1.   The Word is not only a tool to enable one to express truth (or a specific ideology); it is also a weapon to strike fear into the hearts and minds of pharisees!


2.   Although relatively good for their practitioners, the Arts tend to be bad for the general public, the reason being that they force people back upon their senses, thereby enslaving them to appearances.


3.   It is much less rewarding to view a painting than to paint one; much less rewarding to listen to music than to compose it; much less rewarding to develop a taste for literature than to write it; much less rewarding to touch sculpture than to sculpt it.  In fact, if truth be told, it is effectively self-defeating.


4.   While there may be some moral justification for people actively to pursue some art form, there is little or no moral justification for selling the resultant product on a commercial basis, and thereby inducing people to 'suck-up' in an orgy of sensual self-immolation.


5.   The more commercialized art products become the less bearing they have on the service and/or development of beauty (much less truth), in consequence of which the public are degraded by the paradoxical spectacle of science posing as art.


6.   There is no art in commercially ripping people off; rather, it is a science which panders to the senses and reaps its due material rewards.


7.   Just as the Arts are corrupted by commerce and reduced, despite all the glare of publicity, to a mere shadow of their genuine manifestations, so religion is likewise corrupted by it and transformed into a mystical science.


8.   'God' for the average heliotropic devotee of commercial religion is not 'in the self', but most assuredly 'out there' ... in the celluloid and platinum 'stars'.


9.   'God', too, has been 'brought low' by commerce and transformed into a concept that hides behind films, like a director pulling strings.


10.  Basically, there is nothing Christian about the Anglo-American West; Christ died before the birth of America and was replaced by both monotheistic and, latterly, polytheistic neo-paganism.


11.  In celluloid terms, cinematic monotheism is monochromatic and cinematic polytheism ... polychromatic.


12.  Preaching Christianity through film is a contradiction in terms which simply results in the Christian message of spiritual rebirth (from light to air) being subverted and subsumed within the overall neo-pagan culture of light-dominated media.


13.  Television evangelism, so prevalent in the USA, is a form of Christian paganism which testifies to the moral bankruptcy of religion in the modern age.


14.  Even churches are now run as a business, with strict financial accountability (to the State) with regard, for instance, to tourism and trade in religious artefacts!


15.  Not the least sacrilegious of modern trends is the increasing prevalence with which cameras of one kind or another are free to poke their lenses around the interiors of churches and record, for the cultural bewitchment of the occult-slavering masses, a variety of ungodly goings-on - from vandalism and theft to outright murder.


16.  There is nothing, I repeat nothing, Christian about the contemporary Anglo-American West.  Only a rampant commercial neo-paganism which holds the masses in thrall to its 'star'-worshipping idolatry.


17.  A product is worth as much, or as little, as the price that is attached to it, and no more!


18.  Any intrinsic value a product may have is soon compromised, and even eclipsed, by the commercial value which is attached to it, like a millstone around its moral neck.


19.  Few products can survive unscathed the price tag that is attached to them; most are killed off by it as a matter of commercial necessity.