1.   Protestantism led to democracy, as protests against the Church were followed, in due course, by demonstrations against the State.


2.   The Church exorcised demons from demented people, whereas the State encourages demonstrative people to demon-strate.


3.   The best demon-strators are failed Protest-ants, or Protestants who no longer protest against the (Catholic) Church but, in their secular decadence, demonstrate against the (Protestant) State.


4.   The arrest of demonstrators by the State is the secular equivalent of the exorcism of demons by the Church.


5.   The Catholic State (republican) is the servant of the Catholic Church, whose essence is political, while the Protestant State (parliamentary) is the master of the Protestant Church, whose essence is economic.


6.   Politics is a woman, who panders to bodily needs, whereas economics is a man, who generates wealth.


7.   The Catholic State, guided by the Church, has as its ideal freedom (from want) and justice for all, whereas the Protestant State, rejecting any such guidance, has as its ideal freedom (to exploit) and justice for some - namely those who, as capitalists, generate the wealth which keeps the State free of Church interference.


8.   It is impossible to reconcile the Protestant State with the Catholic Church or, conversely, the Catholic State with the Protestant Church.  The State can only be reconciled with the Church, or vice versa, when there is an ethnic alignment.


9.   Wealth for some as opposed to justice for all ... is the heretical line which divides Protestant economics from Catholic politics, ensuring that the Protestant State and the Catholic Church remain forever apart.


10.  The relationship between Catholic State and Church is akin to a man who hands over his earnings to his wife's keeping in order that they may be evenly distributed throughout his family, while the relationship between Protestant Church and State is akin to a woman who gives her body to her husband's keeping in order that he may shower clothes and jewels upon it in confirmation of his wealth.  The former relationship exists to exemplify the political will of the Church, the latter relationship ... to glorify the economic power of the State.


11.  The Protestant State is less a vehicle for political administration than a framework of economic exploitation, in contrast to the overriding political concerns - and objectives - of the Catholic State.


12.  Just as the Catholic Church, with its political concerns of freedom and justice for all, is more genuine than the Protestant Church, so, by a converse token, the Protestant State is, given its economic elitism, more genuine than the Catholic State.


13.  Behind the (economic) State is the diabolic Kingdom of a scientific hegemony, while beyond the (political) Church is the divine 'Kingdom' (Centre) of a religious hegemony.


14.  Where the State per se is phenomenally objective, the Kingdom is (or was) noumenally objective.  And where the Church per se is phenomenally subjective, the Centre is (or will be) noumenally subjective.


15.  The Centre, or context of religious sovereignty, will arise, phoenix-like, from the political ashes of the Catholic Church and its Republican State when the time comes for the Resurrection (from the living death) to the Life Eternal.