1.   The noumenal can be absolute or relative, the phenomenal likewise.


2.   The noumenal is absolute in the alpha and omega elemental extremes, but relative in the molecular middle-grounds, e.g. alpha-in-the-omega and omega-in-the-alpha.


3.   Likewise the phenomenal is absolute in the alpha and omega elemental extremes, but relative in the molecular middle-grounds, e.g. alpha-in-the-omega and omega-in-the-alpha.


4.   The light/spirit and fire/soul spectra are invariably noumenal, whereas the ice/mind and earth/will spectra are invariably phenomenal.


5.   The light/spirit spectrum is of Space - the spatial space of light (both outer and inner) and the spaced space of spirit (both outer and inner).


6.   The fire/soul spectrum is of Time - the sequential time of fire (both outer and inner) and the repetitive time of soul (both outer and inner).


7.   The ice/mind spectrum is of Volume - the volumetric volume of ice (both outer and inner) and the voluminous volume of mind (both outer and inner).


8.   The earth/will spectrum is of Mass - the massed mass of earth (both outer and inner) and the massive mass of will (both outer and inner).


9.   The spatial space of idealist science in the outer light and of corporate economics in the inner light vis-à-vis the spaced space of totalitarian politics in the outer spirit and of transcendentalist religion in the inner spirit.


10.  The sequential time of naturalist science in the outer fire and of communist economics in the inner fire vis-à-vis the repetitive time of authoritarian politics in the outer soul and of fundamentalist religion in the inner soul.


11.  The volumetric volume of materialist science in the outer ice and of capitalist economics in the inner ice vis-à-vis the voluminous volume of parliamentary politics in the outer mind and of nonconformist religion in the inner mind.


12.  The massed mass of realist science in the outer earth and of socialist economics in the inner earth vis-à-vis the massive mass of republican politics in the outer will and of humanist religion in the inner will.


13.  The noumenal subjectivity of Space contrasts absolutely with the noumenal objectivity of Time and relatively with the phenomenal subjectivity of Mass.


14.  The noumenal objectivity of Time contrasts absolutely with the noumenal subjectivity of Space and relatively with the phenomenal objectivity of Volume.


15.  The phenomenal objectivity of Volume contrasts absolutely with the phenomenal subjectivity of Mass and relatively with the noumenal objectivity of Time.


16.  The phenomenal subjectivity of Mass contrasts absolutely with the phenomenal objectivity of Volume and relatively with the noumenal subjectivity of Space.


17.  The relative can be reconciled to the absolute, whether negatively or positively, in damnation or in salvation, but the absolutes as such are mutually exclusive.


18.  The will of the Messianic equivalent of the Second Coming is nothing less than to reconcile the phenomenal subjectivity of (massive) Mass to the noumenal subjectivity of (spaced) Space, thereby saving the World from itself to Heaven so that, truly, the Last (in will) shall be the First (in spirit).