1.   Just as we distinguished between religious 'good and evil', so we should distinguish between scientific 'anti-good and anti-evil', viz. negative good and evil; economic 'inner anti-good and inner anti-evil', viz. inner negative good and evil; and political 'outer good and outer evil', viz. outer positive good and evil; always remembering, however, that such distinctions are subject to both absolute and relative, or noumenal and phenomenal, evaluations.


2.   If, in religion, absolute evil is strength and absolute good arguably truth, then, in science, absolute anti-evil is anti-strength, viz. weakness, and absolute anti-good arguably anti-truth, viz. illusion.


3.   If, in religion, relative evil is knowledge and relative good arguably beauty, then, in science, relative anti-evil is anti-knowledge, viz. ignorance, and relative anti-good arguably anti-beauty, viz. ugliness.


4.   Just as, in religion, absolute evil appertains to fundamentalism and  absolute good to transcendentalism, so, in science, absolute anti-evil appertains to naturalism and absolute anti-good to idealism.


5.   Just as, in religion, relative evil appertains to nonconformism and relative good to humanism, so, in science, relative anti-evil appertains to materialism and relative anti-good to realism.


6.   If, in politics, absolute outer evil is outer strength and absolute outer good arguably outer truth, then, in economics, absolute inner anti-evil is inner anti-strength, viz. inner weakness, and absolute inner anti-good arguably inner anti-truth, viz. inner illusion.


7.   If, in politics, relative outer evil is outer knowledge and relative outer good arguably outer beauty, then, in economics, relative inner anti-evil is inner anti-knowledge, viz. inner ignorance, and relative inner anti-good arguably inner anti-beauty, viz. inner ugliness.


8.   Just as, in politics, absolute outer evil appertains to authoritarianism and absolute outer good to totalitarianism, so, in economics, absolute inner anti-evil appertains to communism and absolute inner anti-good to corporatism.


9.   Just as, in politics, relative outer evil appertains to parliamentarianism and relative outer good to republicanism, so, in economics, relative inner anti-evil appertains to capitalism and relative inner anti-good to socialism.


10.  With regard to the scientific and religious quadruplicities, the negative good and evil alternatives of the former are implicitly outer, while the positive good and evil alternatives of the latter are implicitly inner.


11.  Hence scientific anti-good and anti-evil are really outer anti-good and anti-evil (in both phenomenal and noumenal contexts) in relation to the inner negative alternatives of economic anti-good and anti-evil, while religious good and evil are really inner good and evil (in both phenomenal and noumenal contexts) in relation to the outer positive alternatives of political good and evil.


12.  In the negative, or objective, quadruplicities the outer is clear and the inner ... unclear, viz. the Clear Light of Space (the Void), and the Unclear Light of Heaven, whereas in the positive, or subjective, quadruplicities, by contrast, the outer is unholy and the inner ... holy, viz. the Unholy Spirit of Space and the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


13.  We may thus distinguish the scientific idealism of the Clear Light of Space, which is absolute anti-good, from the economic corporatism of the Unclear Light of Heaven, which is absolute inner anti-good, while likewise distinguishing the political totalitarianism of the Unholy Spirit of Space, which is absolute outer good, from the religious transcendentalism of the Holy Spirit of Heaven, which is absolute good.


14.  Similarly we may distinguish the scientific naturalism of the Clear Fire of Time, which is absolute anti-evil, from the economic communism of the Unclear Fire of Hell, which is absolute inner anti-evil, while likewise distinguishing the political authoritarianism of the Unholy Soul of Time, which is absolute outer evil, from the religious fundamentalism of the Holy Soul of Hell, which is absolute evil.


15.  Likewise we may distinguish the scientific realism of the Clear Earth of Mass, which is relative anti-good, from the economic socialism of the Unclear Earth of the World, which is relative inner anti-good, while similarly distinguishing the political republicanism of the Unholy Will of Mass, which is relative outer good, from the religious humanism of the Holy Will of the World, which is relative good.


16.  Finally we may distinguish the scientific materialism of the Clear Water of Volume, which is relative anti-evil, from the economic capitalism of the Unclear Water of Purgatory, which is relative inner anti-evil, while likewise distinguishing the political liberalism of the Unholy Mind of Volume, which is relative outer evil, from the religious nonconformism of the Holy Mind of Purgatory, which is relative evil.