1.   Tantric gurus speak of the 'Third Eye' of psychic space which lies between the eyes of sense.  But such a psychic eye is closer to the Clear Light of the Void than ever it could be to the Holy Spirit of Heaven, and is therefore a sort of psychic extrapolation from the central star of the Galaxy.  Experience of such an 'eye' is likely to be more fundamentalist than transcendentalist, putting the experiencer in touch with the Cosmos, by dint of the parallel which may be presumed to exist between the two phenomena.  Thus instead of going beyond the World ... of sense ... one would be returning to the primal Heaven of cosmic being and reverting to a heathen salvation, the sort of salvation which especially appeals to Yoga-centred gurus, with their primal doctrines.


2.   Yet anyone with the least shred of Christian sense would see, plainly enough, that the salvation offered by such gurus was spurious and unworthy of Western emulation.  Our goal lies beyond the World, but that is only because, as Christians, we are sufficiently evolved to be able to pass beyond the World and aim, through self-overcoming, for the heavenly Beyond.  Unfortunately, most Eastern gurus, whether Tantric, Buddhist, Hindu, or whatever, derive from a civilization which, originating many thousands of years ago, never evolved to anything like the same extent or degree of urban/industrial artificiality, but was always more open to the cosmic backdrop and experience than ever modern European civilization could be, given its more transcendental foundations.   Which is why gurus tend to reflect this mystical primitivity, if you like, in their religious stance before life, counselling people to get in touch with the Cosmos rather than, like the more evolved Christian sensibility, to transcend the World in the direction not only of what lies beyond it but of what, in its optimum flowering, would be completely antithetical to the Cosmos - an Omega Point, in short, which would stand at the farthest possible moral and psychic remove from the Alpha Point, so to speak, of primal existence, viz. the cosmic Universe, in which the Clear Light of the Void has its pagan throne.


3.   Thus it is as a sort of left-over from a comparatively primitive civilization that these gurus exist and seek, knowingly or unknowingly, the subversion and eclipse of Western civilization, attacking it where it is most vulnerable (such as the American Far West) in the hope of transforming it into something closer to their own much older and more basic civilization, one rooted in cosmic Fundamentalism.  Doubtless they are successful to a degree, else we would not be aware of their work.  But, ultimately, they cannot succeed, since the West, whilst it may be decadent and/or technologically heathen, is still too evolved to be overly partial to Neo-Hindu Fundamentalism.  A day will come when it will simply be ripe for Messianic Transcendentalism, moving from a technological alpha towards a spiritual omega, and then there will be no place for Eastern gurus and their cosmic illusions (spatial vacuums), but only a place for the Second Coming and his spiritual truth (airy plenum).  Thus speaks the Messianic Servant of the Holy Spirit of Heaven!