1.   We can now distinguish not only between primary and secondary in relation to the old brain vis-à-vis the old mind and, conversely, the new mind vis-à-vis the new brain, but also with regard to the physical and psychical subdivisions of the overall brain/mind.


2.   Hence whereas the forebrain, for example, is primary in relation to the old brain and secondary in relation to the new brain, the superconscious is secondary in relation to the old mind and primary in relation to the new mind.


3.   Likewise, the backbrain, while primary in relation to the old brain, is secondary in relation to the new brain, whereas the subconscious, though secondary in relation to the old mind, is primary in relation to the new mind.


4.   Such a paradoxical situation applies equally to the phenomenal realms of the right midbrain/conscious on the one hand, and of the left midbrain/unconscious on the other hand.


5.   Hence whereas the right midbrain, for example, is primary in relation to the old brain and secondary in relation to the new brain, the conscious is secondary in relation to the old mind and primary in relation to the new mind.


6.   Likewise, the left midbrain, while primary in relation to the old brain, is secondary in relation to the new brain, whereas the unconscious, though secondary in relation to the old mind, is primary in relation to the new mind.


7.   We can also distinguish the primary nature of, say, old-brain Time-Space in relation to the idealist idealism of absolute Primal Being from the secondary nature of old-mind Time-Space in relation to the idealist transcendentalism of the Clear Light of Space.


8.   Conversely, we can distinguish the secondary nature of, say, new-brain Space-Space in relation to the transcendentalist idealism of absolute Supreme Being from the primary nature of new-mind Space-Space in relation to the transcendentalist transcendentalism of the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


9.   The reason why religion can so easily ape science and, conversely, science ape religion in this primary/secondary fashion ... is that both are alike elemental and therefore absolutist, whereas economics and politics, being molecular, are less likely to ape either religion or science than to ape each other, in consequence of their relativistic integrities.


10.  Hence we can also distinguish the primary nature of, say, old-brain Volume-Space in relation to the corporate corporatism of molecular particle photons from the secondary nature of old-mind Volume-Space in relation to the corporate totalitarianism of inner negative culture.


11.  Conversely, we can distinguish the secondary nature of, say, new-brain Mass-Space in relation to the totalitarian corporatism of molecular wavicle photons from the primary nature of new-mind Mass-Space in relation to the totalitarian totalitarianism of outer positive culture.


12.  Such distinctions apply equally throughout all four spectra of organized life ... from culture and barbarism to civilization and nature, and indicate that wherever the primary condition is found ... the secondary one exists as its shadow self, whether on elemental or molecular, physical or psychical, negative or positive, particle or wavicle terms.


13.  The secondary condition of the old mind is the angelic conscience of the primary condition of the old brain, whereas the secondary condition of the new brain is the daemonic id of the primary condition of the new mind.


14.  Every Devil has its angel; every God its daemon.  The old-mind angel of the old brain is its conscience, which constrains from excessive evil; the new-brain daemon of the new mind is its id, which impels to greater good.  The one is an inhibitive 'blessing', the other an inspirational 'curse'.