1.   Extreme left-wing science (idealism), economics (Centre trusteeship), and politics (totalitarianism) are only viable in relation to the extreme left-wing religion per se of transcendentalism.  In isolation from transcendentalism, they can only, as 'bovaryized' entities, fail; for no 'bovaryized' entity, be it scientific, economic, political, or even religious, has a right to independent existence, and few if any modes of ideological 'bovaryization' are genuine or authentic manifestations of the discipline in question.


2.   To me, the extreme left-wing mode of economics is inseparable from what I would call Centre trusteeship (of the means of production, etc.), as germane to Social Transcendentalism and an end, in consequence, to both private enterprise and state control.  When there is neither state nor church but only the Centre, then the time will be ripe for extreme left-wing economics, politics, science, and, above all, religion, viz. corporatism, totalitarianism, idealism, and transcendentalism.


3.   As inconceivable that, in the extreme right-wing contexts, communism, authoritarianism, and fundamentalism could succeed independently of naturalism, the extreme right-wing context per se, as that, in the right-wing contexts, parliamentarianism, nonconformism, and materialism could succeed independently of capitalism, the right-wing context per se, or that, in the left-wing contexts, humanism, realism, and socialism could succeed independently of republicanism, the left-wing context per se.


4.   Without naturalism, communist economics, authoritarian politics, and fundamentalist religion are but demons without a Devil to serve.


5.   Without capitalism, liberal politics (parliamentarianism), nonconformist religion (puritanism), and materialist science (technology) are but boys without a man to serve.


6.   Without republicanism, humanist religion (catholicism), realist science, and socialist economics are but girls without a woman to serve.


7.   Without transcendentalism, corporate economics, totalitarian politics, and idealist science are but angels without a God to serve.


8.   Demons can no more succeed without the rulership of a Devil, who symbolizes the extreme right-wing context per se, than boys succeed without the governance of a man, who symbolizes the right-wing context per se.


9.   Girls can no more succeed without the representation of a woman, who symbolizes the left-wing context per se, than angels succeed without the leadership of a God, who symbolizes the extreme left-wing context per se.


10.  Just as the Devil gives meaning to demons, so man gives meaning to boys, woman gives meaning to girls, and God gives meaning to angels.


11.  A society which strives to succeed on the basis of demons or boys or girls or angels alone ... is basically meaningless, like a body without a head.