1.   To contrast the Being of perfect cultural form with the Doing of imperfect barbarous content where the noumenal options are concerned, and, similarly, the Giving of perfect natural form with the Taking of imperfect civilized content with regard to the phenomenal options.


2.   Being ranges from the least perfect cultural form of idealist science to the most perfect cultural form of transcendentalist religion via the less (relative to least) perfect cultural form of corporate economics and the more (relative to most) perfect cultural form of totalitarian politics.  Hence whereas the most perfect Being is in transcendentalism, the least perfect Being is in idealism, with corporatism and totalitarianism coming in-between.


3.   Doing ranges from the most imperfect barbarous content of naturalist science to the least imperfect barbarous content of fundamentalist religion via the more (relative to most) imperfect barbarous content of communist economics and the less (relative to least) imperfect barbarous content of authoritarian politics.  Hence whereas the most imperfect Doing is in naturalism, the least imperfect Doing is in fundamentalism, with communism and authoritarianism coming in-between.


4.   Taking ranges from the most imperfect civilized content of materialist science to the least imperfect civilized content of nonconformist religion via the more (relative to most) imperfect civilized content of capitalist economics and the less (relative to least) imperfect civilized content of parliamentary politics.  Hence whereas the most imperfect Taking is in materialism, the least imperfect Taking is in nonconformism, with capitalism and parliamentarianism coming in-between.


5.   Giving ranges from the least perfect natural form of realist science to the most perfect natural form of humanist religion via the less (relative to least) perfect natural form of socialist economics and the more (relative to most) perfect natural form of republican politics.  Hence whereas the most perfect Giving is in humanism, the least perfect Giving is in realism, with socialism and republicanism coming in-between.


6.   Just as Being is only possible in perfect cultural form, so Doing is only possible in imperfect barbarous content, Taking only possible in imperfect civilized content, and Giving only possible in perfect natural form.


7.   Giving is no more 'phenomenal Being' than beauty is 'phenomenal truth'.  Giving is as distinct from Being ... as beauty from truth.


8.   Taking is no more 'phenomenal Doing' than knowledge is 'phenomenal power'.  Taking is as distinct from Doing ... as knowledge from power.


9.   Being is just as identifiable with illusion as with truth, the difference being that in the case of illusion it is identifiable with either negative outer cultural form (least perfect) or negative inner cultural form (less perfect), whereas in the case of truth its identification is with either positive outer cultural form (more perfect) or positive inner cultural form (most perfect).


10.  Doing is just as identifiable with weakness as with strength, the difference being that in the case of weakness it is identifiable with either negative outer barbarous content (most imperfect) or negative inner barbarous content (more imperfect), whereas in the case of strength its identification is with either positive outer barbarous content (less imperfect) or positive inner barbarous content (least imperfect).


11.  Taking is just as identifiable with ignorance as with knowledge, the difference being that in the case of ignorance it is identifiable with either negative outer civilized content (most imperfect) or negative inner civilized content (more imperfect), whereas in the case of knowledge its identification is with either positive outer civilized content (less imperfect) or positive inner civilized content (least imperfect).


12.  Giving is just as identifiable with ugliness as with beauty, the difference being that in the case of ugliness it is identifiable with either negative outer natural form (least perfect) or negative inner natural form (less perfect), whereas in the case of beauty its identification is with either positive outer natural form (more perfect) or positive inner natural form (most perfect).