1.   It is debatable whether any art form that panders to the senses, like art to the eyes and music to the ears, can really be morally justified.  Rather would it seem that these art forms 'fly in the face' of moral considerations.


2.   Whether the reader (of books) is morally worse than the viewer (of paintings) or the thinker (of free thoughts) morally worse than the listener (to music) ... is a debatable, not to say doubtful, point!


3.   Conversely, anything that panders to the omega as opposed to the alpha, to truth, say, as opposed to illusion, has the grace of moral conviction behind it.


4.   Since there are two approaches to truth, viz. a visual and a spiritual, corresponding to the molecular and elemental subdivisions of Supreme Being, it follows that whatever conduces towards either approach is morally justified, and hence deserving of cultural encouragement.


5.   Hence the use of hallucinogenic stimulants to cultivate Visual Being within the framework of culture is no less morally justifiable than recourse to transcendental meditation for purposes of cultivating Spiritual Being there.


6.   Either way, the supreme noumenal self will be selecting and experiencing Supreme Being, and thus partaking of positive divinity on the basis of either more perfect cultural form (Visual Being) or, ultimately, most perfect cultural form (Spiritual Being).


7.   By contrast, both viewing and reading would constitute modes of Primal Being which are relative to negative divinity on the basis of either least perfect cultural form (Sensual Being) or less perfect cultural form (Intellectual Being), as selected and experienced by the primal noumenal self.


8.   Doubtless there is a place, up to a point, for illusion as well as truth, but we should never forget that truth, and hence hallucinating and meditating, is what brings one to Supreme Being, and thus frees one from scientific and economic illusions.


9.   Because molecular Supreme Being is affiliated, through the superconscious psyche, with totalitarian politics, it stands to reason that the visual approach to truth will be more symptomatic of a political phase or bias in cultural society or the individual ... than of a religious one.


10.  Hence we could distinguish the Social Theocratic status of molecular Supreme Being from the Social Transcendentalist status of elemental Supreme Being, since the latter, having an affiliation, through the lungs, with transcendentalist religion, is of the spirit and thus symptomatic of the most perfect approach to Supreme Being ... such that should prevail in the properly religious phase and context of cultural society.


11.  Of course, I have long distinguished between Social Theocracy and Social Transcendentalism in such fashion, conceiving of the former as the political front for the establishment and development of the latter, which is the true aim and goal of cultural striving.


12.  Only with a political front, necessarily totalitarian in character, can a cult, or culture, democratically challenge the State and advance its cause at the State's expense.  For if the cult does not take over the State, transmuting it in keeping with its divine essence, then that cult risks being taken-over by the State and, if not destroyed, at the very least corrupted as a state religion.


13.  Should Social Theocracy succeed, democratically and peacefully, in taking over the republican State, then, duly transmuted, the Centre would arise as the resurrectional framework in which Social Transcendentalism can flourish, and with it the most perfect cultural form of the Holy Spirit of Heaven in the elemental Supreme Being of 'Kingdom Come'.