1.   There is no one type of good and evil, whether relatively or absolutely; rather, there is good and evil in religion (not to mention politics) and science (not to mention economics).


2.   The Trinity is no more good ... than, say, the Blessed Virgin evil; the Trinity is both good and evil, with evil predominating over good.


3.   One should contrast, within the Trinity, the absolute evil of the Father with the absolute good of the Holy Spirit, on the basis of an antithesis between the noumenal objectivity of the heart and the noumenal subjectivity of the lungs, the former corresponding to the Father and the latter to the Holy Spirit.


4.   One should also contrast the relative evil of the Son with the relative good of the Mother, on the basis of an antithesis between the phenomenal objectivity of the brain and the phenomenal subjectivity of the womb, the former corresponding to the Son and the latter to the Mother.


5.   Hence the Christian religion provides us with a contrast between absolute good and evil with regard to the Holy Spirit and the Father, but relative good and evil with regard to the Mother and the Son.


6.   The absolute evil (noumenal objectivity with regard to soul) of the Father imposes upon the relative good (phenomenal subjectivity with regard to will) of the Mother, while the relative evil (phenomenal objectivity with regard to mind) of the Son aspires towards the absolute good (noumenal subjectivity with regard to spirit) of the Holy Ghost.


7.   Now let us examine good and evil with regard to science, and therefore distinguish the absolute good (noumenal subjectivity with regard to light) of the Antispirit from the absolute evil (noumenal objectivity with regard to fire) of the Antifather, while reserving for the distinction between relative good and evil the relative good (phenomenal subjectivity with regard to earth) of the Antimother and the relative evil (phenomenal objectivity with regard to ice) of the Antichrist.


8.   One could speak, echoing religion, of the absolute good of the eyes in noumenal contrast to the absolute evil of the ears, so far as sensual parallels to light and heat were concerned, but of the relative good of the flesh in phenomenal contrast to the relative evil of the tongue, so far as sensual parallels to earth and ice were concerned.


9.   The distinction between scientific good and evil (whether noumenal or phenomenal) and religious good and evil (likewise whether noumenal or phenomenal) is one of negativity and positivity on the basis of a particle/wavicle, external/internal, centrifugal/centripetal dichotomy.


10.  Were one to make a trinitarian-type distinction - which I would not normally wish to do - between religion as 'good' and science as 'evil', one could speak of Gods the Father (soul), the Son (mind), and the Holy Ghost (spirit) vis-à-vis (presumably) Devils the Antifather (fire), the Antison (ice), and the Antispirit (light).  Yet, in reality, one would be deceiving oneself as to the applicability of such a religious term as Devil(s) to the scientific alpha, as well as overlooking the amorality implicit in a unitary concept of the Trinity, which conveniently subsumes the absolute evil (noumenal objectivity with regard to soul) of the Father under the rubric of God, thereby completely subverting the divine!


11.  No, let us not kid ourselves that the 'Three in One' squares with true divinity, and is therefore worthy of being contrasted, as God, with an Unholy Trinity of Devils or, rather, an anti-'Three in One' - say, ice and fire in light, or tongue and ears in eyes!  An antithetical contrast can of course be made, not, however, as God vis-à-vis the Devil, but as religion vis-à-vis science, or omega vis-à-vis alpha, with three (four, if we include the mundane) different spectra to bear in mind.


12.  The trinitarian concept of 'Three in One', viz. the Son and the Holy Ghost in the Father, is a gross insult to true divinity, since it subsumes both spirit and mind into soul, or lungs and brain into heart, or even air and thoughts into the blood!  Thus must truth and knowledge bow to strength!


13.  Clearly, such a capitulation to absolute religious evil is precisely what prevents true divinity, in absolute religious good, from coming to pass.  For as long as the Holy Ghost is subsumed, along with Christ, into the Father, the true devil of religious evil will continue to rule the roost, to the detriment of religious good.  Verily, not until the Holy Ghost is set free from the Father through the Second Coming ... will the absolute religious good of the Holy Spirit of Heaven come to pass, and, with it, the salvation of mankind from evil.