1.   One should speak of the fall of Blues from trad to modern, as from elemental Primal Being to elemental Primal Giving, and the fall of Classical from trad to modern, as from molecular Primal Being to molecular Primal Giving.


2.   Conversely, one should speak of the rise of Jazz from trad to modern, as from elemental Primal Doing to elemental Primal Taking, and the rise of Romantic from trad to modern, as from molecular Primal Doing to molecular Primal Taking.


3.   By contrast, one should speak of the salvation of Pop from modern to trad, as from molecular Supreme Giving to molecular Supreme Being, and the salvation of Folk from modern to trad, as from elemental Supreme Giving to elemental Supreme Being.


4.   Conversely, one should speak of the damnation of Rock from modern to trad, as from molecular Supreme Taking to molecular Supreme Doing, and the damnation of Country from modern to trad, as from elemental Supreme Taking to elemental Supreme Doing.


5.   Modern Blues (electric) is the musical paradigm of the fall of man or, more accurately, woman from negative outer culture to negative outer nature.


6.   The other way of falling, that of Classical from trad to modern, is from negative inner culture to negative inner nature.


7.   Conversely, Modern Jazz is the musical paradigm of the rise of man from negative outer barbarism to negative outer civilization.


8.   The other way of rising, that of Romantic from trad to modern, is from negative inner barbarism to negative inner civilization.


9.   Trad Pop (song-based) is the musical paradigm of the salvation of man or, more accurately, woman from positive outer nature to positive outer culture.


10.  The other way of being saved, that of Folk from modern to trad, is from positive inner nature to positive inner culture.


11.  Trad Rock (Rock 'n' Roll) is the musical paradigm of the damnation of man from positive outer civilization to positive outer barbarism.


12.  The other way of being damned, that of Country from modern to trad, is from positive inner civilization to positive inner barbarism.


13.  Ultimately, the only types of music that can be saved ... are Modern Pop and Modern Folk - the former to Trad Pop and the latter to Trad Folk, which are the molecular and elemental musical manifestations, respectively, of Supreme Being.


14.  One might liken the totalitarianism of Trad Pop to Social Theocracy, and the transcendentalism of Trad Folk to Social Transcendentalism - the former effectively political and the latter religious.


15.  Doubtless a cultural correlation can be inferred between Trad Pop and Visual Being (hallucinating) on the one hand, and between Trad Folk and Spiritual Being (meditating) on the other hand.