1.   It is necessary to have a self, and therefore to be developing the mind in a superconscious direction, before one can lose that self in the universal self which is the superconscious per se.  It is necessary to pass through Purgatory, as it were, before one can get to Heaven.


2.   For those who are too cerebral to find the superconscious per se particularly attractive, the cerebral superconscious, with its artificial visionary experience, is the next best thing, providing it is regarded as a means to a higher end rather than as an end-in-itself.


3.   Even the cerebral quasi-superconscious ... of mind emptied of thought ... can be of avail in the development of spirituality by reducing the degree of (intellectual) mind, and thus bringing one closer to the possibility of the superconscious per se.


4.   Unfortunately, thoughtful mind is not the self but the intellectual not-self which, on the border with fantasies, can tip over into the soulful not-self of the cerebral subconscious, as one slips, via sleep, into dreams, thereby passing from the phenomenal to the noumenal realm of psychic activity.


5.   An LSD trip, or experience of artificial visionary enlightenment, is really to the self what dreams are to the not-self, which is to say, an experience on the border with a different order of consciousness altogether.


6.   Just as the cerebral superconscious (of LSD trips) can lead to the superconscious per se, situated in the lungs, so, by a contrary tendency, the cerebral subconscious (of dreams) can lead to the subconscious per se, situated in the heart, and even, by a curious paradox, to the unconscious per se, as in the event of a so-called 'wet dream', wherein the body is erotically involved.


7.   Whereas the cerebral subconscious revels in dreams, the cerebral unconscious is responsible for all those subliminal processes which take place in the body independently of conscious volition.  It is also the 'storehouse' of concepts and images which both the cerebral conscious and subconscious minds make use of as and when directed, pretty much as exploiters, whether economic or scientific, make use of people to further their own ends.


8.   The cerebral unconscious is a 'storehouse' which, like the unconscious per se, manifests the will in its various subliminal permutations, a will which, as in society, can be exploited by both the intellect and the soul to conscious or subconscious ends.


9.   Like the unconscious, both cerebral and physical, people are regularly exploited, in open societies, by elements corresponding to both the conscious/right midbrain and the subconscious/backbrain, whom we identify as bourgeoisie and aristocracy.


10.  Such exploiters tend to co-operate with one another to their mutual benefit, the economic exploiters liaising with their scientific counterparts on a sort of lunar-to-solar basis.


11.  Broadly, free enterprise, which is nothing more nor less than the freedom of individuals driven by their not-self to exploit the masses, works best when economics combines with science to technologically achieve the maximum approximation to and emulation of solar fission, so that the reactive and explosive result, be it in film or music or sport or pornography or computer games, induces a correlative quasi-heliotropic 'sucking-up' from the heathen masses below which, if sufficiently intense (and therefore populist), can only maximize the financial dividends, and thus enable the exploiters to reap their capitalist harvest of maximum profit.  Such, basically, is the rationale of free enterprise, and it is the most cynically immoral system that has ever been devised for debasing society and enslaving the mass man to diabolical criteria.


12.  It is not the People who create a market demand for such evil products, but their diabolical exploiters who, through cunning and ruthless advertising, foist these products upon them ... to the detriment of the People's moral wellbeing.  Thus enslaved to market forces beyond their control, the People writhe tortuously in the grip of immoral devils who know how to make them dance to their diabolical tune, while cunningly pretending that it is the People themselves who lead the dance and whose will they humbly respect.  In reality, these unscrupulous exploiters have no more respect for the People's will than the cerebral subconscious has for the will of the unconscious when it wrenches concepts and images from it in pursuit of its own phantasmagoric ends.


13.  Free enterprise is not only the enemy of the People; it is the enemy, more particularly, of God.  For by constraining them to the Devil, it prevents the People from aspiring towards God.  They remain the realistic playthings of materialistic and naturalistic powers that, like the moon and the sun in relation to the earth, keep them in subjection to their immoral ends.  Only when the People are saved from exploitation will the World be ready for God, but not before!  Only Socialism can liberate them from capitalist exploitation.  Only Socialism can prepare them for Social Transcendentalism!