1.   God as Supreme Being ... is the culmination of evolution, not the inception, or beginning, of the Universe.


2.   The Universe began not in Supreme Being but in Primal Being, the elemental Primal Being, more correctly, of the Clear Light of Space (the Void).


3.   It wouldn't even be true to say that the Universe evolves from Primal Being to Supreme Being, as though there was a straightforward evolutionary progression from A to Z, or alpha to omega.  Rather would it be nearer the mark to contend that it devolves from Primal Being in Space to Primal Giving in Mass, with evolution being rather more a question of life evolving from Supreme Giving in the World to Supreme Being in the heavenly Beyond.


4.   Likewise one could argue, after a fashion, that there is devolution from Primal Doing in Time to Primal Taking in Volume, with evolution from Supreme Taking in Purgatory to Supreme Doing in Hell.


5.   Hence rather than life or the Universe reflecting a single pattern of devolution and evolution, we would have two modes of devolution and evolution, viz. a subjective mode and an objective mode.


6.   Subjective devolution would be from the negative noumenal subjectivity of Primal Being to the negative phenomenal subjectivity of Primal Giving, as from photon particles to electron particles, whereas subjective evolution would be from the positive phenomenal subjectivity of Supreme Giving to the positive noumenal subjectivity of Supreme Being, as from electron wavicles to photon wavicles.


7.   Objective devolution would be from the negative noumenal objectivity of Primal Doing to the negative phenomenal objectivity of Primal Taking, as from proton particles to neutron particles, whereas objective evolution would be from the positive phenomenal objectivity of Supreme Taking to the positive noumenal objectivity of Supreme Doing, as from neutron wavicles to proton wavicles.


8.   One can no more devolve from the subjective plane to the objective one ... than evolve from objectivity to subjectivity.  The objective and the subjective remain opposite realms, subject to separate patterns of devolution and evolution.


9.   To devolve from negative conceptual form to negative perceptual form, as from Space or Mass, is to devolve regressively, whereas to evolve from positive perceptual form to positive conceptual form, as from the World to Heaven, is to evolve progressively.


10.  To devolve from negative perceptual content to negative conceptual content, as from Time to Volume, is to devolve progressively, whereas to evolve from positive conceptual content to positive perceptual content, as from Purgatory to Hell, is to evolve regressively.


11.  Regressive devolution is a fall and progressive devolution a rise.  Conversely, regressive evolution is a damnation and progressive evolution a salvation.


12.  Hence whereas regressive devolution is to fall into sin, the sinfulness of negative phenomenal subjectivity, progressive evolution is towards salvation by grace, the grace of positive noumenal subjectivity.


13.  Hence whereas progressive devolution is to rise into crime, the criminality of negative phenomenal objectivity, regressive evolution is towards damnation by punishment, the punishment of positive noumenal objectivity.


14.  Repentant sinners, who are of the mundane World, are blessed by divine grace.


15.  Arraigned criminals, who are of the purgatorial Overworld, are cursed by diabolical punishment.


16.  God saves (admits) sinners to Heaven, while the Devil damns (condemns) criminals to Hell.


17.  To fall, regressively, from culture to nature, and to rise, progressively, from barbarism to civilization.


18.  Conversely, to be saved, progressively, from the World to Heaven, and to be damned, regressively, from Purgatory to Hell.


19.  The fallen Last shall be the saved First, while the risen First shall be the damned Last.


20.  Those who are of Primal Being shall return, via the World, to Supreme Being, while those who are of Primal Doing shall return, via Purgatory, to Supreme Doing.  From dust to dust, and from ashes to ashes.

