1.   Because the outer light is absolutely evil in relation to the relative evil of the inner light, one has a right to speak of it as divine absolute evil (objectivism) in relation to the divine relative evil (objectivity) of the inner light.  Conversely, because the inner spirit is absolutely good in relation to the relative good of the outer spirit, one can speak of it as divine absolute good (subjectivism) in relation to the divine relative good (subjectivity) of the outer spirit.


2.   Hence to contrast the divine absolute evil of the outer light with the divine absolute good of the inner spirit where the noumenal extremes are concerned, while reserving for the phenomenal middle-ground ... a contrast between the divine relative good of the outer spirit and the divine relative evil of the inner light.


3.   Because particles are objective (evil) and wavicles subjective (good), we can contrast the elemental photon particles of the outer light with the elemental photon wavicles of the inner spirit, while reserving for the phenomenal middle-ground a contrast between the molecular photon wavicles of the outer spirit and the molecular photon particles of the inner light.


4.   Hence from the elemental photon particles of divine absolute evil to the elemental photon wavicles of divine absolute good via the molecular photon wavicles of divine relative good and the molecular photon particles of divine relative evil, as from the Clear Light of the Void to the Holy Spirit of Heaven via the Unholy Spirit of the Void and the Unclear Light of Heaven.


5.   Just as we have drawn distinctions between absolute/relative divine good and evil, so can like absolute/relative distinctions be drawn between diabolic, purgatorial, and mundane (or worldly) good and evil, the good options being subjective and the evil ones objective, as before.


6.   Hence to contrast the elemental proton particles of the outer heat with the elemental proton wavicles of the inner soul, while reserving for the phenomenal middle-ground a contrast between the molecular proton wavicles of the outer soul and the molecular proton particles of the inner heat.


7.   Thus from the elemental proton particles of diabolic absolute evil to the elemental proton wavicles of diabolic absolute good via the molecular proton wavicles of diabolic relative good and the molecular proton particles of diabolic relative evil, as from the Clear Heat of Time to the Holy Soul of Hell via the Unholy Soul of Time and the Unclear Heat of Hell.


8.   Likewise to contrast the elemental neutron particles of the outer coldness with the elemental neutron wavicles of the inner mind, while reserving to the phenomenal middle-ground a contrast between the molecular neutron wavicles of the outer mind and the molecular neutron particles of the inner coldness.


9.   Thus from the elemental neutron particles of purgatorial absolute evil to the elemental neutron wavicles of purgatorial absolute good via the molecular neutron wavicles of purgatorial relative good and the molecular neutron particles of purgatorial relative evil, as from the Clear Coldness of Volume to the Holy Mind of Purgatory via the Unholy Mind of Volume and the Unclear Coldness of Purgatory.


10.  Finally, to contrast the elemental electron particles of the outer darkness with the elemental electron wavicles of the inner will, while reserving for the phenomenal middle-ground a contrast between the molecular electron wavicles of the outer will and the molecular electron particles of the inner darkness.


11.  Thus from the elemental electron particles of mundane absolute evil to the elemental electron wavicles of mundane absolute good via the molecular electron wavicles of mundane relative good and the molecular electron particles of mundane relative evil, as from the Clear Darkness of Mass to the Holy Will of the World via the Unholy Will of Mass and the Unclear Darkness of the World.