1.   Spirit is unholy, because exteriorized, in the political context (totalitarian), but holy, because interiorized, in the religious context (transcendentalist).


2.   Soul is unholy, because exteriorized, in the political context (authoritarian), but holy, because interiorized, in the religious context (fundamentalist).


3.   Mind is unholy, because exteriorized, in the political context (parliamentary), but holy, because interiorized, in the religious context (nonconformist).


4.   Will is unholy, because exteriorized, in the political context (republican), but holy, because interiorized, in the religious context (humanist).


5.   Light is unclear, because internalized, in the economic context (corporate), but clear, because externalized, in the scientific context (idealist).


6.   Fire is unclear, because internalized, in the economic context (communist), but clear, because externalized, in the scientific context (naturalist).


7.   Water is unclear, because internalized, in the economic context (capitalist), but clear, because externalized, in the scientific context (materialist).


8.   Earth is unclear, because internalized, in the economic context (socialist), but clear, because externalized, in the scientific context (realist).


9.   What makes spirit holy is its convergence, through the lungs, onto air.


10.  What makes soul holy is its convergence, through the heart, onto blood.


11.  What makes mind holy is its convergence, through the brain, onto cells.


12.  What makes will holy is its convergence, through the womb, onto eggs.


13.  What makes light clear is its divergence, through the eyes, into space.


14.  What makes fire clear is its divergence, through the ears, into time.


15.  What makes water clear is its divergence, through the tongue, into volume.


16.  What makes earth clear is its divergence, through the flesh, into mass.


17.  What makes spirit unholy is its divergence, through the superconscious, into space.


18.  What makes soul unholy is its divergence, through the subconscious, into time.


19.  What makes mind unholy is its divergence, through the conscious, into volume.


20.  What makes will unholy is its divergence, through the unconscious, into mass.


21.  What makes light unclear is its convergence, through the forebrain, onto air.


22.  What makes fire unclear is its convergence, through the backbrain, onto blood.


23.  What makes water unclear is its convergence, through the right midbrain, onto cells.


24.  What makes earth unclear is its convergence, through the left midbrain, onto eggs.


25.  From the alpha of the Clear Light (of Space) to the omega of the Holy Spirit (of Heaven) via the omega-in-the-alpha of the Unholy Spirit (of Space) and the alpha-in-the-omega of the Unclear Light (of Heaven).


26.  From the alpha of the Clear Fire (of Time) to the omega of the Holy Soul (of Hell) via the omega-in-the-alpha of the Unholy Soul (of Time) and the alpha-in-the-omega of the Unclear Fire (of Hell).


27.  From the alpha of the Clear Water (of Volume) to the omega of the Holy Mind (of Purgatory) via the omega-in-the-alpha of the Unholy Mind (of Volume) and the alpha-in-the-omega of the Unclear Water (of Purgatory).


28.  From the alpha of the Clear Earth (of Mass) to the omega of the Holy Will (of the World) via the omega-in-the-alpha of the Unholy Will (of Mass) and the alpha-in-the-omega of the Unclear Earth (of the World).