1.   Absolute Primal Being = elemental particle photons = outer negative culture = Clear Light of Space.


2.   Relative Primal Being = molecular particle photons = inner negative culture = Unclear Light of (Inner) Space.


3.   Relative Supreme Being = molecular wavicle photons = outer positive culture = Unholy Spirit of (Outer) Heaven.


4.   Absolute Supreme Being = elemental wavicle photons = inner positive culture = Holy Spirit of Heaven.


5.   Absolute Primal Doing = elemental particle protons = outer negative barbarism = Clear Fire of Time.


6.   Relative Primal Doing = molecular particle protons = inner negative barbarism = Unclear Fire of (Inner) Time.


7.   Relative Supreme Doing = molecular wavicle protons = outer positive barbarism = Unholy Soul of (Outer) Hell.


8.   Absolute Supreme Doing = elemental wavicle protons = inner positive barbarism = Holy Soul of Hell.


9.   Absolute Primal Taking = elemental particle neutrons = outer negative civilization = Clear Water of Volume.


10.  Relative Primal Taking = molecular particle neutrons = inner negative civilization = Unclear Water of (Inner) Volume.


11.  Relative Supreme Taking = molecular wavicle neutrons = outer positive civilization = Unholy Mind of (Outer) Purgatory.


12.  Absolute Supreme Taking = elemental wavicle neutrons = inner positive civilization = Holy Mind of Purgatory.


13.  Absolute Primal Giving = elemental particle electrons = outer negative nature = Clear Soil of Mass.


14.  Relative Primal Giving = molecular particle electrons = inner negative nature = Unclear Soil of (Inner) Mass.


15.  Relative Supreme Giving = molecular wavicle electrons = outer positive nature = Unholy Will of the (Outer) World.


16.  Absolute Supreme Giving = elemental wavicle electrons = inner positive nature = Holy Will of the World.


17.  The scientific way of approaching life is through Time, whether the Space-Time of absolute/relative Primal Being (sequential) and relative/absolute Supreme Being (repetitive); or the Time-Time (Time per se) of absolute/relative Primal Doing (sequential) and relative/absolute Supreme Doing (repetitive); or the Volume-Time of absolute/relative Primal Taking (sequential) and relative/absolute Supreme Taking (repetitive); or the Mass-Time of absolute/relative Primal Giving (sequential) and relative/absolute Supreme Giving (repetitive).


18.  The economic way of approaching life is through Volume, whether the Space-Volume of elemental/molecular particle photons (volumetric) and molecular/elemental wavicle photons (voluminous); or the Time-Volume of elemental/molecular particle protons (volumetric) and molecular/elemental wavicle protons (voluminous); or the Volume-Volume (Volume per se) of elemental/molecular particle neutrons (volumetric) and molecular/elemental wavicle neutrons (voluminous); or the Mass-Volume of elemental/molecular particle electrons (volumetric) and molecular/elemental wavicle electrons (voluminous).


19.  The political way of approaching life is through Mass, whether the Space-Mass of outer/inner negative culture (massed) and outer/inner positive culture (massive); or the Time-Mass of outer/inner negative barbarism (massed) and outer/inner positive barbarism (massive); or the Volume-Mass of outer/inner negative civilization (massed) and outer/inner positive civilization (massive); or the Mass-Mass (Mass per se) of outer/inner negative nature (massed) and outer/inner positive nature (massive).


20.  The religious way of approaching life is through Space, whether the Space-Space (Space per se) of the Clear/Unclear Light of Space (spatial) and the Unholy/Holy Spirit of Heaven (spaced); or the Time-Space of the Clear/Unclear Fire of Time (spatial) and the Unholy/Holy Soul of Hell (spaced); or the Volume-Space of the Clear/Unclear Water of Volume (spatial) and the Unholy/Holy Mind of Purgatory (spaced); or the Mass-Space of the Clear/Unclear Soil of Mass (spatial) and the Unholy/Holy Will of the World (spaced).