1.   To perceive a correlation between television and frying, video and boiling, radio and baking, and computers and grilling.  Such correlations can only be based on distinctions, relative to the contexts in question, between the outer light (television/frying), the inner light (video/boiling), the outer spirit (radio/baking), and the inner spirit (computers/grilling).


2.   Being British (which I am not) is approximately equivalent to being Soviet.  That is to say, it appertains to a superstate/supernational identity which transcends English, Scottish, and Welsh (not to mention, in a limited sense, Northern Irish) nationality.  The British superstate, held together by the monarchy, is effectively a diabolic entity rooted in blood and violence, since it was forged, as such entities usually are, in the crucible of war, and thus owes its origins to English military imperialism.  Now a diabolic entity may be good for imperialism, for Empire-building (and Britain built one of the biggest Empires in world history, thereby becoming 'great'), but it will be no good for God-building, for developing the 'Kingdom of Heaven' under Messianic auspices, since such a divine 'kingdom' cannot come to pass where the Devil still holds sway.  Consequently there can be no possibility of Britain being saved or, rather, of the British being saved.


3.   Ireland can - and I hope will - be saved, but then Ireland is a different kettle-of-fish from Britain, closer, in its soft-line Republicanism and hard-line Catholicism (its Catholic Republicanism) to the possibility of divine transmutation.  Britain, however, is in no such position, and, consequently, there will be no 'Kingdom of Heaven' for Britain so long as the 'Kingdom of Hell', the United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) continues to exist.  Should the British people wish to be saved, they will have no option but to seek devolution (and disestablishment of the Anglican Church), so that the resulting configuration is closer to that of contemporary Catholic Ireland.  For an equivalent of the Second Coming can only 'do business' with England, Wales, and Scotland if such countries are effectively republican and Catholic (even if only Anglo-Catholic) rather than parliamentary and Protestant (as in the case of Britain).


4.   The Messianic Second Coming wishes to save the World (of Catholic Republicanism) to the Social Theocratic/Transcendentalist 'Kingdom of Heaven', wherein religious sovereignty would be the norm, but he cannot save that which is not of the World or not sufficiently of the World but effectively, and officially, in the grip of the parliamentary/nonconformist Overworld (lunar) and the monarchic/masonic Hell (solar), with the working class enslaved to and by both the middle and upper classes conspiring together to thwart any liberation of the working class from the World for the classless Beyond ... of the Social Transcendentalist Centre.  He can only 'do business' with the Anglican Church if it looks to be closer to Catholicism than to Nonconformism/Freemasonry ... by dint of being disestablished from the grip of powers whose parliamentary and monarchic status keeps it closer to the latter, as though in a lunar/solar collusion against the World.


5.   Thus until the Anglican Church is freed from the parliamentary/monarchic State, probably following a democratically-engineered revolution in which the British State is replaced by devolved states whose essence is republican, there can be no possibility of Anglicans being saved....Which would of course also be bad for Roman Catholics in Britain, whose entitlement to salvation would be severely compromised by the continuance of the British State, quite apart from the fact that they would remain doomed to impotence as a permanent minority.  No, one cannot ignore Catholics in Britain or expect them to return/immigrate to Ireland, as the case may be, particularly since many of them have put down roots in Britain or are, in any case, of doubtful or dubious Irish ancestry.  Thus their salvation is linked to the salvation of Anglicans, which is in turn linked to devolution and disestablishment.  Together, Catholics and Anglicans should constitute a majority of the British or, at any rate, English electorate, and when one is in the majority one can vote for religious sovereignty, if and when the opportunity presents itself, with some confidence that such a vote will carry the day.


6.   As to Nonconformists and Freemasons - not a hope!  The Second Coming cannot 'do business' with the moon and the sun, hard-line Parliamentarians and Monarchists, but only with the earth, or the world.  Thus no Nonconformist or Freemason will be entitled to salvation.  Repentance followed by conversion ... to either Catholic Anglicanism (assuming the changes I have outlined above had come to pass) or Roman Catholicism ... would be a prerequisite of entitlement to salvation by such people.  Only thus would they avoid the damnation of being expelled from the Social Transcendentalist 'Kingdom of Heaven' as moral undesirables - a damnation that will surely apply to all those who defy the will of the Second Coming in this way.  For the Mass is crucial to the World, to a bodily and therefore humble people, and unless the wafer is accepted, there is no worldliness but only that which, as Nonconformism and Freemasonry, stands ranged against it.  Rest assured that, if the World is to be saved, those who have traditionally shown themselves to be against it ... must be damned!