by John O’Loughlin of Centretruths Digital Media


Links to the files of which follow the ensuing introduction:–


Despite its slightly ironic title, Father omega's Last Testament is perfectly serious in its most exactingly comprehensive analysis of the four main elementally-conditioned class/gender contexts, which have been described as noumenally sensual, phenomenally sensual, phenomenally sensible, and noumenally sensible, the first and third of which form an axial integrity on a diagonally descending basis, and the second and fourth of which form such an integrity on a diagonally ascending one, so that they divide into two types of society which, as in previous works, have been characterized as either state-hegemonic and church-subordinate or church-hegemonic and state-subordinate, as the axial case may be.  Therefore each of these contexts is more complex than the initial terminology might suggest, because further divisible between male and female elemental positions which, in turn, subdivide into psychic and somatic aspects that conform to either church or state on what has been described as primary or secondary terms, depending on which gender is hegemonic in any given context, be it upper- or lower-class, in sensuality or in sensibility.  Consequently, our four basic contexts quickly mutate into eight positions that further subdivide along somatic and psychic lines, each of which is subdivisible between will and spirit in the case of soma, and ego and soul in the case of psyche, as described in previous texts but not, I believe, with the same logical authority as comes to light here and reveals, for the first time, just how interdependent state and church can be for better or worse, depending on the axis.  The conclusions that have been drawn, however, are not such that any self-respecting person could quibble with; for they point to a solution to the problem of contemporary state-hegemonic civilization which would return civilization, in duly transmuted church-hegemonic guise, to its true stature as something worthy of the utmost respect for its moral insight and cultural accomplishments. – John O’Loughlin. 




Aphs. 1 – 25


Aphs. 26 – 50


Aphs. 51 – 75


Aphs. 76 – 100


Aphs. 101 – 125


Aphs. 126 – 127


Copyright © 2012 John O’Loughlin



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John O’Loughlin was born in Salthill, Galway, the Republic of Ireland, of Irish- and British-born parents in 1952. Following a parental split partly due to his mother's Aldershot origins (her father, a Presbyterian from Donegal, had served in the British Army), he was brought to England by his mother and grandmother (who had initially returned to Ireland with her daughter upon the death of her husband after a lengthy marital absence from Athenry) in the mid-50s and, having had the benefit of private tuition from a Catholic priest, subsequently attended St. Joseph's infants and St. George's RC junior schools in Aldershot, Hants, and, with an enforced change of denomination from Catholic to Protestant in consequence of having been put into care by his mother upon the death and repatriation of his ethnically-protective grandmother, he went on to attend first Barrow Hedges Primary School in Carshalton Beeches, Surrey, and then Carshalton High School for Boys in Sutton, where he ultimately became a sixth-form prefect. Upon leaving high school in pre-GCSE era 1970 with an assortment of CSEs (Certificate of Secondary Education) and GCEs (General Certificate of Education), including history and music, he moved to London and proceeded, via two short-lived jobs, one of which was at Ivor Mairants Music Centre, to work at the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music in Bedford Square WC1, where, with some prior experience himself of having sat and passed (with merit) a Gd.4 ABRSM piano exam, he eventually became responsible as a clerical officer for booking examination venues throughout Britain and Ireland. After a brief flirtation with English and History A Levels at Redhill Technical College back in Surrey, where he was then living, he returned to his former job in the West End but, due to a combination of personal factors, not the least of which had to do with the depressing consequences of an enforced return to north London, he left the Associated Board in 1976 and began to pursue a literary vocation which, despite a brief spell as a computer and office-skills tutor at Hornsey YMCA in the late '80s and early '90s, during which time he added some computer-related NVQs to his other qualifications, he has steadfastly continued with ever since. His novels include Changing Worlds (1976), Cross-Purposes (1979), Logan's Influence (1980), Sublimated Relations (1981), and False Pretences (1982). Since the mid-80s Mr O'Loughlin has dedicated himself almost exclusively to philosophy, which he regards as his true literary vocation, and has penned numerous titles of a philosophical nature, including Devil and God (1985–6), Towards the Supernoumenon (1987), Elemental Spectra (1988–9), Philosophical Truth (1991–2) and, more recently, The Best of All Possible Worlds (2008), The Centre of Truth (2009), Insane but not Mad (2011), and Philosophic Flights of Poetic Fancy (2012). John O'Loughlin is a bachelor who, more from necessity than design, has lived at various addresses in the north London borough of Haringey since 1974.


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John O'Loughlin

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