1.   From the extreme right-wing Time of barbarism to the extreme left-wing Space of culture via the right-wing Volume of civilization and the left-wing Mass of nature.


2.   From the extreme left-wing cultural science (idealism) of Time-Space to the extreme left-wing cultural religion (transcendentalism) of Space-Space via the extreme left-wing cultural economics (corporatism) of Volume-Space and the extreme left-wing cultural politics (totalitarianism) of Mass-Space.


3.   From the extreme right-wing barbarous science (naturalism) of Time-Time to the extreme right-wing barbarous religion (fundamentalism) of Space-Time via the extreme right-wing barbarous economics (communism) of Volume-Time and the extreme right-wing barbarous politics (authoritarianism) of Mass-Time.


4.   From the right-wing civilized science (materialism) of Time-Volume to the right-wing civilized religion (nonconformism) of Space-Volume via the right-wing civilized economics (capitalism) of Volume-Volume and the right-wing civilized politics (parliamentarianism) of Mass-Volume .


5.   From the left-wing natural science (realism) of Time-Mass to the left-wing natural religion (humanism) of Space-Mass via the left-wing natural economics (socialism) of Volume-Mass and the left-wing natural politics (republicanism) of Mass-Mass.


6.   To conceive of the Arts with regard to Space, Time, Volume, and Mass ... on the following basis: art as the art form par excellence of Space, and hence culture; music as the art form par excellence of Time, and hence barbarism; literature as the art form par excellence of Volume, and hence civilization; dance as the art form par excellence of Mass, and hence nature.


7.   Thus we could speak of the cultural art-form of art in Space; the barbarous art-form of music in Time; the civilized art-form of literature in Volume; and the natural art-form of dance in Mass.


8.   To distinguish, with regard to art, the Time-Space of 'scientific art' and the Volume-Space of 'economic art' from the Mass-Space of 'political art' and the Space-Space of 'religious art', as one would distinguish, say, carving from painting on the one hand, and sculpture from drawing on the other hand.


9.   To distinguish, with regard to music, the Time-Time of 'scientific music' and the Volume-Time of 'economic music' from the Mass-Time of 'political music' and the Space-Time of 'religious music', as one would distinguish, say, Jazz from Classical on the one hand, and Pop from Folk on the other hand.


10.  To distinguish, with regard to literature, the Time-Volume of 'scientific literature' and the Volume-Volume of 'economic literature' from the Mass-Volume of 'political literature' and the Space-Volume of 'religious literature', as one would distinguish, say, poetry from fiction on the one hand, and drama from philosophy on the other hand.


11.  To distinguish, with regard to dance, the Time-Mass of 'scientific dance' and the Volume-Mass of 'economic dance' from the Mass-Mass of 'political dance' and the Space-Mass of 'religious dance', as one would distinguish, say, set dancing from ballroom dancing on the one hand, and disco dancing from belly dancing on the other hand.


12.  Dancing is the art form par excellence of woman and literature the art form par excellence of man, whereas music is the art form par excellence of the Devil, and art the art form par excellence of God, whether in terms of science, economics, politics, or religion.


13.  From the 'scientific woman' of choreographic realism to the 'religious woman' of choreographic humanism via the 'economic woman' of choreographic socialism and the 'political woman' of choreographic republicanism.


14.  From the 'scientific man' of literary materialism to the 'religious man' of literary nonconformism via the 'economic man' of literary capitalism and the 'political man' of literary parliamentarianism.


15.  From the 'scientific Devil' of musical naturalism to the 'religious Devil' of musical fundamentalism via the 'economic Devil' of musical communism and the 'political Devil' of musical authoritarianism.


16.  From the 'scientific God' of plastic idealism to the 'religious God' of plastic transcendentalism via the 'economic God' of plastic corporatism and the 'political God' of plastic totalitarianism.