1.   If we accept that the subdivisions of the overall brain/mind are each divisible into old/new brain and old/new mind, then it must follow that those disciplines which are primarily objective, like science and economics, will correspond to the old/new-brain part of this division, while those disciplines, by contrast, which are primarily subjective, like politics and religion, will correspond to the old/new-mind part of the division in question.


2.   Hence we should be able to distinguish the scientific and economic predilections of the old/new brain from the political and religious predilections of the old/new mind, irrespective of to whichever subdivision of the overall brain/mind.


3.   Thus one should distinguish the scientific idealism of the elemental forebrain from the economic corporatism of the molecular forebrain with regard to the old brain, and the political totalitarianism of the molecular superconscious from the religious transcendentalism of the elemental superconscious with regard to the new mind, conceiving of the physical definition as germane to elemental Primal Being/molecular particle photons, and the psychical definition as germane to outer positive culture/the Holy Spirit of Heaven - the former options objective and the latter ones subjective.


4.   Likewise, one should distinguish the scientific naturalism of the elemental backbrain from the economic communism of the molecular backbrain with regard to the old brain, and the political authoritarianism of the molecular subconscious from the religious fundamentalism of the elemental subconscious with regard to the new mind, conceiving of the physical definition as germane to elemental Primal Doing/molecular particle protons, and the psychical definition as germane to outer positive barbarism/the Holy Soul of Hell - the former options objective and the latter ones subjective.


5.   Similarly, one should distinguish the scientific materialism of the elemental right-midbrain from the economic capitalism of the molecular right-midbrain with regard to the old brain, and the political parliamentarianism of the molecular conscious from the religious nonconformism of the elemental conscious with regard to the new mind, conceiving of the physical definition as germane to elemental Primal Taking/molecular particle neutrons, and the psychical definition as germane to outer positive civilization/the Holy Mind of Purgatory - the former options objective and the latter ones subjective.


6.   Finally, one should distinguish the scientific realism of the elemental left-midbrain from the economic socialism of the molecular left-midbrain with regard to the old brain, and the political republicanism of the molecular unconscious from the religious humanism of the elemental unconscious with regard to the new mind, conceiving of the physical definition as germane to elemental Primal Giving/molecular particle electrons, and the psychical definition as germane to outer positive nature/the Holy Will of the World - the former options objective and the latter ones subjective.


7.   Hence whereas science and economics are rooted, as objective disciplines, in the physical, politics and religion, by contrast, are centred, as subjective disciplines, in the psychical, and never more so than when in their primary, or genuine, manifestations respectively (as above).


8.   However, when it comes to the 'bovaryized' manifestations of each of our four main disciplines, as described elsewhere, we are in the paradoxical realm, for example, of the old mind as secondary, or shadow, host to politics and religion, and the new brain as secondary, or shadow, host to science and economics.


9.   The elemental example of the old mind as secondary host to cultural religion would be in terms of the idealist transcendentalism of the Clear Light of Space (the Void), whose correlation with the elemental superconscious of the old mind constitutes a quasi-scientific mode of religious 'subjectivity'.


10.  The molecular example of the old mind as secondary host to cultural religion would be in terms of the corporate transcendentalism of the Unclear Light of Inner Space, whose correlation with the molecular superconscious constitutes a quasi-economic mode of religious 'subjectivity'.


11.  The elemental example of the old mind as secondary host to cultural politics would be in terms of the idealist totalitarianism of outer negative culture, whose correlation with the elemental superconscious constitutes a quasi-scientific mode of political 'subjectivity'.


12.  The molecular example of the old mind as secondary host to cultural politics would be in terms of the fascist totalitarianism of inner negative culture, whose correlation with the molecular superconscious constitutes a quasi-economic mode of political 'subjectivity'.