1.   From the idealist idealism, or idealism per se, of absolute Primal Being to the transcendentalist idealism of absolute Supreme Being via the corporate idealism of relative Primal Being and the totalitarian idealism of relative Supreme Being.


2.   From the idealist corporatism of elemental particle photons to the transcendentalist corporatism of elemental wavicle photons via the corporate corporatism, or corporatism per se, of molecular particle photons and the totalitarian corporatism of molecular wavicle photons.


3.   From the idealist totalitarianism of outer negative culture to the transcendentalist totalitarianism of inner positive culture via the corporate totalitarianism of inner negative culture and the totalitarian totalitarianism, or totalitarianism per se, of outer positive culture.


4.   From the idealist transcendentalism of the Clear Light of Space to the transcendentalist transcendentalism, or transcendentalism per se, of the Holy Spirit of Heaven via the corporate transcendentalism of the Unclear Light of (Inner) Space and the totalitarian transcendentalism of the Unholy Spirit of (Outer) Heaven.


5.   From the naturalist naturalism, or naturalism per se, of absolute Primal Doing to the fundamentalist naturalism of absolute Supreme Doing via the communist naturalism of relative Primal Doing and the authoritarian naturalism of relative Supreme Doing.


6.   From the naturalist communism of elemental particle protons to the fundamentalist communism of elemental wavicle protons via the communist communism, or communism per se, of molecular particle protons and the authoritarian communism of molecular wavicle protons.


7.   From the naturalist authoritarianism of outer negative barbarism to the fundamentalist authoritarianism of inner positive barbarism via the communist authoritarianism of inner negative barbarism and the authoritarian authoritarianism, or authoritarianism per se, of outer positive barbarism.


8.   From the naturalist fundamentalism of the Clear Fire of Time to the fundamentalist fundamentalism, or fundamentalism per se, of the Holy Soul of Hell via the communist fundamentalism of the Unclear Fire of (Inner) Time and the authoritarian fundamentalism of the Unholy Soul of (Outer) Hell.


9.   From the materialist materialism, or materialism per se, of absolute Primal Taking to the nonconformist materialism of absolute Supreme Taking via the capitalist materialism of relative Primal Taking and the parliamentary materialism of relative Supreme Taking.


10.  From the materialist capitalism of elemental particle neutrons to the nonconformist capitalism of elemental wavicle neutrons via the capitalist capitalism, or capitalism per se, of molecular particle neutrons and the parliamentary capitalism of molecular wavicle neutrons.


11.  From the materialist parliamentarianism of outer negative civilization to the nonconformist parliamentarianism of inner positive civilization via the capitalist parliamentarianism of inner negative civilization and the parliamentary parliamentarianism, or parliamentarianism per se, of outer positive civilization.


12.  From the materialist nonconformism of the Clear Water of Volume to the nonconformist nonconformism, or nonconformism per se, of the Holy Mind of Purgatory via the capitalist nonconformism of the Unclear Water of (Inner) Volume and the parliamentary nonconformism of the Unholy Mind of (Outer) Purgatory.


13.  From the realist realism, or realism per se, of absolute Primal Giving to the humanist realism of absolute Supreme Giving via the socialist realism of relative Primal Giving and the republican realism of relative Supreme Giving.


14.  From the realist socialism of elemental particle electrons to the humanist socialism of elemental wavicle electrons via the socialist socialism, or socialism per se, of molecular particle electrons and the republican socialism of molecular wavicle electrons.


15.  From the realist republicanism of outer negative nature to the humanist republicanism of inner positive nature via the socialist republicanism of inner negative nature and the republican republicanism, or republicanism per se, of outer positive nature.


16.  From the realist humanism of the Clear Soil of Mass to the humanist humanism, or humanism per se, of the Holy Will of the World via the socialist humanism of the Unclear Soil of (Inner) Mass and the republican humanism of the Unholy Will of the (Outer) World.


17.  From the idealist per se of cultural science in absolute Primal Being to the transcendentalist per se of cultural religion in the Holy Spirit of Heaven via the corporate per se of cultural economics in molecular particle photons and the totalitarian per se of cultural politics in outer positive culture.


18.  From the naturalist per se of barbarous science in absolute Primal Doing to the fundamentalist per se of barbarous religion in the Holy Soul of Hell via the communist per se of barbarous economics in molecular particle protons and the authoritarian per se of barbarous politics in outer positive barbarism.


19.  From the materialist per se of civilized science in absolute Primal Taking to the nonconformist per se of civilized religion in the Holy Mind of Purgatory via the capitalist per se of civilized economics in molecular particle neutrons and the parliamentary per se of civilized politics in outer positive civilization.


20.  From the realist per se of natural science in absolute Primal Giving to the humanist per se of natural religion in the Holy Will of the World via the socialist per se of natural economics in molecular particle electrons and the republican per se of natural politics in outer positive nature.


21.  From the Time-Space of cultural science to the Space-Space (Space per se) of cultural religion via the Volume-Space of cultural economics and the Mass-Space of cultural politics.


22.  From the Time-Time (Time per se) of barbarous science to the Space-Time of barbarous religion via the Volume-Time of barbarous economics and the Mass-Time of barbarous politics.


23.  From the Time-Volume of civilized science to the Space-Volume of civilized religion via the Volume-Volume (Volume per se) of civilized economics and the Mass-Volume of civilized politics.


24.  From the Time-Mass of natural science to the Space-Mass of natural religion via the Volume-Mass of natural economics and the Mass-Mass (Mass per se) of natural politics.


25.  From idealism to TRANSCENDENTALISM via corporatism and totalitarianism ... in relation to (heavenly) culture.


26.  From NATURALISM to fundamentalism via communism and authoritarianism ... in relation to (hellish) barbarism.


27.  From materialism to nonconformism via CAPITALISM and parliamentarianism ... in relation to (purgatorial) civilization.


28. From realism to humanism via socialism and REPUBLICANISM ... in relation to (mundane) nature.


29.  From the Devil of naturalism to the God of transcendentalism via the man of capitalism and the woman of republicanism.


30.  From punishment to grace via crime and sin.


31.  From Hell to Heaven via Purgatory and the World.


32.  From power to truth via knowledge and beauty.


33. From Time to Space via Volume and Mass.