a revolutionary one.  The hedgehog would prefer to view civilized evolution in terms of a continuum, the fox ... in terms of separate civilizations in competitive succession.  Both views, of course, would be equally correct, though not equally applicable to every part of the world.  One fancies that the hedgehog's would have more applicability to Ireland than to Britain, whereas with the fox it would be the other way around.  Russell and Spengler - idealism and materialism.


105. As foolish to call a tree's blossom weak or useless because it is not strong or useful, like an apple, as to call an apple ugly because it is not beautiful, like blossom.  One can only apply attributes to a thing in terms of what it is or should be, not in terms of what something else is or should be.  Blossom can no more be judged according to the standards applicable to fruit ... than fruit according to the standards applicable to blossom.  Blossom may be beautiful or ugly, but it can never be weak.  Similarly, fruit may be hard or soft, useful or useless, but it can never be ugly.


106. A third-rate artist is not an anti-artist.  On the contrary, he is a poor genuine artist.  An anti-artist, by contrast, is simply a bogus artist or, put more bluntly, no artist at all.  He is a materialist rather than an idealist.


107. Theory of Irish party-political correlations within the democratic and theocratic frameworks: right-wing democratic Fianna Fàil; extreme right-wing democratic Sinn Fein; extreme left-wing theocratic 'Blue-Shirt' Fascism; left-wing democratic Labour Party; extreme left-wing democratic Socialist Party; extreme right-wing theocratic Communist Party.  Fine Gael are of course a centre democratic party.


108. So one has a nationalist party, viz. Fianna Fàil; a liberal party, viz. Fine Gael; and a democratic socialist party, viz. the Labour Party, within the parliamentary framework, with extra-parliamentary extreme democratic parties like Sinn Fein and the Socialists outside and beyond it.  One thing remains clear: Sinn Fein are a Nazi equivalent, an extreme nationalist party with a socialist bias.  They tail-end the democratic framework opposite - and opposed to - the Socialists.  More a teutonic than a latin organization, they would constitute a socialistic opposition to the Catholic Church in pursuance of hard-line republican ideals.  Their defence of Catholics is largely if not solely motivated by political considerations.  Consequently a Nazi/Fascist distinction has traditionally existed between Sinn Fein and the 'Blue Shirts', that army-inspired organization which, under the leadership of General O'Duffy, formed a parallel with Italian and Spanish Fascism in defence of Catholicism against Socialist and/or Communist barbarism.  Now although the 'Blue Shirts' have long ceased to parade, we need be under no doubt that something analogous would rise-up to defend the Faith from atheistic opposition ... should Ireland be confronted by a strong republican threat at any future time.  That being unlikely, there of course remains the need for and historical inevitability of Social Transcendentalism, which, unlike Fascism, is less concerned with defence of the Catholic Church from barbarous antagonists than with expansion of what is potentially, if not actually at this point in time, the True World Religion (of an unequivocally transcendental aspiration) on a supra-national basis throughout those parts of the world considered ripe for the setting-up, under Messianic auspices, of the 'Kingdom of Heaven', i.e. the Social Transcendentalist Centres in which the People would be religiously sovereign.  This is what lies beyond Fascism.


109. Sense in which foam earplugs are Fascist and/or Social Transcendentalist, whereas wax earplugs are Communist and/or Transcendental Socialist, depending, in each case, on their stylistic and commercial presentation.  Doubtless there is something idealistic, because synthetic, about foam, whereas wax suggests a materialistic status by dint of its comparative weight and dense opacity.


110. Distinctions between those who predominantly comprehend and relate to life through their ears, and those, by contrast, who predominantly comprehend or relate to it through their eyes - a distinction implying essential and apparent alternatives comparable, I would contend, with masculine and feminine biases respectively.  Yet, of course, there must also be those who comprehend and relate to life through both senses equally, which would suggest a middle-ground stance commensurate with the world, rather than with either divine or diabolic extremes.  Realism as opposed to aurally-biased idealism or optically-biased materialism.  Generally speaking, musicians comprehend and relate to life profoundly, which is to say, through their ears, whereas artists (painters) comprehend and relate to it superficially, which is to say, through their eyes.  Essence and appearance - divine and diabolic.


111. Individualism verses collectivism, the part verses the whole, the separate verses the unitary, the Many verses the One: in all such cases, a diabolic/divine antithesis which runs through life whilst antitheses prevail.  A society which puts the emphasis on collectivism, the whole, unity, etc., is biased towards the Divine.  A society, by contrast, which puts the emphasis on individualism, the part, the separate, etc., is biased towards the Diabolic.  In the first instance, theocratic; in the second instance, autocratic.  Which leaves those societies that, given to worldly dualism, strive to maintain a balance between individualism and collectivism, the part and the whole, etc., and are accordingly democratic.  Traditionally, the first two types of society have been characterized by papal and monarchic distinctions, while the third is parliamentary.  In Britain, individualism is upheld by the Tory Party, while the Labour Party professes a collective bias and the Liberal Democrats stand somewhere in-between.  Communism, on the other hand, paradoxically signifies a new individualism in terms of proletarian humanism, whereas Fascism emphasizes collectivism, with especial reference to the nation.  In the event of Social Transcendentalism (Centrism) coming to pass, the emphasis on the collective, the whole, the united, etc., will take a predominantly religious cast, as signifying an aspiration by the People towards ultimate spiritual unity in the heavenly Beyond - the unity of pure spirit.  However, from an evolutionary standpoint, it must be said that there is a broad and gradual progression from individualism to collectivism - primitive collectivism being more apparent than essential, contemporary individualism likewise more apparent than essential.  For protons are ever reactive, electrons alone being attractive.  Alpha and omega.


112. An approximate correlation of eggs, or their mode of presentation, with what I perceive to be their political and/or religious parallels would, I think, run as follows: Royalist poached eggs; Catholic and/or High Tory scrambled eggs; Liberal large medium-boiled eggs; radical Conservative large soft-boiled eggs; petty-bourgeois Democratic Socialist large hard-boiled eggs; petty-bourgeois Socialist small hard-boiled eggs; petty-bourgeois Nazi small soft-boiled eggs; petty-bourgeois Liberal Democratic small medium-boiled eggs; proletarian Liberal Democratic plain omelettes; proletarian Democratic Socialist large (preferably two) hard-fried eggs; proletarian Socialist small (preferably one) hard-fried eggs; proletarian Nazi soft-fried egg; Fascist ham omelette; Social Transcendentalist sliced-ham omelette; Communist mushroom omelette; Transcendental Socialist chopped-mushroom omelette; Ecological cheese omelette.


113. Thus, broadly speaking, one can define boiled eggs as parliamentary, fried eggs as socialist, and omelettes as theocratic.  Bourgeois eggs tend to be boiled, People's eggs fried, whilst aristocratic and grand-bourgeois eggs are either poached or scrambled.  In terms of evolutionary distinctions, there is as wide a gap between poached eggs and omelettes as between, say, jacket potatoes and packet mash.  Alpha and omega of the egg!


114. A few idealistic/materialistic alternatives, whether democratic or theocratic: braces (vertical) and belts (horizontal); doner kebabs (slices of meat) and shish kebabs (chunks of meat); spaghetti bolognaise (long strips of pasta) and macaroni bolognaise (small rings of pasta).


115. As the meat in a kebab is relatively naturalistic (unlike that of a burger), it seems feasible to categorize kebabs as democratic rather than theocratic phenomena, and to distinguish between the large and small alternatives on the basis of two degrees of petty-bourgeois absolutism, i.e. moderate and extreme, with left- and right-wing distinctions between shish and doner.  Thus Democratic Socialist large shish and pure Socialist small shish on the one hand, but radical Conservative large doner and Nazi small doner on the other hand.  In the first case, a particle-suggesting materialism.  In the second case, a wavicle-suggesting idealism.  Chunks and slivers.


116. The more evolved and idealistic things become, the greater the degree of centro-complexification.  Conversely, the more devolved and materialistic they become, the greater the degree of decentralization.  'Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; mere anarchy is loosed upon the world' ... as Yeats wrote in The Second Coming.


117. Examples of centro-complexification in the English language include 'I'm' instead of 'I am', 'it's' instead of 'it is', 'you're' instead of 'you are', 'I've' instead of 'I have', and 'they're' instead of 'they are'.  In all such examples the relative is transcended in the absolute, the two become one, and thus bourgeois atomic dualism is superseded by a kind of petty-bourgeois/proletarian post-atomic monism.  'Thanks' instead of 'thank you', 'bye' instead of 'goodbye', 'hi' instead of 'hello' ... are further examples of this centro-complexifying tendency, as, of course, are such American contractions as 'gonna' instead of 'going to', 'wanna' instead of 'want to', 'gotta' instead of 'got to', not to mention the omission of the last letter from words such as 'going', 'doing', 'feeling', 'thinking', and 'sleeping', which has the effect of contracting them towards the first syllable, making for a more absolutist or, at any rate, less relativistic result.


118. A group, be it rock or jazz or a combination of both, which gives live performances in which the musicians are positioned as close together as possible on the stage ... is more evolved and idealistic in this respect than one in which, by contrast, the musicians are spread-out and thus separated by wide gaps.  Closeness reflects centro-complexification, distance ... decentralization.  The former is more appropriate to jazz, the latter to rock, particularly hard rock, which corresponds to a Socialist purism and is accordingly an extreme left-wing democratic norm ... commensurate with the most radical decentralization.  Photos of the heavy rock band Iron Maiden in concert from their Live After Death album indicate an arrangement in which the five musicians are generally spread-out on a wide and deep stage - something truly applicable, one feels, to their type of music.  In contrast, photos accompanying the Yes live double Yesshows indicate a highly-centralized arrangement in which the five musicians are grouped closely together on a revolving stage, one specifically suited, in its curvilinear idealism, to either a Social Transcendentalist or a Transcendental Socialist equivalent, i.e. to either rock-jazz or jazz-rock.  In my view, Yes are jazz-rock and therefore entitled to such a centralized stage arrangement.


119. The diabolic is centrifugal, the divine centripetal.  Diabolic light radiates outwards, divine light is turned in upon itself.  Extroversion is a diabolic attribute, introversion a divine one.  And this remains the case whatever the degree or type of diabolic/divine dichotomy.  Thus whether on the level of the old brain or the new one, the subconscious or the superconscious.  For extroverts are generally creatures of the brain, introverts, by contrast, creatures of the mind.  There is an introvert in every extrovert, an extrovert in every introvert.  Not to mention different degrees of brain and mind in every person.


120. Intuition stands to the old brain as dreaming to the subconscious: it is the essential attribute of old-brain activity, a kind of basic or primitive objectivity.  By contrast, ratiocination is a new-brain activity, a relatively artificial activity which tends to exclude intuition the more developed and advanced the reasoning capacity of the individual.  For just as a republican president and an autocratic monarch cannot co-exist within the same society or type of civilization, so there is little place for intuition in a head radically disposed to ratiocination - at least in theory; for even the most evolved human head has an old brain in practice and will be subject to intuitive intrusions from time to time, intrusions which the recipient will doubtless come to distrust, if not despise, deeming such naturalistic objectivity incompatible with the artificial requirements of a republican age, an age of rational objectivity.  For in relation to intuition, ratiocination costs a great deal of mental effort, radiating out, like all objectivity, from the centre to the periphery, or from the individual to society and phenomena in general, a fact which testifies to a diabolic disposition, even if one on a higher, more evolved level than intuition, that truly Satanic attribute.  Yet just as the brain has its objectivity, so the mind has its subjectivity, whether on the alpha-stemming level of dreams or on the omega-oriented level of trips, the latter of which would constitute an antithetical equivalent of the former - artificial and static as opposed to natural and active, a subjectivity of the superconscious rather than of the subconscious, a higher and altogether more evolved manifestation of the Divine, an intimation of Holy Ghost rather than an extrapolation from the Father.  However, such superconscious subjectivity is more an ideal for the future than a reality of the present, since the present century is by and large a continuation of republican precedent, with a new-brain bias for ratiocination and materialism in general, an age deriving from the 'Age of Reason' rather than intimating of the Centrist 'Kingdom of Heaven' to come; although alternative societies and sporadic intimations of such an ideal do indeed occur, in which spiritual subjectivity, or the superconscious mind's self-contemplation, is the divinely-biased raison d'être, the individual turned-in upon himself or, rather, his self in collective spiritual harmony with fellow seekers after realized truth - a phenomenon less pervasive in Britain than in the USA, though still far from the official norm even there.  In fact, such subjectivity is pretty much against the natural grain of England, which, despite occasional appearances to the contrary, is still very much an objective, giving, centrifugal nation, a nation with a materialistic bias, the brain counting for more than the mind, as its imperialistic record as forger of the largest empire the world has ever known adequately attests.  Such radically centrifugal activity cannot be achieved by a nation given, like the Irish, to subjectivity, and it is no surprise that the Irish were either forced to emigrate to foreign lands by adverse circumstances largely created by the British or were literally transported to such lands, particularly Australia and New Zealand, by their hereditary oppressors, whose materialistic bias was well-suited to such centrifugal undertakings.  For, unlike the British, the Irish are an intensely subjective, centripetal, taking people, for whom divine criteria are ever the guiding ideal, though less, traditionally, on the level of the superconscious than on that of the subconscious.  Consequently, in Ireland religious subjectivity will be given more encouragement and meet with greater tolerance than ever it would in England, where materialistic criteria take precedence, both traditionally and currently, and this in spite of the withering of Empire.  Doubtless, in time, such a situation will cease to apply, but not before considerable change has come to Britain ... both racially and politically.


121. Rock festivals are foci of alternative Britain, the Britain which, despite considerable achievements in the arts, has long tended to exist as the tail-side of a coin whose scientific, military, and imperialistic head comes first, that is to say is officially granted the place of honour and upheld at the expense, if necessary, of cultural and spiritual matters - a situation which in large degree reflects the traditional Anglo-Saxon domination of Celts and consequent British bias towards materialism.  For it is no small secret that alternative Britain is a predominantly Celtic affair, with festivals often held at traditional Celtic focal-points like Stonehenge, Glastonbury, and other such West Country places long renowned for their cultural and religious significance.  God exists in Britain, but always as a kind of shadow to the Devil ... on whichever evolutionary level.


122. Unlike indoor concerts, outdoor festivals allow for gatherings in excess of fifty thousand to form and partake of cultural enrichment ... mainly of course through music.  Gatherings in excess of a hundred thousand are not unheard of, and it cannot be denied that the greater the number of persons gathered together at any given festival, the greater, by a corresponding degree, is the spiritual achievement, an achievement comprising a vast number of persons simultaneously engrossed in the musical outpourings of a handful of bands, and thereby establishing, on earth, a crude approximation to the heavenly Beyond ... where spiritual unity would be so total as to be completely indivisible - indeed, globular in character.  Does it not therefore seem that intimations of such ultimate spiritual unity are to be found at the larger and more successful festivals?  An alternative society, well away from bourgeois worldly society and equivalent to the Centre, a kind of embryonic and unofficial Centre, which is the final form society will take as the 'Kingdom of Heaven' is established on earth by the Second Coming in the name of the Holy Spirit, and Transcendentalism accordingly becomes the divinely-ordained norm, a norm destined to culminate in definitive Heaven.  For it cannot be denied that festivals tend to be supernaturally-biased phenomena ... with electric music and, as often as not, the availability of synthetic drugs.  Contrary to what appearances might at first suggest, they are not invariably neo-pagan or naturalistic phenomena with a back-to-nature ethos.  Even if they express a revolt against the city, it doesn't automatically follow that nature is perceived as the only viable alternative.  On the contrary, one can be against the modern city, with its vast horizontal sprawl, from a supernatural point-of-view, which would approximate to the Centre and a rather more idealistic preference for vertically-biased architecture, signifying a kind of Fascist/Communist distinction between supernatural (Messianic) criteria and antinatural (Antichristic) criteria.  The rejection of contemporary urban life may accordingly take the form of an opposition to what is perceived to be a socialistic, spirit-denying trend by people whose innate disposition is towards the ideal, and who therefore feel obliged to live outside the existing urban norms.  Consequently they assume, or are obliged to lead, a convoy-like quasi-gypsy existence in order to keep together, although in reality they are less gypsies than ramshackle hippies, unofficial and informal manifestations of the future spiritually-biased alternative society ... to the existing Capitalist and Socialist ones.  Of course, not all those who attend festivals are hippies, in the above-mentioned sense.  The great majority are urban-dwellers of one sort or another, often students and workers whose temperamental and cultural affiliations with the hippies (a dubious term but one I shall persist in using) qualify them to be regarded as freaks, i.e. a sort of less militant and more conventional hippy or, as some would argue, middle-class hippies.  However that may be, such people attend festivals because they provide a welcome relief from the city and permit of a few days relatively uninterrupted music at a time of year when it should be a pleasure to sit in the open amid tens of thousands of fellow music-lovers and lead a comparatively carefree existence ... miles away from industrial and urban constraints.  In short, festivals constitute a kind of alternative holiday which, providing the weather stays warm and dry, can only benefit those for whom Bognor or Butlins would be equally taboo.  But just as not all festival-goers are hippies, so it should be apparent that not all hippies are festival-goers or, rather, that some convoy-type people are less hippies than gypsies, new-age or whatever, who prefer life on the road and/or in the field to a settled, sheltered life such as the majority of people, hippies or otherwise, tend to lead.  In general, it could be argued that such people have a nature-loving mentality and a religious orientation more cosmic and occult than transcendent and divine; that they would relate more to the Creator than to the Holy Ghost, and are accordingly of a neo-pagan disposition ... sympathetic towards ancient religions like Druidism.  My own view is that whilst open-society toleration of primitivism and naturalism permits such people their way, the coming closed society, particularly in its Centrist or overly transcendentalist manifestation, would not do so, since opposed to those very allegiances which indicate an alpha-stemming rather than an omega-aspiring disposition.  Social Transcendentalism would only accept those who were in effect transcendentally minded, whose adherence to alternative lifestyles was genuinely founded upon a supernatural bent and concomitant desire for a divinely-oriented alternative society.  Certainly, the others could not expect salvation, least of all in Ireland!


123. Avant-garde rock as a communistic Nazi equivalent; avant-garde jazz (including semi-electric jazz) as a fascistic Nazi equivalent.  Politically speaking, a distinction between Sinn Fein and the (British) National Front, with, however, proletarian implications in each case.


124. Possible Fascist/Social Transcendentalist distinction between standard-sized cassettes and micro-cassettes, paralleling the distinction between streamlined scooters and the smaller Japanese-manufactured plain scooters currently in vogue.  Also possible Communist/Transcendental Socialist distinction between (large) singles and compact discs, paralleling the distinction between single-seater plain motorbikes and single-seater streamlined motorbikes.


125. Hair combed back from the brow minus a parting would suggest a Fascist equivalent.  Hair combed forward over the brow minus a parting would suggest, by contrast, a Communist equivalent.


126. There also exists a kind of Fascist/Communist distinction between clip-on braces and slender leather belts, as between the vertical and the horizontal, idealism and materialism.


127. Diabolic and divine distinctions between predominantly extrovert, centrifugal, giving people ... and predominantly introvert, centripetal, taking people, with other people - probably the majority - coming somewhere in-between as a kind of worldly compromise between extroversion and introversion, centrifugal and centripetal, give and take, science and religion.  Generally speaking, the Irish are more take than give, the English more give than take, and the 'British' ... somewhere in-between the two categories.


128. Considered on a centripetal/centrifugal basis, it is difficult not to equate near-sighted people with a centripetal and, hence, divine bias and far-sighted people, by contrast, with a centrifugal and, hence, diabolic bias, while normal-sighted people, who generally constitute the majority, may be equated with a worldly compromise between the two extremes.  Thus God-Devil-world, according to the nature of one's sight.  Of course, my use of the terms near-sighted and far-sighted reflects a post-worldly objective evaluation, treating each on their own merits rather than from a worldly middle-ground viewpoint which, in the use of descriptions like short-sighted and long-sighted, could be said to reflect critically upon those whose eyes are so constituted as to be less than normal or more than normal, as the case may be.  And yet, if a correlation could be established between near-sightedness (myopia) and introversion on the one hand ... and far-sightedness (hyperopia) and extroversion on the other, we would have a psychological explanation for the immense variations in sight between people which would reinforce and, indeed, confirm my notion that there is more to such variations than at first meets the eye!  For surely the fact that so many great writers, this century, have been dependent on spectacles to 'correct' their vision owes more to innate psychological predilections than to material factors impinging upon them from without ... such as deterioration of eyesight through extensive reading and writing.  Can one not inherit either near- or far-sightedness from one's parents, one or both of whom could have been similarly constituted, and as a result, moreover, of psychological and intellectual motivations or origins?  Personally, I should not be surprised if the great majority of spectacle-wearing writers were found to be or to have been near-sighted.  Nor would it surprise me to learn that spectacle-wearing 'Reds' of one persuasion or another (Socialist/Communist) were more often than not far-sighted.  After all, Communism is more diabolic than divine, and far-sightedness is certainly a phenomenon which, in my estimation, should be correlated with centrifugal and extrovert tendencies of one degree or another, rather than with their converse.  Thus the 'redder' the Communist, the more far-sighted we may suppose him to have been.  Was Marx far-sighted?  Or Trotsky?  It would be more than mere coincidence, I am sure, if the extraordinary increase in 'sight defects' of a near- or a far-sighted character, these past hundred or so years, was seen to parallel the growth of post-worldly ideological distinctions to a degree which suggested a connection between 'defective sight' and ideological radicalism.  For isn't it true that more people are dependent on spectacles or other corrective lenses these days than ever before?  And wouldn't it be false to attribute this fact solely to eye-abuse on the part of the great majority of such people, whether through reading, writing, watching TV, or whatever, particularly in an age of extensive artificial lighting?  Or could there be some connection between such common 'sight defects' and electric light?  If so, then why isn't everybody affected one way or another by it?  No, I am convinced that such 'sight defects' are largely if not entirely of psychological origin, and that temperamental and other mental factors combine to condition or modify the field of vision.  A person with a strongly centripetal bias is more likely to be near-sighted than either perfect-sighted or far-sighted, just as, from the converse point-of-view, a person with a strongly centrifugal bias is more likely to be far-sighted than anything else.  God and Devil distinctions beyond the world.


129. Yet the world insists, here as in other contexts, on bringing everybody or, at any rate, as many persons as possible into line with itself, and accordingly obliges both the near- and far-sighted to wear 'corrective' lenses which will approximate their visions to the common norm of 'perfect vision'.  For the world cannot abide divine and/or diabolic deviations from its own atomic integrity, and accordingly insists that as many people as possible behave or think in a manner compatible with worldly criteria.  There is no doubt that, for a near- or a far-sighted person, spectacles are necessary to get about and conform to the world, whether in terms of crossing the street or reading the newspaper.  Whether they or, indeed, contact lenses would be as necessary to a person high on LSD is another matter!  Though it is unlikely that any such 'acid tripping' could legally take place within the context of the world.  Only, by contrast, within the more radical context of post-worldly divinity, i.e. Messiah-inspired Transcendentalism, and then with greater regard to the near-sighted, one imagines, than to their far-sighted counterparts who, if my contentions have any bearing on truth, would be better suited to a post-worldly diabolic context in which they sat, minus 'corrective' lenses, a good few yards from their cartoon-showing portables and had the artificially-reproduced external visionary experience in focus, or so one imagines!


130. It could well transpire that, in the future divine/diabolic societies, those who are 'normal-sighted' would be obliged to wear if not corrective lenses inducing either near- or far-sightedness ... as the case may be, then shades or contact lenses, in order to counter or inhibit worldly pursuits, whereas both the inherently near- and far-sighted would not, as at present, feel under any obligation to go against their optical grains, so to speak, but would be free to please themselves or, at any rate, regard their innate optical disposition as relative to their respective closed societies.  However, it could also transpire that within the divine closed-society context, the far-sighted would also be obliged to wear shades or, more probably, dark-tinted contacts in order to come more within the divine orbit, whether with regard to tripping, meditating, listening to supermusic, or whatever.  One thing I am confident about is that, in the future, shades and/or contact shades won't be so much optional as obligatory, particularly for people venturing outdoors or in any way exposed to natural light.  For the more the inner light is cultivated, the less acquiescence there can be in the outer light.  The supernatural supersedes, and excludes, the subnatural.


131. The more the electron side of life is cultivated, the less toleration there can be for its proton side.  Evolution demands the expansion of the former and the contraction of the latter.


132. Some famous twentieth-century bespectacled authors: André Gide, Hermann Hesse, Henry Miller, Jean-Paul Sartre, Wyndham Lewis, W.B. Yeats, Aldous Huxley, James Joyce, Arthur Koestler, Colin Wilson.


133. Distinction between Fascist 'vertical' hoovers and Communist 'horizontal' hoovers - the former idealistic in character, the latter materialistic.  Two post-worldly approaches to cleaning carpets.


134. Proton-particle hate-work of the Kingdom; proton-wavicle love-work of the Church; electron-particle hate-play of the State; electron-wavicle love-play of the Centre.  Manual labour, creative intellectual work; competitive sport, creative cultural play.  Open societies tend to oscillate between love-work and hate-play; closed societies, by contrast, tend to favour either hate-play or love-play, depending on their ideological bias (though, in point of fact, love-play is more a hope of the future than a contemporary norm - certainly in Socialist states).


135. Curious how people who dress and/or live in a progressive way, with recourse to truly radical and ideologically superior phenomena, are often regarded as 'common' by those of a more conventional, conservative, and traditional cast, particularly since the latter tend to considerably outnumber the former and are evidently somewhat lacking in intelligence and perspicacity to be content to carry-on in the same old open-society moulds year after year.  As usual, the mediocre majority would seem to be guilty of slanderously denigrating the more insightful and ideologically-evolved minority!  A commonplace situation within worldly, democratic types of society.


136. Inevitably, the more evolved, insightful, intelligent members of the human race are champions of theocracy against democracy, the absolute against the relative, the Holy Ghost against worldly Christianity, leaderism against representation, the electron as opposed to the neutron and/or atom (with its proton roots).


137. When there are no longer causes and effects but causative effects and effective causes - God and Devil beyond the world.


138. Unfortunate tendency people have to identify one with the effect rather than the cause.


139. It could be argued that, historically speaking, there exists a parallel between French imperialism in Algeria and British imperialism in Ireland, each kind of imperialism equally objectionable to their respective victims.  And yet, unlike the British, the French are co-religionists of the Irish and, unlike the Irish, Algerians are Islamic, like most Arabs.  Which fact gives rise to an interesting question: namely, how would a Catholic Irishman regard or have regarded French imperialism in Algeria?  Would he, for instance, condemn it, along with the British variety in Ireland, on the grounds that all imperialism is equally objectionable from the standpoint of the oppressed?  Or would he be inclined to turn a blind eye to it on the basis that co-religionists shouldn't be criticized or condemned for such commitments, considering that their victims are Islamic Arabs and therefore infidels from a Christian point-of-view?  Well, there would seem to be two answers to the initial question, and it would depend, I think, on the type of Irishman as to which answer was given.  Clearly, a politically-biased Catholic would condemn French imperialism in Algeria (or elsewhere) in light of the historical experiences of the Irish under British imperialism.  He would turn a blind eye to religious and, for that matter, racial similarities vis-à-vis the French, and simply link Britain and France together as predatory imperialist nations.  Only a deeply devout Catholic would be likely to put religious considerations above political ones, regarding French imperialism in Algeria as a vehicle for bringing Catholic salvation to the infidel and thereby expanding Christian civilization.


140. Whether we like it or not, imperialism is an historical inevitability, pertinent to a given epoch in time and especially relevant to the world.  To a certain extent all peoples are imperialistically minded while that epoch prevails, though only the strongest achieve the necessary freedom to carry out their imperialistic pursuits.  And yet, even so, there are nations and peoples more inherently disposed to imperialism, because more centrifugal and materially minded.  Moreover, one should distinguish between imperialism with an economic or political bias, and imperialism with a cultural or religious bias.  For there are degrees and types of imperialism, no less than degrees and types of nations.


141. For me, a nation must be composed of two or more different tribes who are perforce blended and absorbed into the nation, which is accordingly different from and historically above tribalism.  A variety of similar tribes gathered together would not, in my opinion, constitute a nation.  Or, rather, it would be a somewhat poor and basic kind of nation.  All great nations in part derive their greatness from the blend and absorption of heterogeneous tribes.  It wasn't the so-called Red Indians, or Native Americans, who made America great but the various 'tribes' from all over the world who converged upon America to create the American nation as we understand it today.  Similarly, a purely Saxon or Celtic Britain would not be or have become great.  And of course France and Germany were never racially pure.  Nor are most countries currently in existence, though attempts at creating or establishing 'racially pure' nations still persist ... in the face of evolutionary requirement and sound historical thinking.  For after the nations and their international relationships ... must come the supra-nationalism of the ideological conglomerates.  Such supra-nationalism will be above tribal or racial foundations, having purely ideological reference-points.  Whether, for example, an Irish Social Transcendentalist was of Celtic or Norman or Viking or Anglo-Saxon or Jewish descent, or was in fact a combination of all or more of these historical races, would be relatively insignificant - indeed, totally irrelevant to his ideological standing.  Messianic justice cannot be applied on the basis of race, but only on the basis of ideological and/or moral standing!  Those who are morally entitled to ideological upgrading will be saved; those, on the contrary, whose amorality or immorality do not entitle them to such an upgrading ... will be damned.


142. Once the 'Kingdom of Heaven' is established on firmly Social Transcendentalist lines, the old geographical divisions - provinces, counties, towns, villages, etc. - would disappear, i.e. be consigned to the rubbish heap of history, as new arrangements were created to defy naturalistic or historical associations and testify, instead, to greater unity and uniformity - in short, to a transcendent New Order.  Thus in Ireland the four provinces of Leinster, Munster, Connaught, and Ulster would be superseded by arrangements to the effect of, say, One Zone, Two Zone, Three Zone, and Four Zone, whilst individual towns and villages would be superseded by centres, each centre bearing a different number (such as Centre 1, Centre 2, Centre 3, etc.) with the principal town/city of any given zone called a supercentre.  Hence Supercentre One Zone or Supercentre Three Zone ... instead of the traditional designation of capital.


143. Within the British democratic framework, it can be contended that the Tories are the party of big business and the higher professions; the Liberals the party of small business and the lower professions; the Liberal Democrats the party of skilled blue-collar workers and white-collar workers; and Labour the party of unskilled blue-collar workers and non-white-collar workers generally, i.e. miners, artisans, building labourers, road-sweepers, taxi drivers, etc.  Thus the Conservatives and the Liberals will be in competition for the majority middle-class vote, while the Liberal Democrats and the Democratic Socialists will compete for the majority working-class vote.  Certainly white-collar workers will find themselves 'pig in the middle' between the antithetical antagonisms of managerial Toryism and blue-collar Labourism without being strictly middle class - a paradox of British democracy!  Of course, it is fashionable in Marxist circles to regard white-collar workers as lower middle-class, but I fancy that this is more a consequence of materialism and decadence than an objectively valid evaluation.  Admittedly, there are lower middle-class types who work in offices, whether as secretaries or clerical officers, but the great majority of office workers are white-collar proletarians with few qualifications and absolutely no pretensions to middle-class suburbia.  In fact, many of them wear jeans, tee-shirts, sneakers, zippers, etc., and are anything but middle class in appearance, never mind looks or speech!  And, doubtless, some of them have brothers or sisters who work in factories.  So are they lower middle-class in relation to their factory-working kith-and-kin, including parents?  No way!  I defy anyone to make out a case to the contrary!  Only a degenerate materialist with a concept of the working class that focuses on the lowest-common-denominator ... of blue-collar proletarianism would leave the higher, idealistic strata of the working class out of account in his Marxian fixation on a materialistic 'classless' society achieved through violent revolution - a policy that, whilst it may be appropriate in some countries, cannot be accorded universal validity.  Besides, even in a Communist state, the white-collar workers still have to be accommodated; you cannot liquidate them on the premise that they are a middle-class thorn in the side of working-class solidarity or classlessness: they are millions strong and absolutely crucial to the proper functioning of an advanced industrial society.  Certainly, the Soviet Union did not make a point of regarding its white-collar citizens as lower middle-class.  Workers are workers whatever their collar status, irrespective of the fact that fewer people conform to neat sartorial pigeonholing as 'blue' or 'white' collar these days, though still divisible between factory and office.  Indeed, such a division may be seen to indicate a materialistic/idealistic antithesis either side of a realistic middle ground in the guise of shops.  For, within a People's context, shop workers can be regarded in an Ecological light coming in-between communistic factory workers and fascistic office workers.  So much so that one cannot but also regard their play in a middle-ground light between sport and culture.


144. Strictly speaking, a Fascist/Communist distinction in social activity should be conceived in terms of cultural play and manual work.  For Social Transcendentalist and Transcendental Socialist purposes, however, the lesser dichotomy between 'working play' and 'playing work' will suffice, whatever interpretation one cares to put on each paradoxical term.  For, certainly, there is a divine/diabolic dichotomy between play and work!  We idealists should speak less of work and more of play, upholding the true play of cultural enrichment.  Players and workers - scooters and motorbikes, jazz and rock, table games and athletics.


145. Most people tend to send cards and give presents at Christmas, a fact which conforms to a realistic compromise between idealism and materialism.  However, a small minority, corresponding to idealistic and materialistic extremes, concentrate on either cards or presents.  Within the realistic context of Western civilization, I can conceive of a hard-line Protestant sending only cards, a genuine Liberal sending and/or giving both cards and presents, and a hard-line Socialist giving only presents.  I say nothing of Catholic and Communist extremes.


146. Thesis - antithesis - synthesis; God - Devil - world, i.e. Father - Satan - nature.  Synthesis - antithesis - thesis; world - Devil - God, i.e. Protestant artificial world - Antichrist - Holy Ghost.


147. Idealistic and therefore divine fame; realistic and therefore worldly wealth; materialistic and therefore diabolic power.  The more a man desires fame, the less he can have to do with power; and, conversely, the more a man has to do with power, the less desire he can have for fame.  Fame and power tend to be mutually exclusive.  Only wealth bridges the gap, a kind of worldly compromise between idealistic and materialistic extremes.  Power counts for more in an age of materialism than either wealth or fame.  Wealth, whether naturalistic or artificial, counts for more in an age of naturalism/realism than either power or fame.  Fame counts for more in an age of idealism than either wealth or power.  Some lives, particularly when realistic, reflect a downward trend from fame to power via wealth; other lives, especially when naturalistic, reflect an upward trend from power to fame via wealth.  Yet other lives are characterized by the attainment of one or another of the three alternatives, and can be judged accordingly.


148. Alpha-stemming objectivity verses omega-aspiring subjectivity.  The apparent verses the essential, the centrifugal verses the centripetal, the feminine verses the masculine, protons verses electrons, extroversion verses introversion, beauty verses truth.  Just as the most feminine of women is the least subjective, so the most masculine of men is the least objective.  Ordinarily, worldly men and women come somewhere in between.  Thus whereas the alpha-stemming subhuman is the most objective, the omega-aspiring superhuman is the most subjective.  In contrast to the alpha Devil, the omega God would be consummate subjectivity - the most centripetal and introverted of all beings.


149. Materialistic objectivity, naturalistic subjective-objectivity, realistic objective-subjectivity, idealistic subjectivity; Kingdom, Church, State, Centre; proton particles, proton wavicles, electron particles, electron wavicles.  The materialistic Kingdom at one extreme and the idealistic Centre at the other.  From alpha-stemming objectivity to omega-aspiring subjectivity via a Church/State relativity.


150. If the male orgasm is rooted in evil and therefore corresponds to 'Original Sin', it is because of its centrifugal nature, which presupposes ejaculation.  It is an orgasm closer, in effect, to the Diabolic than to the Divine, in contrast to the female orgasm, which is comparatively centripetal and, hence, subjective.