1.   The God of the Old Testament is Jehovah, whereas the God of the New Testament is Jesus Christ.


2.   Jesus Christ is the Son of God the Father, but the Father is not Jehovah!


3.   Jehovah could no more have a Son, in the sense of Christ, than the Father could have a moon.


4.   The Son, in the sense of Christ, is only possible to the Father on the basis of a loving relationship with the Mother; for all three deities are necessarily omega postulates.


5.   It would of course be possible for the Antison, or Antichrist, to stem from the Antifather, or Satan, on the basis of a lustful relationship with the Antimother, or Cursed Whore; for all three antideities would be alpha postulates.


6.   Yet such an Antifather, corresponding to solar naturalism, would not be Jehovah, since the God of the Old Testament is an antispirit or, more correctly, the Antispirit roughly corresponding, in its stellar idealism, to the Hindu Clear Light of the Void.


7.   What particularly distinguishes Jehovah from the Clear Light of the Void ... is the anthropomorphic distance which exists between Hindu idealism and Judaic realism in view of the later development of the latter religion.


8.   One might be forgiven for equating the Clear Light of the Void with the central star of the Galaxy; but no such literal derivation could apply to any figurative extrapolation from such a primal source of cosmic energy.


9.   Platonic idealism is a Greek version of cosmic idealism ... to the extent that it allows for an anterior realm of 'pure ideas', of which the visible embodiments in the material world are but 'pale copies', like 'Maya' in relation to the Clear Light.


10.  If philosophy is rooted in cosmic or scientific idealism, then philosophy is a profoundly anti-religious discipline which must necessarily fight shy of transcendentalism.


11.  Such a contention would allow for a distinction, indeed an antithesis, between philosophical idealism and theosophical transcendentalism - the former objective and the latter subjective.


12.  Logically, one could also draw a distinction between psychological naturalism and theological fundamentalism - the former objective and the latter subjective.


13.  These alpha/omega distinctions simply confirm the dichotomy which exists between science and religion on the basis of an objective/subjective antithesis.


14.  Science is about Doing in relation to the Given; religion, by contrast, about Being in relation to the Becoming.


15.  Television is a realistic Antihell, video a humanistic Hell; radio is a realistic Antiworld, audio a humanistic World; record players are a realistic Antipurgatory, compact discs a humanistic Purgatory; computers are a realistic Antiheaven, CD-ROMs a humanistic Heaven.


16.  Possible correlation between double audio-tape decks and lesbianism on the one hand, and double video-tape decks and homosexuality on the other hand.


17.  Schizophrenic oscillation of Christians between the Jehovahesque idealism of the Old Testament and the Fatheresque fundamentalism of the New Testament, the latter alone having any relationship to Christ.


18.  Neither Jehovah nor the Father is literally God; for Jehovah corresponds to cosmic idealism and the Father to blood-based fundamentalism - the former a sort of Antigod along the lines of the Clear Light of the Void, the latter a positive, or omega, Devil corresponding to the Holy Soul of Hell.  Only the Holy Spirit of Heaven is truly divine.


19.  Even Allah is not truly divine in the sense of being the Holy Spirit of Heaven.  Although originally deriving from Jehovah, Allah developed, within Islam, a fundamentalist status analogous to the Father.  In fact, one could paradoxically argue that Allah is the Father minus the Trinity, which is to say, an unequivocal manifestation of fundamentalist strength.  For strength is the quality of 'the Almighty', a quality antithetical to the weakness of Satan.


20.  The quality of Jehovah or indeed of any creator-deity (necessarily cosmic) is illusion, the negative antithesis of truth, and thus something having reference to the Clear Light of the Void, as opposed to the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


21.  Illusion is the alpha antithesis of truth no less than weakness the alpha antithesis of strength.  Allah is 'great' not because He is illusory, but precisely by dint of His correlation with strength.


22.  Strength is rooted neither in the illusion of light nor in the truth of air, but in the blood, against which the weakness of fire is a naturalistic threat.