1. It could be said that,
traditionally, Gaelic culture embraced a rudimentary idealism, corporatism,
totalitarianism, and transcendentalism. A return or, rather, progression to superculture would entail the development of idealism,
corporatism, totalitarianism, and transcendentalism to unprecedented levels of
cultural perfection.
2. Transcendentalism will be the 'pied piper'
which leads idealism, corporatism, and totalitarianism a merry dance within
'Kingdom Come'.
3. To contrast the culture of the forebrain/superconscious with the barbarism of the backbrain/subconscious.
4. Idealism appertains to the elemental forebrain, and corporatism to the molecular forebrain. Conversely, totalitarianism appertains to the
molecular superconscious, and transcendentalism to
the elemental superconscious.
5. Naturalism appertains to the elemental backbrain,
and communism to the molecular backbrain. Conversely, authoritarianism appertains to
the molecular subconscious, and fundamentalism to the elemental subconscious.
6. To contrast the civilization of the right
midbrain/conscious with the nature of the left midbrain/unconscious.
7. Materialism appertains to the elemental
right-midbrain, and capitalism to the molecular right-midbrain. Conversely, liberalism (parliamentarianism)
appertains to the molecular conscious, and nonconformism
to the elemental conscious.
8. Realism appertains to the elemental
left-midbrain, and socialism to the molecular left-midbrain. Conversely, republicanism appertains to the
molecular unconscious, and humanism to the elemental unconscious.
9. The brain/mind in its totality embraces
science, economics, politics, and religion on every level ...
from barbarism to culture via civilization and nature. Thus the brain/mind is effectively an
open-ended entity in the scope and comprehensiveness of its capacities.
10. If one divides the brain/mind into objective and
subjective categories, and calls the objective category the old brain/mind and
the subjective category the new brain/mind, then the old brain/mind would be
composed of the noumenal objectivity of the backbrain/subconscious and the phenomenal objectivity of
the right midbrain/conscious, while the new brain/mind would be composed of the
phenomenal subjectivity of the left midbrain/ unconscious and the noumenal subjectivity of the forebrain/ superconscious.
11. If we allow for an objective/subjective distinction
between the old brain/mind and the new brain/mind, then it follows that the one
category is broadly masculine and the other category broadly feminine, since
the masculine is objective and the feminine subjective. It would also follow that the category of the
old brain/mind was aligned with fire and water, sun and moon, blood and saliva,
soul and intellect, while the category of the new brain/mind was aligned with
soil and light, Earth and Saturn, flesh and air, will and spirit.
12. Indeed, we could argue for a distinction
between the power/pride and knowledge/wisdom of the old brain/mind, and the
beauty/pleasure and truth/joy of the new brain/mind, while not forgetting the antivirtues, or vices, of weakness/humiliation and
ignorance/folly with regard to the first category, and of ugliness/pain and
illusion/sorrow with regard to the second category - the quantitative
attributes correlating with the physiological subdivisions of old/new brain,
and the qualitative attributes correlating with the psychological subdivisions
of old/new mind.