1.   The extreme left-wing Space/Heaven of culture as against the extreme right-wing Time/Hell of barbarism; the right-wing Volume/Purgatory of civilization as against the left-wing Mass/World of nature.


2.   The extreme left-wing idealist science of the Clear Light of Space as against the extreme left-wing transcendentalist religion of the Holy Spirit of Heaven with regard to noumenal culture, but the extreme left-wing corporate economics of the Unclear Light of Inner Space as against the extreme left-wing totalitarian politics of the Unholy Spirit of Outer Heaven with regard to phenomenal culture.


3.   The extreme right-wing naturalist science of the Clear Fire of Time as against the extreme right-wing fundamentalist religion of the Holy Soul of Hell with regard to noumenal barbarism, but the extreme right-wing communist economics of the Unclear Fire of Inner Time as against the extreme right-wing authoritarian politics of the Unholy Soul of Outer Hell with regard to phenomenal barbarism.


4.   The right-wing materialist science of the Clear Water of Volume as against the right-wing nonconformist religion of the Holy Mind of Purgatory with regard to noumenal civilization, but the right-wing capitalist economics of the Unclear Water of Inner Volume as against the right-wing parliamentary politics of the Unholy Mind of Outer Purgatory with regard to phenomenal civilization.


5.   The left-wing realist science of the Clear Soil of Mass as against the left-wing humanist religion of the Holy Will of the World with regard to noumenal nature, but the left-wing socialist economics of the Unclear Soil of Inner Mass as against the left-wing republican politics of the Unholy Will of the Outer World with regard to phenomenal nature.


6.   The elemental photon particles of the Clear Light of Space as against the elemental photon wavicles of the Holy Spirit of Heaven with regard to noumenal culture, but the molecular photon particles of the Unclear Light of Inner Space as against the molecular photon wavicles of the Unholy Spirit of Outer Heaven with regard to phenomenal culture.


7.   The elemental proton particles of the Clear Fire of Time as against the elemental proton wavicles of the Holy Soul of Hell with regard to noumenal barbarism, but the molecular proton particles of the Unclear Fire of Inner Time as against the molecular proton wavicles of the Unholy Soul of Outer Hell with regard to phenomenal barbarism.


8.   The elemental neutron particles of the Clear Water of Volume as against the elemental neutron wavicles of the Holy Mind of Purgatory with regard to noumenal civilization, but the molecular neutron particles of the Unclear Water of Inner Volume as against the molecular neutron wavicles of the Unholy Mind of Outer Purgatory with regard to phenomenal civilization.


9.   The elemental electron particles of the Clear Soil of Mass as against the elemental electron wavicles of the Holy Will of the World with regard to noumenal nature, but the molecular electron particles of the Unclear Soil of Inner Mass as against the molecular electron wavicles of the Unholy Will of the Outer World with regard to phenomenal nature.


10.  An exact correlation between elemental and Clear/Holy; between molecular and Unclear/Unholy; between photons and Light/Spirit, protons and Fire/Soul, neutrons and Water/Mind, electrons and Soil/Will; between particles and Space, Time, Volume, and Mass; between wavicles and Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, and the World.


11.  Hence the (elemental) Clear (photon) Light of (particle) Space as against the (elemental) Holy (photon) Spirit of (wavicle) Heaven with regard to noumenal culture, but the (molecular) Unclear (photon) Light of (particle) Inner Space as against the (molecular) Unholy (photon) Spirit of (wavicle) Outer Heaven with regard to phenomenal culture.


12.  Hence the (elemental) Clear (proton) Fire of (particle) Time as against the (elemental) Holy (proton) Soul of (wavicle) Hell with regard to noumenal barbarism, but the (molecular) Unclear (proton) Fire of (particle) Inner Time as against the (molecular) Unholy (proton) Soul of (wavicle) Outer Hell with regard to phenomenal barbarism.


13.  Hence the (elemental) Clear (neutron) Water of (particle) Volume as against the (elemental) Holy (neutron) Mind of (wavicle) Purgatory with regard to noumenal civilization, but the (molecular) Unclear (neutron) Water of (particle) Inner Volume as against the (molecular) Unholy (neutron) Mind of (wavicle) Outer Purgatory with regard to phenomenal civilization.


14.  Hence the (elemental) Clear (electron) Soil of (particle) Mass as against the (elemental) Holy (electron) Will of (wavicle) the World with regard to noumenal nature, but the (molecular) Unclear (electron) Soil of (particle) Inner Mass as against the (molecular) Unholy (electron) Will of (wavicle) the Outer World with regard to phenomenal nature.