1.   Essence and quality are no more commensurate than appearance and quantity.  For whereas quantity and quality are physical, essence and appearance are metaphysical - the former pair phenomenal and the latter pair noumenal.


2.   Strictly speaking, essence is correlative with the divine (being), appearance correlative with the diabolic (doing).  Likewise, quantity is correlative with the masculine (taking) and quality correlative with the feminine (giving).  Hence one should speak of the beingful essence of God, but ... the doingful appearance of the Devil.  Or, similarly, of the takingful quantity, as it were, of man, but ... the givingful quality, so to speak, of woman.  Consequently, for God what he or, rather, it is ... is more important than what he/it does, takes, or gives.  While, for the Devil, what he/it does ... is more important than what he/it is, takes, or gives.  Similarly, for man, what he takes ... is more important than what he is, does, or gives.  Whereas for woman, by contrast, what she gives ... is more important than what she is, does, or takes.  Obviously, the other factors enter into account in all four contexts to greater or lesser extents.  But they will be subordinate, so I contend, to the principal attribute of each context!


3.   Hence appearance, quantity, and quality will be subordinate to essence in the divine context of Being, whilst essence, quantity, and quality will be subordinate to appearance in the diabolic context of Doing.  Likewise, essence, appearance, and quality will be subordinate to quantity in the masculine context of Taking, whilst essence, appearance, and quantity will be subordinate to quality in the feminine context of Giving.  In the divine context, to take a single example, the essence of Being, say negative Being, will be the woeful horror vacui of elemental photon particles diverging from a spatial vacuum, which will take metaphysical precedence over the appearance of negative Being, viz. light, or the illusion of speeding photon particles, as well as over the (comparatively physical) quantity and quality of negative Being - the former dependent upon the amount of electricity powering the light energy and the latter upon the nature of the means through which it is filtered to the external environment, e.g. wattage, colour and shape of light bulb, etc.  Now the quantity of light is doubtless an important factor in the overall production of light energy, as is the quality of what is produced.  But, from a metaphysical standpoint, it is less significant than the essence and even the appearance of light, which brings us back to illusion (speed) and woe (negative Being).