1.   Those who are intent upon ‘keeping up appearances', e.g. adhering to objectivism, will always be denied the benefit of essences.  For subjectivism will remain forever 'beyond their pale'.


2.   To be essential, or noumenally subjective, is to care nothing for appearances, since where God is, there can be no place for the Devil (to do).


3.   The Saved are always essential (beingful) and the Damned apparent (doingful), whereas the Purgatorial are ever quantitative (takingful) and the Sinful ... qualitative (givingful).


4.   The Saved can no more be evil than the Damned can do Good.  One can only be good and do evil.


5.   The Purgatorial can no more take good than the Sinful can give evil.  One can only take (know) evil and give (act) good.


6.   To be/give subjectively, but to do/take objectively, thereby differentiating between good (subjectivism/subjectivity) and evil (objectivism/objectivity).


7.   Impression and expression are each good (subjective), whereas explosion and implosion are each evil (objective).


8.   The spirit is good but the light is evil.  Or, more specifically, the inner spirit is absolutely good, while the outer spirit is relatively good - the former noumenally subjective (essential) and the latter phenomenally subjective (qualitative).  Conversely, the inner light is relatively evil, while the outer light is absolutely evil - the former phenomenally objective (quantitative) and the latter noumenally objective (apparent).


9.   Hence to contrast the absolute evil (noumenally objective) of the Clear Light of the Void with the absolute good (noumenally subjective) of the Holy Spirit of Heaven.  Whilst, in between, the relative evil (phenomenally objective) of the Unclear Light of Heaven contrasts with the relative good (phenomenally subjective) of the Unholy Spirit of the Void.