1.   A so-called parliamentary democracy (which is not even a genuine, or republican, democracy but a 'bovaryization' of democracy relevant to an economic hegemony) is an anti-nonconformist democracy in which, due to materialistic factors, the tongue governs the brain.


2.   A republican democracy (which is a genuine democracy relevant to a political hegemony) is an anti-humanist democracy in which, due to realistic factors, the flesh represents the womb.


3.   A so-called People's democracy (which is not a genuine democracy but a 'bovaryization' of democracy relevant to a scientific hegemony) is an anti-fundamentalist democracy in which, due to naturalistic factors, the ears rule the heart.


4.   A so-called clerical democracy (which is not a genuine democracy but a 'bovaryization' of democracy relevant to a religious hegemony) is an anti-transcendentalist democracy in which, due to idealistic factors, the eyes lead the lungs.


5.   Democracy, whether genuine or pseudo, phenomenal or noumenal, relativistic or absolutist, pluralist or totalitarian, etc., etc., is a creature of the alpha which retains a particle basis, in keeping with its collectivistic nature.


6.   No democracy, whether rooted in religion, science, economics, or politics, encourages a moral outlook on life.  On the contrary, democracy militates against morality by encouraging a collectivistic mentality relevant to its particle basis.


7.   Hence a vote for democracy is effectively a vote against the wavicle responsibility of a moral resolve, since it elects a particle candidate and thereby restricts one to immoral criteria.


8.   Democracy is, literally, bad for the electorate's morals, since it confirms a particle dominance, which is an implicit refutation of wavicle alternatives.


9.   A so-called clerical democracy, rooted in the photon particles of a religious leadership, confirms the domination of the Antispirit.


10.  A so-called People's democracy, rooted in the proton particles of a scientific rulership, confirms the domination of the Antifather.


11.  A so-called parliamentary democracy, rooted in the neutron particles of an economic governance, confirms the domination of the Antichrist.


12.  A republican democracy, rooted in the electron particles of a political representation, confirms the domination of the Antimother.


13.  In all four cases, the domination of the particle is confirmed, with negative consequences for the electorate, who then have to live with the elected antiwavicles in a predominantly immoral society.


14.  The only way out of this unfortunate situation is through a vote, via Social Transcendentalism, for religious sovereignty, once the opportunity of such a paradoxical election eventually comes to pass.


15.  Such a vote presupposes a genuine democracy in which the electorate are free to choose between a number of alternative parties within a broadly republican framework.  It cannot happen within either a parliamentary democracy/constitutional monarchy or a one-party state.


16.  The consequence of a majority vote for religious sovereignty, through Social Transcendentalism, would be deliverance from democracy and salvation in God ... the Holy Spirit of Heaven.