1.   The cerebral superconscious stands to the superconscious per se as LSD (or some equivalent synthetic hallucinogen) to transcendental meditation or, in sexual terms, CD-ROM erotica to plastic inflatables.


2.   Unity with the superconscious lifts one above consciousness to a supra-conscious level of spiritual beatitude, wherein the self is one with the universal self.  Such a oneness is the Supreme Being ... of the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


3.   The truth of the Holy Spirit of Heaven is as far removed from the illusion of the Clear Light of the Void ... as it is possible to be - the gnostical truth of air as opposed to the mystical illusion of light.


4.   Since light is everywhere the main enemy of spirit, it will be necessary for Social Transcendentalism to devise stratagems for curtailing and reducing its influence, in order that the truth of spirit may develop more fully.


5.   Those who are rooted in the light must pass through the 'Black Hole' of democratic darkness before there can be any possibility of them emerging, reborn, into the spirit, following a vote for religious sovereignty.


6.   Those who are saved to the spirit can never be damned to the light; for illusion is beneath the pale of truth.


7.   The intellectual not-self is antinatural (conscious) and contrasts with the naturalism (unconsciousness) of the sensual self, whereas the soulful not-self is subnatural (subconscious) and contrasts with the supernaturalism (superconsciousness) of the spiritual self.


8.   The supernatural is beyond nature, like a superman beyond woman, whereas the subnatural is behind nature, like a subman behind man.


9.   The supernatural is idealist and/or transcendentalist, depending whether (relative to alpha or omega, negative or positive distinctions) it is illusory or truthful, whereas the subnatural is naturalist and/or fundamentalist, depending whether (again relative to antithetical distinctions) it is weak or strong.


10.  The antinatural is materialist and/or nonconformist, depending whether (relative to alpha or omega, negative or positive distinctions) it is ignorant or knowledgeable, whereas the natural is realist and/or humanist, depending whether (again relative to antithetical distinctions) it is ugly or beautiful.


11.  The ancient Hebrews were forbidden, in their Old Testament Bible, the 'tree of knowledge', and subsequently rejected Christ, who corresponds, in his purgatorial antinaturalism, to a knowledgeable nonconformism.


12.  Knowledge for its own sake, rather than in regard to the self, breeds Nonconformism, which runs contrary to the World and the Jehovahesque injunction placed upon the ancient Hebrews to 'increase and multiply'.  Christian celibacy would have been anathema to the Jews.


13.  If knowledge for its own sake, or knowledge of knowledge within the intellectual not-self, breeds Nonconformism, then ignorance breeds Parliamentarianism and a sort of inverted celibacy, whereby carnal pressures are released homosexually ... in due Antichristic fashion.


14.  Thus while the antinaturalism of Christian nonconformism is in celibacy vis-à-vis woman (though not, however, in pederasty vis-à-vis children in what is patently a decadent mode of nonconformist antinaturalism), the antinaturalism of Antichristian materialism is in sodomy, the iceman's answer to the mind.