1.   The supernatural is what lies beyond nature or, more specifically, that which is positively supernatural ... is the ultimate supernature (in contrast to the negative supernature of what lies behind nature as its cosmic precondition).  Now if the elemental essence or, if you will, quality of nature is the electron, then the elemental essence of supernature is the photon, whether or not we then distinguish, as I have, between negative and positive supernature on the basis of a particle/wavicle dichotomy, with further subdivisions between the elemental absolutes and the molecular relativities in between - the former noumenal and the latter phenomenal.


2.   Be that as it may, we can have no hesitation in ascribing an electron attribute to nature (both negative and positive) and a photon attribute to supernature, while reserving for that which runs contrary to nature, viz. antinature, a neutron attribute, and for that which lies behind antinature, viz. anti-supernature, a proton attribute - the former basically quantitative and the latter fundamentally apparent.


3.   Now whereas nature is mundane, antinature is purgatorial.  And whereas supernature is divine, anti-supernature is diabolic.  Thus while nature and supernature, viz. the electron and the photon, appertain to the subjective side of the Universe, antinature and anti-supernature, viz. the neutron and the proton, appertain to its objective side.  Hence a distinction, one might argue, between the feminine earth and the divine Beyond (as well as stellar Heaven in the anterior context of negative Being), on the one hand, but between the masculine moon and the diabolic sun on the other hand, a distinction, in other words, between relative/absolute good and evil.  For where nature is phenomenally subjective and supernature ... noumenally subjective, antinature is phenomenally objective and anti-supernature ... noumenally objective.  Electrons/photons vis-à-vis neutrons/protons.