1.   European civilized decadence begins and ends with photographic books; American barbarism begins and ends with film.


2.   Asian cultural decadence begins and ends with mystical yoga; African naturism begins and ends with sex.


3.   One should distinguish between the idealistic meditation of light-based mysticism and the transcendental meditation of air-centred gnosticism.


4.   Mysticism accepts the Universe as the source of Revelation; gnosticism rejects the Universe (as evil) in favour of Divine Revelation.


5.   Divinity is never found without, e.g. in the Cosmos, but always within, e.g. in the self that is at one with the spirit which fuels it.


6.   That which is without, e.g. the Cosmos, is mysterious to the self and the subject, in consequence, of mystical hypotheses.


7.   Unlike the Mystic, the Gnostic does not pay too much attention to the Cosmos, since he has no desire to reach an accommodation with it, but desires only to identify, as far as possible, with his self.


8.   In a sense, the Cosmos holds no mystery for the Gnostic, since he is one who has seen through it (to its absolute evil) and rejected it in favour of absolute good.


9.   The Mystic succumbs, through moral blindness, to the idealistic meditation of the light.  The Gnostic adheres, through moral insight, to the transcendental meditation of the air.


10.  The Mystic is a scientific Idealist, the Gnostic ... a religious Transcendentalist.


11.  The Old Testament, rooted in the Cosmos, is mystical; the New Testament, centred in Christ, is gnostical.


12.  The Gnostic is one who, having been spiritually reborn through Christ, has elected to turn his back on mysticism.  Hence his adherence to true religion as opposed to the pseudo-religion of the cosmic-oriented Mystic.


13.  The 'Kingdom Within' can only be developed at the expense of the 'Kingdom Without'; for where the Holy Spirit of Heaven prevails, there can be no place for the Clear Light of the Void.


14.  The Mystic, being a devotee of the Clear Light of the Void, can have little notion of what it means to be One with the Holy Spirit of Heaven.  His idealism debars him from that transcendentalism which is the Gnostic's true home.


15.  The Mystic is the 'religious' (philosophical) form of the scientist, whereas the Gnostic is the 'scientific' (theosophical) form of the priest.