1.   For every good thinker, a bad one.  For every Gnostic, a Mystic - Aristotle vis-à-vis Plato, Hegel vis-à-vis Marx, Nietzsche vis-à-vis Schopenhauer - as transcendentalism and idealism stake their respective claims on the intellect, and the battle between spirit and light continues apace.


2.   The folly of philosophy vis-à-vis the wisdom of theosophy, which is to say, the mysticism of the alpha vis-à-vis the gnosticism of the omega.


3.   English civilization was eclipsed by British barbarism back in the seventeenth century, and the result was the Empire upon which the sun never set - the glorious imperialistic triumph of Great Britain!


4.   Even now, when the glorious British Empire has all but disappeared into the 'Black Hole' of the Commonwealth, the British are still fundamentally a barbarous people who fight shy of culture.


5.   Such will doubtless continue to be the case until, through Divine Intervention, free Englishmen, Scotsmen, and Welshmen step forth from the slavery of monarchic barbarism and declare their independence in unequivocally republican terms.


6.   Only when they are no longer subjects of a reigning monarch ... will Englishmen, Scotsmen, and Welshmen cease to be first and foremost British barbarians, but become, instead, free citizens of their respective countries.


7.   England, Scotland, and Wales will then be able to join the community of free nations that, like Ireland, are entitled to salvation from the World on the basis of religious sovereignty.


8.   But before this can happen, the British dragon must be democratically slain by a resurgent St George, if freedom from barbarism is to become a lasting reality!


9.   Hopefully, Ireland will lead the way in democratically progressing beyond republicanism towards the transcendental binding of the spirit, in religious sovereignty, to the Social Transcendentalist Centre, which is the 'Kingdom of Heaven'.


10.  Freedom from slavery is one thing; freedom from sin quite another!  Such a freedom can only be guaranteed on the basis of identity, through the Second Coming, with the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


11.  There are besides 'freedoms from', what might be called 'freedoms of', such as the freedom of the Rich and Powerful to exploit the Poor and Weak in their own immoral interests, or the freedom of Nonconformists to trample the Established Church underfoot.


12.  Such 'freedoms of' are really manifestations of enslavement to materialist and/or nonconformist and naturalist and/or fundamentalist powers by those who, for whatever reasons, identify with them, to the People's detriment.


13.  Hence the exploiters and tramplers are themselves enslaved, although, unlike those whom they exploit or trample upon, they take their enslavement for granted and paradoxically regard it as freedom, much as cosmic-oriented Mystics will regard themselves as religious, or consider as 'religion' that which, in reality, is really science.


14.  One might say that the not-self has eclipsed the self (in both its phenomenal and noumenal manifestations) of the exploiters and bigots to such an extent ... that they identify with the not-self (whether phenomenal or noumenal) at the self's expense, thereby acquiring an illusion of freedom.


15.  Such 'freedom', however, is a far-cry from the genuine freedom of those who, while rejecting exploitation and bigotry, are free from enslavement to the exploiters and bigots, but not yet free for the binding to God (the Holy Spirit of Heaven) in the ultimate self.


16.  Genuine freedom paves the way for the true binding in God, which is voluntarily entered into, whereas pseudo-freedom (the 'freedom of') is bound to the false binding of enslavement to the Cosmos, which is deterministic.