1.   To contrast the fall of primal woman, in the Antimother, from Primal God ... with the rise of primal man, in the Antison, from Primal Devil.


2.   Conversely, to contrast the damnation of supreme man, in the Son, by Supreme Devil ... with the salvation of supreme woman, in the Mother, by Supreme God.


3.   Hence to contrast the fall of primal nature, in negative perceptual form, from primal culture ... with the rise of primal civilization, in negative conceptual content, from primal barbarism.


4.   Hence to contrast the damnation of supreme civilization, in positive perceptual content, by supreme barbarism ... with the salvation of supreme nature, in positive conceptual form, by supreme culture.


5.   It is easier to cultivate conceptual form in truth if one has been accustomed to perceptual form in beauty, than if one has been accustomed, by contrast, to either conceptual content in knowledge or perceptual content in strength.


6.   A man must be reborn from conceptual content to perceptual form ... if he is to stand any chance of subsequently being saved by and to conceptual form.  To some extent, this process is germane to Catholicism, which conduces towards a sinful self-identification on the part of both men and women alike.


7.   By contrast, the Protestant has little or no awareness of sin, because he is accustomed to an objective self-identification in conceptual content, which precludes any prospect of a Christian rebirth.  He is more genuinely male, and hence someone who is steeped in the criminality of the Risen, if not the Damned.


8.   The criminal is no more aware of sin ... than the sinner of criminality.  Neither is he aware of God, although he effectively fears the Devil, and hence the possibility of diabolical punishment.


9.   By contrast, the sinner will have little or no fear of the Devil, because he lives in hopeful expectation of God and the possibility, in consequence, of being saved by divine grace.


10.  To say that all men are sinners would be as untrue as to claim that all men were criminals.  The fact is that only Catholics are sinners, and hence confessors of sin, while their Protestant counterparts are effectively criminals, and hence perpetrators of crime, which is to say, of civilized as opposed to natural values.


11.  It would be as illogical to damn sin as to save crime.  Sin can only be saved by grace, while crime is damned by punishment.  'Damned sinners' and 'saved criminals' are merely figments of the imagination!


12.  Whether they commit crime/sin on a regular or an irregular basis, one thing is certain: sooner or later all criminals will be damned and all sinners saved, for there is no escaping the absolutism of either punishment or grace!


13.  Formerly, people thought of Hell as a realm where sinners were punished.  Really, it is a realm where criminals are punished!  For the Devil only recognizes crime, and Hell is his way of punishing those who perpetrate it - one necessarily apparent and therefore perceptual (public).


14.  Likewise God only recognizes sin, and Heaven is His way of bestowing grace - one necessarily essential and therefore conceptual (private).


15.  Whether one is fated to be saved to Heaven or damned to Hell ... will depend, to a large extent, upon one's being recognizable as either a sinner or a criminal, that is to say, upon one's being either Catholic or Protestant, humanist or nonconformist.


16.  When the Last Judgement finally comes to pass, there will be no sitting on the fence.  For the Devil will have as much right to damn criminals ... as God to save sinners - the former damning from the Overworld to Hell, and the latter saving from the World to Heaven, as knowledge and beauty, corresponding to phenomenal evil and good, are respectively rent asunder by power and truth, their noumenal counterparts.


17.  Before the Last Judgement, all criminals will have the option of converting from crime to sin, from the purgatorial Overworld to the mundane World, and thus of 'lying down with the lamb' in a sort of feminine rebirth.  Those who take this option can subsequently expect to be saved.  Those, on the other hand, who scorn it in loyalty to their criminal traditions ... will be hunted down, like wild beasts, by the Devil's henchmen and condemned to everlasting punishment!


18.  My hope and conviction is that the great majority of people will be eligible, as sinners, for salvation, and thus be blessed with the air of Heaven rather than cursed by the blood of Hell, leaving the religious alpha to fundamentalist fools as they soar Heavenwards, on wings of joy, towards the religious omega ... of transcendentalist wisdom - the supreme redemption, through grace, of Supreme Mass.