1.   The extrovert of the spirit is totalitarian because political, while the introvert of the spirit is transcendentalist because religious.


2.   The extrovert of the light is idealistic because scientific, while the introvert of the light is corporate because economic.


3.   The extrovert of the soul is authoritarian because political, while the introvert of the soul is fundamentalist because religious.


4.   The extrovert of the fire is naturalistic because scientific, while the introvert of the fire is communistic because economic.


5.   The extrovert of the intellect is parliamentary because political, while the introvert of the intellect is nonconformist because religious.


6.   The extrovert of the ice is materialistic because scientific, while the introvert of the ice is capitalistic because economic.


7.   The extrovert of the will is republican because political, while the introvert of the will is humanistic because religious.


8.   The extrovert of the earth is realistic because scientific, while the introvert of the earth is socialistic because economic.


9.   The extrovert of the spirit relates, in his political totalitarianism, to the Unholy Spirit of Space (the Void), while the introvert of the spirit relates, in his religious transcendentalism, to the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


10.  The extrovert of the light relates, in his scientific idealism, to the Clear Light of Space (the Void), while the introvert of the light relates, in his economic corporatism, to the Unclear Light of Heaven.


11.  The extrovert of the soul relates, in his political authoritarianism, to the Unholy Soul of Time, while the introvert of the soul relates, in his religious fundamentalism, to the Holy Soul of Hell.


12.  The extrovert of the fire relates, in his scientific naturalism, to the Clear Heat of Time, while the introvert of the fire relates, in his economic communism, to the Unclear Heat of Hell.


13.  The extrovert of the intellect relates, in his political parliamentarianism, to the Unholy Mind of Volume, while the introvert of the intellect relates, in his religious nonconformism, to the Holy Mind of Purgatory.


14.  The extrovert of the ice relates, in his scientific materialism, to the Clear Coldness of Volume, while the introvert of the ice relates, in his economic capitalism, to the Unclear Coldness of Purgatory.


15.  The extrovert of the will relates, in his political republicanism, to the Unholy Will of Mass, while the introvert of the will relates, in his religious humanism, to the Holy Will of the World.


16.  The extrovert of the earth relates, in his scientific realism, to the Clear Darkness of Mass, while the introvert of the earth relates, in his economic socialism, to the Unclear Darkness of the World.


17.  Whereas the extrovert of the light is stellar (spatial) alpha and the introvert of the light stellar alpha-in-the-omega, the extrovert of the spirit is heavenly (spaced) omega-in-the-alpha and the introvert of the spirit ... heavenly omega.


18.  Whereas the extrovert of the fire is solar (sequential) alpha and the introvert of the fire solar alpha-in-the-omega, the extrovert of the soul is hellish (repetitive) omega-in-the-alpha and the introvert of the soul ... hellish omega.


19.  Whereas the extrovert of the ice is lunar (volumetric) alpha and the introvert of the ice lunar alpha-in-the-omega, the extrovert of the intellect is purgatorial (voluminous) omega-in-the-alpha and the introvert of the intellect ... purgatorial omega.


20.  Whereas the extrovert of the earth is planar (massed) alpha and the introvert of the earth planar alpha-in-the-omega, the extrovert of the will is worldly (massive) omega-in-the-alpha and the introvert of the will ... worldly omega.