1.   There is about my midi-system - and, I would guess, midis in general - an unpleasantly open-society correlation ... with upper-class, middle-class, and working-class parallels with regard to radio, record deck, and tape deck respectively, which suggests the sort of solar-lunar-mundane triplicity that must needs be 'overcome' and transcended ... if the classless salvation, in relation to this, of compact disc-players is to come fully to pass (and not merely as a tangential aside to the aforementioned powers).


2.   L(ong) P(layer)s/record-players doth make 'pricks' of us all, whether wittingly or unwittingly, and should be avoided in the interests of a more sinful adherence to tapes/tape decks as a precondition of compact disc salvation in the classless Beyond.


3.   That person whose hope is of the Beyond is of the World and its Mass, and can expect to be saved from sin to grace through Messianic redemption when the time is ripe.


4.   The salvation of sinners can only be effected, ultimately, through the People democratically opting, under Messianic auspices, for religious sovereignty and the right, thereby, to spiritual self-realization in what I am wont to term a Social Transcendentalist Centre.


5.   Social Transcendentalism would bring the World to the grace of Heaven, if those who are of the World opt for religious sovereignty when the opportunity arises - thereby being resurrected from the sinful realm of Mass-Mass to the graceful realm of Space-Space, as from outer positive nature to inner positive culture.


6.   Once saved to the Heaven of religious sovereignty, the People would never again have to bow down, in worshipful subjection, before the false Gods of autocratic, democratic, and even bureaucratic precedent.  They would be free of such idols for the truth of God within, the one true God, Who is One with the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


7.   Only through the People's opting, democratically and freely, for religious sovereignty ... can the 'Kingdom of Heaven' officially come to pass.  For the self-proclaimed Second Coming/True World Messiah cannot force anyone into it, nor does he have the power to bring it to pass without the People's recognition and consent - their recognition, through study, of who he is, and their democratically expressed consent in the process of being saved from worldly sin to heavenly grace.


8.   It is my hope and belief that, given ample opportunity to comprehend the Truth (as expressed in these and other pages by this writer), the People will rally to the cause of Social Transcendentalism and thus opt to become religiously sovereign, abandoning the political, economic, and judicial sovereignties of the republican World to the safe keeping of he who would save them from worldly sin in order that they may enter the heavenly Kingdom ... wherein only grace prevails - the grace, through religious sovereignty, of the Holy Spirit of Heaven, which is One with true God now and forever more, eternity without end, as proclaimed by His foremost prophet and servant on Earth.


9.   All great literary texts, alas, have an end, and this one is no exception, even if it is my finest work to-date and a true testimony to philosophical genius the likes of which the world has never known before and, in all likelihood, will never know again, except it come from me!  I have achieved what I set out to achieve, namely the Truth, and it only remains now for the World to accept it and follow me into the Beyond ... of divine grace, wherein the joy of Truth will reveal the spirit of Heaven.


LONDON 1994 (Revised 2012)