1.   From hellish punishment to heavenly grace via purgatorial crime and mundane sin.


2.   From power-time to truth-space via knowledge-crime and beauty-mass.


3.   From the punishment of Time to the grace of Space via the criminality of Volume and the sinfulness of Mass.


4.   From the least graceful Time-Space of scientific idealism to the most graceful Space-Space of religious transcendentalism via the less (relative to least) graceful Volume-Space of economic corporatism and the more (relative to most) graceful Mass-Space of political totalitarianism.


5.   From the most punishing Time-Time of scientific naturalism to the least punishing Space-Time of religious fundamentalism via the more (relative to most) punishing Volume-Time of economic communism and the less (relative to least) punishing Mass-Time of political authoritarianism.


6.   From the most criminal Time-Volume of scientific materialism to the least criminal Space-Volume of religious nonconformism via the more (relative to most) criminal Volume-Volume of economic capitalism and the less (relative to least) criminal Mass-Volume of political parliamentarianism.


7.   From the least sinful Time-Mass of scientific realism to the most sinful Space-Mass of religious humanism via the less (relative to least) sinful Volume-Mass of economic socialism and the more (relative to most) sinful Mass-Mass of political republicanism.


8.   Just as grace properly begins with Supreme Being, so the proper beginning of sin is with Supreme Giving.  For grace adheres rather more to the subjectivity of Heaven, both outer and inner, than to the (by comparison) objectivity of culture, while sin likewise adheres rather more to the subjectivity of the World, both outer and inner, than to the (by comparison) objectivity of nature.


9.   Conversely, just as punishment properly ends with Primal Doing, so the proper ending of crime is with Primal Taking.  For punishment adheres rather more to the objectivity of barbarism, both outer and inner, than to the (by comparison) subjectivity of Hell, while crime likewise adheres rather more to the objectivity of civilization, both outer and inner, than to the (by comparison) subjectivity of Purgatory.


10.  Heterosexuality is a blend of male and female elements in what is effectively a meeting of crime and sin.


11.  There is more crime in homosexuality than in heterosexuality, and more sin in lesbianism than in heterosexuality, the reason being that whereas heterosexuality is both male and female, homosexuality is exclusively male and lesbianism exclusively female - the former broadly appertaining to Volume and the latter to Mass.


12.  Masturbation is a sort of absolute homosexuality and voyeurism, by contrast, a sort of absolute lesbianism.


13.  When masturbation and voyeurism blend, as in the use of pornographic erotica, one can speak of noumenal heterosexuality, the abstract equivalent of conventional heterosexuality, which is phenomenal.


14.  Noumenal heterosexuality is a blend of grace and punishment, rather than of crime and sin.


15.  There is no crime in masturbation - only punishment.


16.  Conversely, there is no sin in voyeurism - only grace.


17.  To regard masturbation as sinful is as illogical as it would be to regard voyeurism as criminal.  Sin appertains to the mundane realm of nature/the world, and crime to the lunar realm of civilization/purgatory.


18.  Strictly speaking, there are two kinds of lesbianism, viz. an objective kind involving actual bodies and a subjective kind involving recourse to plastic inflatables and/or vibrators.


19.  The objective kind of lesbianism stems from the old-brain side of the left midbrain, and the subjective kind from the new-mind side of the unconscious.


20.  Strictly speaking, there are two kinds of homosexuality, viz. an objective kind involving actual bodies and a subjective kind involving recourse to plastic inflatables and/or vibrators.


21.  The objective kind of homosexuality stems from the old-brain side of the right midbrain, and the subjective kind from the new-mind side of the conscious.


22.  Strictly speaking, there are two kinds of phenomenal heterosexuality, viz. an objective kind involving actual bodies and a subjective kind involving recourse to plastic inflatables and/or vibrators.


23.  The objective kind of phenomenal heterosexuality stems from the old-brain side of the corpus callosum (linking right to left midbrains), and the subjective kind from the new-mind side of the ego.


24.  If we turn, now, from the phenomenal realms of lesbianism/heterosexuality/homosexuality to the noumenal realms of voyeurism/heterosexuality/masturbation, we shall find that the latter are likewise divisible between an objective and a subjective alternative.


25.  Strictly speaking, there are two kinds of voyeurism, viz. an objective kind involving actual bodies and a subjective kind involving (passive) recourse to pornographic erotica.


26.  The objective kind of voyeurism stems from the old-brain side of the forebrain, and the subjective kind from the new-mind side of the superconscious.


27.  Strictly speaking, there are two kinds of masturbation, viz. an objective kind involving manual manipulation and a subjective kind involving recourse to autonomous devices.


28.  The objective kind of masturbation stems from the old-brain side of the backbrain, and the subjective kind from the new-mind side of the subconscious.


29.  Strictly speaking, there are two kinds of noumenal heterosexuality, viz. an objective kind involving oral practices and a subjective kind involving (active) recourse to pornographic erotica.


30.  The objective kind of noumenal heterosexuality stems from the old-brain side of the supercallosum (linking forebrain to backbrain), and the subjective kind from the new-mind side of the superego (linking superconscious to subconscious).