126.   If they began by protesting against God the Father and the Antidaughter of the Antidevil, these heretics have since had to come to terms with Devil the Mother and the Antison of Antigod, and it is because of this that they now believe all too unequivocally - one might almost say empirically - in the reality of evil and pseudo-folly, barbarously championing the ugly and illusory freedoms of metachemical and antimetaphysical soma after the fashion of liberated females and corrupted males, for whom materialism and anti-idealism are the twin pillars of an immoral licence that breeds war.


127.   Therefore those of us who are interested in world peace should stand together to develop religion to a new and more genuinely universal level, in order that it may triumph over the vainglorious advocates and just rejecters of war by bringing the meek rejecters of peace to a higher peace than that to which they have been traditionally accustomed, a peace from which they will never again fall because it will be eternal and both metaphysically transcendentalist and antimetachemically antifundamentalist to a degree that righteously surpasses anything man has achieved, having reference to his cyborg-overcoming in what will ultimately transpire to be the definitive manifestations of God the Father/Heaven the Holy Soul and the Antidaughter of the Antidevil/the Unclear Soul of Antihell in the omega points of a universality beingfully supreme.



LONDON 2004 (Revised 2012)