1.   To distinguish the negative noumenal morality, relevant to light, of idealist science from the negative noumenal immorality, relevant to fire, of naturalist science on the one hand, but the negative phenomenal immorality, relevant to ice, of materialist science from the negative phenomenal morality, relevant to earth, of realist science on the other hand.


2.   To distinguish the positive noumenal morality, relevant to air, of transcendentalist religion from the positive noumenal immorality, relevant to blood, of fundamentalist religion on the one hand, but the positive phenomenal immorality, relevant to the brain, of nonconformist religion from the positive phenomenal morality, relevant to the womb, of humanist religion on the other hand.


3.   To distinguish the negative noumenal morality, relevant to space, of corporate economics from the negative noumenal immorality, relevant to time, of communist economics on the one hand, but the negative phenomenal immorality, relevant to volume, of capitalist economics from the negative phenomenal morality, relevant to mass, of socialist economics on the other hand.


4.   To distinguish the positive noumenal morality, relevant to spirit, of totalitarian politics from the positive noumenal immorality, relevant to soul, of authoritarian politics on the one hand, but the positive phenomenal immorality, relevant to mind, of parliamentary politics from the positive phenomenal morality, relevant to will, of republican politics on the other hand.


5.   From the light of the eyes (sight) to the air of the lungs (breath) via the spirit of the superconscious (awareness) and the space of the forebrain (vision).


6.   From the fire of the ears (wax) to the blood of the heart (pulse) via the soul of the subconscious (emotion) and the time of the backbrain (dream).


7.   From the water of the tongue (saliva) to the cells of the brain (thoughts) via the mind of the conscious (intellect) and the volume of the right midbrain (idea).


8.   From the earth of the flesh (skin) to the eggs of the womb (foetus) via the will of the unconscious (sensuality) and the mass of the left midbrain (fantasy).


9.   From the ears' fire to the eyes' light via the flesh's earth and the tongue's water.


10.  From the heart's blood to the lungs' air via the womb's eggs and the brain's cells.


11.  From backbrain time to forebrain space via left-midbrain mass and right-midbrain volume.


12.  From subconscious soul to superconscious spirit via unconscious will and conscious mind.