1.   Obviously, what applies to molecular/elemental forebrain 'bovaryizations' of cultural science and economics ... applies just as much to their barbarous, civilized, and natural counterparts relevant, so I contend, to the secondary backbrain, right midbrain, and left midbrain.


2.   Hence the molecular example of the new brain as secondary host to barbarous science would be in terms of the authoritarian naturalism of molecular Supreme Doing, whose correlation with the molecular backbrain constitutes a quasi-political mode of scientific 'objectivity'.


3.   The elemental example of the new brain as secondary host to barbarous science would be in terms of the fundamentalist naturalism of elemental Supreme Doing, whose correlation with the elemental backbrain constitutes a quasi-religious mode of scientific 'objectivity'.


4.   The molecular example of the new brain as secondary host to barbarous economics would be in terms of the authoritarian communism of molecular wavicle protons, whose correlation with the molecular backbrain constitutes a quasi-political mode of economic 'objectivity'.


5.   The elemental example of the new brain as secondary host to barbarous economics would be in terms of the fundamentalist communism of elemental wavicle protons, whose correlation with the elemental backbrain constitutes a quasi-religious mode of economic 'objectivity'.


6.   Likewise the molecular example of the new brain as secondary host to civilized science would be in terms of the parliamentary materialism of outer Supreme Taking, whose correlation with the molecular right-midbrain constitutes a quasi-political mode of scientific 'objectivity'.


7.   The elemental example of the new brain as secondary host to civilized science would be in terms of the nonconformist materialism of inner Supreme Taking, whose correlation with the elemental right-midbrain constitutes a quasi-religious mode of scientific 'objectivity'.


8.   The molecular example of the new brain as secondary host to civilized economics would be in terms of the parliamentary capitalism of molecular wavicle neutrons, whose correlation with the molecular right-midbrain constitutes a quasi-political mode of economic 'objectivity'.


9.   The elemental example of the new brain as secondary host to civilized economics would be in terms of the nonconformist capitalism of elemental wavicle neutrons, whose correlation with the elemental right-midbrain constitutes a quasi-religious mode of economic 'objectivity'.


10.  Finally, the molecular example of the new brain as secondary host to natural science would be in terms of the republican realism of outer Supreme Giving, whose correlation with the molecular left-midbrain constitutes a quasi-political mode of scientific 'objectivity'.


11.  The elemental example of the new brain as secondary host to natural science would be in terms of the humanist realism of inner Supreme Giving, whose correlation with the elemental left-midbrain constitutes a quasi-religious mode of scientific 'objectivity'.


12.  The molecular example of the new brain as secondary host to natural economics would be in terms of the republican socialism of molecular wavicle electrons, whose correlation with the molecular left-midbrain constitutes a quasi-political mode of economic 'objectivity'.


13.  The elemental example of the new brain as secondary host to natural economics would be in terms of the humanist socialism of elemental wavicle electrons, whose correlation with the elemental left-midbrain constitutes a quasi-religious mode of economic 'objectivity'.